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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Dom

  1. I think they are very sturdy been using one since last season depends on your comfort baught at wallmart under 200
  2. we allways do our own who knows if you get back the deer you shot only the butcher?
  3. im going to get mine in augast should get dmp for my area my girl freinds father baught a regular sportsman last season payed for dmp and did not get one
  4. who really knows the legals on a bunch of things they sell related to hunting and fishing they must want us to take a chance just a nother money maker for the state
  5. Dom


    ive seen them a few time while hunting on the mountain where i hunt havent been able to get a shot at them any one ever shoot one or see on cameras
  6. Ihave several shot guns my favorite would be my 16guage mossburg it is a boltaction shoots just fine old but good not scoped 100YDS offhand
  7. plenty state property in dutchesscounty only good for bow or shotguns cannot hunt deer here with rifles dosent make sense some propertys in ulster and sullivan are just as populated as dutchess but shotgun only for deer here some regulations are not right ..
  8. I am looking for agood place to hunt pheasant do not want to pay 14 dollars apiece any more any ideas let me know
  9. have any of youall ever ate one they are good
  10. did not relyze they were open allready they taste great
  11. still use finger tabs do not really care for releases
  12. I believe we should be able to use them myself theres realy no good explination why we can not we can use rifles in some areas that we should not so why not
  13. do they sell them in New york if so they should be why market if we can not use them
  14. Dom

    I'm back

    steve welcome back is this aka raw tuna ha ha
  15. Fudd that is funny is your rifle taller than you are
  16. Ihunt eastern dutchess mostly some times i hunt near hydepark NY
  18. its not just coyotes it is also wild dogs people just drop off there unwanted dogs they have to eat to coyotes are good at cleanning gut piles game not found
  19. Seems to me not as many people allow hunting on there land anymore ive ask many farms to allow me to bow only the same answer no Ido not understand they get to take all the good land then they get crop damage permits and take what ever they want they must not know the racoons do the damage not the deer stupid asses
  20. im sure if youall just plant a good grass seed you will atract just as many deer deer are not as fussy as you think they are allways in my back yard no cameras to show but they are there
  21. at this time you may want to plant winter weat or maybe just soe your seeds and see what happens should be plenty time before upcoming season plot should still produce good hunting
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