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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Larry302 ---- I think I heard that on Lonsberry's show yesterday ........
  2. Well , it's a relief knowing that criminals will only be carrying 7 rounds in their clips / magazines !
  3. Some of the people that voted and gave their opinions didn't sound too swift . Where the hell did that one person get the "weapons of mass destruction" thought . And for those that talked the "protect the children line , from 2002 through 2009 , there were 1,004,127 abortions in New York State alone . Who protected these children ? Over one million lives cut short by doctors through abortions but that's okay ? http://www.abort73.com/abortion_facts/states/new_york/
  4. What cracked me up about the guys letter was this , "heavy tax­ation on ammunition and auto­matic weapons as a means of control." ........ Automatic weapons are illegal . How are they going to be taxed ? Ammo is already taxed under Pittman Robertson Act . If people cannot afford to buy ammo , who is going to pay for the biking / hiking trails , etc ..
  5. This was in today's D&C 2nd Amendment is an antiquated legal relic What needs to be done about gun violence is unlikely to happen so long as the Second Amendment remains the law of the land. I believe it’s time to repeal this antiquated legal relic. In the meantime, howev­er, legislators should enact burdensome and heavy tax­ation on ammunition and auto­matic weapons as a means of control. Enough is enough. LEE PRICE PERINTON
  6. It was a great day for a BBQ so I cooked up some venison backstraps with peppercorn/garlic marinate . Yummie !
  7. I gotta get one of these shirts ..........
  8. Maybe they were peeing out some of that Code Blue !
  9. Leave it to good ole Tench Coxe to say something so profound !
  10. I bought the Redfield Revenge scope today with gift cards and a coupon and plan to mount it tomorrow or Sunday .
  11. I have pictures of my last colonoscopy . I can post them if anyone wants to see a pretty and clean colon .
  12. In 1/11/13 Rochester D&C Lighten up on new laws, please If you see Kris Kristofferson around, please tell him thanks for writing the line “freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose” in his song “Me and Bobby McGee.” That thought is sage and very appropriate for America in the year 2013. In California, Gov. Jerry Brown has signed into law an astounding 876 new mandates. They all took effect last week. Now, in the Golden State, you can­not do the following: » Hunt a bear using trained dogs. Untrained canines are OK, I guess. And how would the authorities be able to tell? Would the dog have to take a test in the forest? » Sit in an off-road vehicle without being in a seat. You can’t sit on the floor or on the roof. Do off-road vehicles even have roofs? I don’t know. » Use a boat in a “freshwater body” without paying a separate fee. The pur­pose of the fee is to raise money to con­trol the influx of “invasive mussels.” I thought that was a 1950s monster movie. » Drive a party bus without a special license. Can’t wait to see that test. “Do you know the words to ‘Celebration’ by Kool and the Gang?” The list of new laws is almost end­less, and it is clear that Brown and the California legislature have been very busy thinking up ways to control every aspect of people’s lives. And that is what’s basically happening throughout this country. Politicians, some of them well-meaning, are trying to legislate ev­erything. New York’s Mayor Michael Bloom­berg doesn’t want us to be chubby, so he’s trying to ban soft drinks in large cups. The more laws that governments pass the less individual freedom there is. We Americans need to stop this nan­ny state stuff. Reasonable protections are fine. It should be a crime to text while driving. Here’s my pitch to Brown and other elected officials: Relax. The bears will be fine. The mussels will invade no mat­ter what you do. The parking meter deal isn’t important. OK?
  13. You don't want to sit on a toilet seat in a football stadium . A lot of guys are too lazy or too stupid to put the seat up when they take a leak and pee all over it . Tailgating might be a big part of that problem .
  14. Well , i'll be darned . I read where Redfield was welcomed back in the States and were owned by Leopold & Stevens . From what I could see after your post is they are apparently manufactured in the Phillipines . Anyway , they have excellent clarity and easy to adjust the view . I liked the Redfield Revenge better than any other scope I had looked at . http://redfield.com/redfield-revenge/
  15. Anyone have one ? Opinions ? Redfield is owned by Leopold and manufactured in the USA .
  16. Took the plunge today and bought the Savage 220 with black stock . Picked up the scope rail and some new blue loc-tite . The shop didn't have the scope mounts that were recommended so I went to the Walworth Custom Gun Shop and talked to Dave . The recommended mounts were Weaver style Leopold Mounts ( $40 ). Dave showed me the Weaver mounts . I asked what the difference was and he replied " about $25 " . I havn't bought a scope yet but I figured it would be a 40 or 42 mm objective . I have looked at Burris , Leopold , Nikon , Bushnell , Weaver and Redfield . I like the Redfield Revenge the best of any of the scopes . Redfield is owned by Leopold .
  17. I know the deer will change their routes when the crops start growing but it's fun to get out there and see them and where they have been traveling . I just don't care to go through the deep snow . I guess I will have to give the snowshoes a try .
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