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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. So I took the last couple of days off and decided I to get the yard ready for Greek Easter by power washing my brick paver patio surrounded by a stone retaining wall, my front and rear stoops as well as some cement pots and a cement table and benches, and my patio furniture as well. I figured I'd be done in a few hours. Well....I started yesterday at about 1:30 pm and went nonstop until about 7:45 pm last night and the kicker was that I was only half way done. Today I started at about 9:30am and finished at 5:30 pm. My arms and back feel like they've even put through the ringer. There was a lot of moss growing between the joints of the pavers and it took forever to remove it. But I must say it looks great.
  2. Welcome to the forum. I actually could use your services. I have a nice 3' x4' piece of tanned deer leather and I've been trying to figure out what to have made out of it. I would welcome any suggestions.
  3. Great deal. Good luck with it.
  4. It will be here before you know it.
  5. Well since you posted one not in the feld then I'm gonna post another too. Here's one of me and my son early this morning sitting under the cherry tree admiring the view.
  6. Thanks. Hopefully this year's lead actor Mr Tom will be hanging upside down on a hickory limb at the end of the video.
  7. Unfortunately there are no pictures of the big Tom Although I brought my camera with the telephoto lens, from where I was standing, this guy was way too far - about 450 yards away. I had my spotting scope and my Binos and even without them this guy was huge. I counted 3 hens and 2 jakes walking along with him. Here is a picture of the field where he was strutting. The white dot is Mr. Tom. I'm standing on the deck of the house at about 450 - 500 yards away. My blind was set up about 200 yards to the left and off the picture. But I did put together a little video of my blind set up and a shortened version of the video from last years spring turkey hunt.
  8. What's on my mind you ask....? Turkeys!!!!!

  9. What's on my mind you ask....? Turkeys!!!!!

  10. Here's a little something for those PETA followers:
  11. Yesterday afternoon I saw a huge... I mean a HUGE Tom strutting in the field and he had three hens with him. There were a few other jakes as well. I can't wait till opening weekend.
  12. Nice! I'm heading up later this morning with my son. My brother in law was up last weekend and said he saw about 8 Toms and the wingspan on one was huge!
  13. to set up my turkey blinds, trail camera and to do some scouting. I'm hoping to see some Toms in the fields. Have not been up since December for Muzzy season.
  14. I don't deserve the credit for that. My daughter actually found the picture online and emailed it to me. I have it as my wallpaper on my iPhone, iPad and laptop.
  15. Happy and blessed Easter to all!
  16. My daughter just turned 15 and I trust her and her judgment. She is more mature than most of the girls her age. She has recently become interested in boys and has learned that most boys at her age are walking raging hormones. She is not allowed to date until she is 18 and she agrees, although if I had my way she'd be 35 when she goes on her first date. I always tell her that God gave you knees and thumbs for a reason. Use them wisely when necessary. I also plan on blowing up the following picture to poster size and hanging it on my living room wall next to my shotgun when the boys come knocking:
  17. Nice! The last one looks like it's sporting a huge paintbrush.
  18. They're strutting already!!
  19. Awesome pics! Looks like it was posing for you!
  20. Looks like a lot of fun! Good practice for shooting those flying turkeys! LOL! (just kidding)
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