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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Dom

  1. pheasants are in will be out there on sat
  2. with the temps being so warm how do you keep game cool not everyone have walkin freezers i quarter and put in spare fridge till i can cutup
  3. Dom


    here we go again wouldnt you know its raining again i dont know about youall but i would like snow instead
  4. whatcha all eating weve got a mess of cookbooks but allways seem to eat the same things any ideas looking for some good dishes any back straps yet
  5. turn the ringer off on phone totally for got its agood thing nothing was in my sights i would have been pist probably would have shot the damn thing
  6. Dom

    deer pee

    hey do any of you use fresh urine from your kills
  7. Dom


    what stops you from hunting for me its down poring rain I dont mind a lite rain it makes for a silent nice to get in nice and quite pooring rain sucks that the only thing to keep me out of the woods
  8. I dont think its an age thing i know many hunters fro 12 years to 75 most of the younger guys and gals are to busy with playing on pc and vid games also cant seam to get out of bed till the afternoon
  9. where is the 1 from downstate /county
  10. Dom

    October 1st

    Im goining out oct 1 to state land plan on being in before sun up this is a good time to see what is being pushed around been doing this for a few years alot of fun even if i do not get any birds
  11. I have eatin racoon and they are good been eating long time
  12. Dom


    I read an artical in here where some fools have shot before legal shooting light so I would worry about getting shot or shot at before wildgame would scare me i have been shot at so use a light when going to your stands and blinds
  13. I may be wrong not sure when i was younger my parents would contact DEC and would be able to purchase tags extra ones for what ever the prices were then i think then then they were 5$ im not sure if we can still I feel real bad times are hard and every little bit helps
  14. Hey fellas i have not even seen any hogs or pigs in NewYork except farm raised has anyone my family loves pork where are they
  15. Hope every ones enjoying there hunt to day its a might bit warm bet youall feel like you are in the south good news the temps will be falling this weekend so be on the look out game will be on the move good luck to all
  16. Dom

    Woollrich suits

    Im glad someone knows where to buy them going to be going real soon maybe they have my size if not I will still buy a set so i have them hope every one has a wonderfull season i know im gonna enjoy this year gonna be a real good time
  17. Dom

    Lighted Nocks

    I was thinking about the tracer knocks how do they work
  18. I have spent time on farm I did say that I agree with crop damage permits however deer are not the only animals causing the damage
  19. Good luck fellas W open on the 15 untill then its all smallgame for me
  20. I do agree with crop damage permits how ever most deer do not cause the problem racoons and other smallgame do so why cant we get permits for them as well in my area they shot more than 80 deer in just three nites over bait but we cannot they said too many deer in that area was driving through a few nites ago and guess what there is still a sign that reads stop killing but i know after jan 1 they will be doing the same thing this makes me sick all they did with them was pile up and burn why not feed the hungry
  21. Ok I need to know why this is called the Texas Heart shot do we not live in what every one calls TheBigApple why not call it The GRANNY SMITH SHOT :bye:
  22. Ive got an idea why dont we go back to when we could only Harvest bucks but this time only Harvest does then real reason most of us hunt is to provide extra meat for our familys and freinds so how about that thaught good idea I think
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