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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Come to think of it I believe the HSS has the safety strap sewed in 3 spots so it can rip , rip , rip and break the fall without jarring the heck out of a person . My preference is to have just enough slack so I can sit down without any strap tension .
  2. I recall reading an article several years ago called "Hunting The T's" . It said Ten , Twelve , Two and Three were some of the best times to see buck movement . The writer based it on his sightings .
  3. I will go with Safety over putting slack in the strap . I'd rather not be able to take the shot than snap my back from a sudden jolt . Then again , if you aren't putting too much slack in the strap , you would probably be okay . No criticism intended ---- just an opinion .
  4. The same goes for cell phone cases . Drop it and you are done for !
  5. Nice pics ......those are some great looking bucks !
  6. I no longer use the Tink's 69 because so many people use it that it is all over the place so I feel that the deer are used to it . I want to try something different . The Code Red has been around for a few years . http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4413824
  7. Has anyone tried this deer attractant ? I'm not sure if it is an artificial scent or not but I happened to see it in a DICK's flyer .
  8. Get them a box of DEPENDS . Us old folks like their comfortable fit and ease of use !
  9. I know it won't help you for bow season but you might be able to get some tags for gun season . I have been lucky with the tags over the years . Just a good deer populated area .
  10. Dick's sells a treestand skirt / blind that is portable . It straps to a tree and can be adjusted . Not sure if that might work for what you want but check it out . Here is the link ........... http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4110105
  11. I saw where some stores had barrel condoms to slip over the barrel and were a bit pricey . I take a surgical gloves and cut the fingers off so they are about 1 1/4" long . Slip the cutoff on a finger and roll it up so it looks like a mini condom . Then slip it over the barrel to keep dirt & debries out . It will come off when you shoot your ML . I keep a couple extra with my possibles .
  12. Don't forget to wax your bowstring often . It will last longer . Not only wax it but occasionly remove the old wax . I take a 12" piece of dental floss and wrap it around the string . Hold the bow tight between your legs and pull the floss with both hands . You should be able to squeeze out the old wax with dirt / grit . Then rewax the string . I tie loops in the dental floss ends and slip pencils in the loops so I can pull better . Just an idea !
  13. What the Legislatures often do is put a Bill like the above with another bill that folks want / lump them together and then vote on it . That's how they slip some through !
  14. Sorry to hear that Geno . Might you be able to get tags when they have the extras later in the season or won't that help . I forget when they have those ---- early November ?
  15. More power ! rrrrrrrrrrr ! rrrrrrrrrrrr ! rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !
  16. Makes me wonder if these yahoos have even taken or will take the Crossbow Hunter Safety Course !
  17. What WNYBuckhunter said and You might want to check with some of the farmers in the Pittsford / Mendon area and ask permission . You should have been doing this months ago .
  18. Tell me about it . Try editing out 5 minutes of lighting a fuse !
  19. I think they made the new tags out of recycled Toilet Paper !
  20. I always remember the old saying ------ " If mama ain't happy , ain't nobody gonna be happy " !
  21. CulverCreek ----- Go into your Profile and click on "Notification Options" and see if there is anything you want to check / uncheck to get what you want . I hope this helps !
  22. I am not getting any e-mail notificatios and that works for me !
  23. The video was fine . The stands look quite open / no cover . All the trees look like the limbs start way up high . Maybe the stands are high enough so that it won't matter .
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