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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Ever since I found a nest in my Lawn Tractor and ATV , I have declared WAR on Varmints . In the past few months I have caught several Voles and Chipmunks . This past week I caught Eight voles and Five chipmunks . I check the "trap line" at least twice a day .
  2. A friend sent this one to me ------------ After my recent Prostate Exam, which was the most thorough I've ever had, the Doctor left and the nurse came in. As she shut the door, she asked me a question I didn't want to hear. She said,"Who Was That Guy?"
  3. The prep stuff that you have to drink is much better than several years ago . When I had my 1st colonoscopy , I had to drink some stuff that was like drinking STP . Maybe it was so that the oscilloscope would slide in easier . At another time I told the 2 female attendants that I saw them before they put their masks on and I could identify them in case something went wrong . One said "my name is Mary" . The other said "my name is Mary . When the doctor came in , she said , "hello Mr McDonald , my name is Mary" .
  4. Wooly - I envy your artistic skills . I can't even carve a Turkey .
  5. Drove to Geneseo yesterday to check cameras and take care of some other business . As I drove down the right of way , a doe ran across of me and into the gully . Something else ran down the trail and it looked like a big Jack Rabbit . Not ! It was a fawn hauling butt .
  6. Well , so much for a rain shield . I will give it a try anyway . The Primos Truth cams have a partial front opening door . Rain gets in and the terminals get rusted / corroded . The Primos camera is the only one that seems to do this . Apparently my memory isn't very good . Maybe I was thinking the milk jug or something similar was your suggestion . OOPS !!!
  7. rob-c ---- You use the bottom of the jug that is flat and doesn't have a cap . A windshield bottle would be better as it is stiffer than a milk bottle .
  8. I have 3 Primos Truth cameras that have crapped out and no longer work . Water gets in the front and messes with the battery contacts . nyslowhand came up with an idea that I failed to try . He mentioned something about using a plastic milk bottle or other similar bottle and cutting the bottom off but leaving a long strip to place behind the trail cam so that the thing would shield the camera from the rain , etc .. I will have to try his idea sometime .
  9. Awesome work . Too nice to use though .
  10. That bird is lucky that he didn't get his pecker bent !
  11. Happy Birthday CCHC ! Have a great day ....
  12. Great Pics of the Pileated Woodpeckers ..........
  13. It would help deaden the sound . Moog is a big guy and probably makes a lot of noise when he moves around .
  14. Rob - It was a rhetorical question . I knew you were joking .
  15. Are you trying to be funny ? It's not a truck bed !
  16. It's free and I have no need to even look at the rest of the counties as I don't hunt them . But , I can see where others might not have a problem spending money to gain more information . I cannot get boundaries for Yates County either . I use Livingston , Ontario and Monroe .
  17. Huntstand will show property lines in Monroe and and Livingston Counties but not Wayne County and is FREE . http://huntstand.com/huntarea/133210/assets/
  18. It looks like Pygmy may have been in the area ........
  19. What I have is a LaCrosse unit . Similar units can be purchased in many stores from $12 on up . Mine would be similar to the the one in the link that I am posting but I paid around $12 in a store a few years ago . Tractor Supply sells these type of thermometers . It is just an indoor / outdoor digital thermometer . https://www.weathershack.com/product/la-crosse-technology-ws-9160u-it.html
  20. How is OnX better than Huntstand which is free ? Just asking ....
  21. You don"t need 10 bullets to kill a deah . ( Prince Andy ) . 9
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