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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. Thanks for the tips. The latest one i made is a one sided call which I did taper the top of the right soundboard. I also rounded the side of the paddle that makes contact with the sound board. I would like to make one out of cedar but I don't know where to get single pieces of cedar from. The major hardware stores sell it by the pack and they are too thick. I don't have the right equipment to rip the pieces down to 1/8 or 1/4 inches. I was hoping to buy some cut to size like the basswood and poplar I bought at Home Depot and Michaels.
  2. "I know, just thought my luck was going to change" We should all be thankful for what we have cause no matter how bad one may think their life is, there is always some one else who's in worse shape. Having some extra $$ always helps with getting by but I'd take having good health and a loving family over $$ any day!
  3. Thanks John. Do ya think I'm getting antsy for May 1st?
  4. 31 days to go for opening day - Wild Turkey

  5. Ok so I decided to make another box call out of 1/8th" Basswood stock for sound boards and 1/4" stock for base and paddle and 2" poplar square blocks. I've also been wanting to try Pyrography so I decided to make my first project the paddle on my box call. Here are some pictures. I think it came out pretty nice. And this is what it sounds like: http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g382/jmasiakos/?action=view&current=DIYturkeyBoxCall.mp4
  6. Ok so who is going to play Friday's Mega Millions Jackpot? Just heard on the news that its $540 Million. I never play but I may have to just plunk down a few dollars for this one.
  7. Great video! I got one more year to go for my son before he can actually hunt big game!
  8. Wow! I think I'll stick to 40 yds max. Lol!
  9. I started making my own Turkey Box calls and I wanted to put a design on them. So I ended up picking up a woodburning kit at AC Moore yesterday and tried it out last night on some scrap pieces of wood. This one is my first attempt: And this one is my second attempt (free hand): Pyrography is like shooting your bow. You get better and better with practice.
  10. Awesome! I can't wait to get my son out there shooting with me. One year to go before he can hunt big game.
  11. I just wish my grass would stay green through the season. Too much clay on LI to grow anything.
  12. Yeah the ducks look like they're made from wood. Love my trophy cam!
  13. Nah! It would have had one capped in its a$$! LOL
  14. Police corralled a deer that was found running around in the Marble Hill projects. Poor deer looks hurt . . . http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/deer-wayward-doe-runs-wild-brooklyn-article-1.1050942
  15. I found this great Youtube video on how to properly skin a wild turkey for mounting. I may give it a go this spring of course assuming I fill one up some #5 shot. LOL
  16. Sometimes you have to let them live and learn on their own.
  17. Congrats to you on your grandson! Well my daughter just turned 15 and the boys started swarming. I always manage to bring up my firearm and knife collection during casual conversation whenever I can around them.
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