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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I removed some offensive posts
  2. I quit keeping my hunting records many years ago . I am 82 and those stone tablets were heavy and took up too much room .
  3. I still have a landline . No phone connected . I have to for strictly sending / receiving faxs . I still get people ( spammers ) trying to call the phone .
  4. Here's a couple from the 90's .
  5. Back then , the best time to shoot a deer was around 9:30 - 10 am . Hunters would get up off their butts and head back to their vehicles to get some coffee or sandwich . That would get the deer moving . Lots of hunters in the woods . Also I don't recall ever seeing anyone with a backpack back in the 60's .
  6. I remember most of that . Sitting on the ground with your back against a ice cold tree . Does weren't legal to shoot unless you were wearing a Team arm band . 4 hunters could sign up to get a doe permit . Only the hunter wearing the arm band could shoot the doe . If you smoked , you had to put your cigarette down in order to shoot . Hand warmers ran on lighter fluid and smelled . When I started deer hunting in 1965 , I never heard of anyone hunting from a tree or a tree stand .
  7. Got some pictures of a few survivors . Didn't shoot the fawns and several made it through the season . The camera date and time is correct .
  8. Someone offered to purchase the site some time ago and got no response from the site owner . Burmjohn kinda locked things up when we were getting all those spams from various people .
  9. Burmjohn is the owner / Admin of this site . He posts on facebook and is still alive .
  10. Did someone just come out of a Coma ? No one has been able to join for some time . WNYBuckhunter and I have both contacted Burmjohn , the site owner , with no luck . Burmjohn is the only one that can open the door and let new people join the site . It's all up to him .
  11. No . Did you want some ?
  12. Nope . Zero warning points .
  13. I have a target set up but it's only an 11 yard shot . I haven't shot since bow season . Gotta get back into it .........
  14. It's gotta be the Bills .......... Not sure how many let downs I have left !
  15. When my oldest son , who I reload for , was ejecting a live round , the bullet came apart . First time that ever happened . I told him to to take the rest of the bullets and see if they would pull apart and they didn't . He had it happen a second time and it really bothered me that this could happen . I thought that maybe the OAL was a bit much and that the bullet itself was sticking in the chamber and coming apart when the live round is ejected . It had NEVER done this before . Then it dawned on me that the last reloads I had done were with New 270 brass that I didn't think needed to be resized and I had always resized all other brass prior to reloading . Does this make sense ?
  16. Happy Birthday Doc ! Have a great day !
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