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Everything posted by airedale

  1. I don't always agree with Ted but in this particular case he hit the nail right on the head as far as I am concerned. Al
  2. Ted's Take. http://rare.us/story/nugent-zimmerman-verdict-vindicates-citizen-patrols-self-defense/?utm_source=MGA&utm_medium=MGA&utm_campaign=Nugent+on+Zimmerman
  3. One can not open their newspaper or watch any news broadcast without being deluged with the goings on at the Zimmerman Martin Trial which a racially motivated spectacle. Below is the coverage of a murder that happened in Syracuse a few weeks ago by a local blogger. He is mad as hell and I don't blame him, where is the national outrage?, where is the national media frenzy? ==================================== Murdering Black Mobs Come to Syracuse, Local Media and City Officials Run Interference for Them by Matt Forney on May 31, 2013 in Society I try not to do current events blogging because it’s boring and superfluous. The world doesn’t need another self-important keyboard warrior writing deep thoughts about something that some politician said or some other news story that people will forget next week. Nonetheless, I have to write about this story because I have local expertise that other bloggers in this part of the Internet don’t: Syracuse, NY — Authorities have charged two teenagers in the May 23 attack and subsequent death of a 51-year-old Syracuse man outside a South Side market. A 13-year-old and a 15-year-old have each been charged with first-degree manslaughter in the killing of Michael Daniels, Syracuse Police Chief Frank Fowler and Mayor Stephanie Miner said at a news conference Thursday night. Daniels was standing alone outside Los Amigos Market at the corner of Cannon Street and West Brighton Avenue around 9:40 p.m. on May 23 when when he was attacked by a group of teenagers. Police said the teens repeatedly punched Daniels and then kicked him in the head while he was on the ground. He died a day later at Upstate University Hospital. Fowler said the two teens were taking part in “Knockout,” a game in which people randomly target someone on the street and try to knock the person out by punching them. Don’t you just love the mainstream media, how effortlessly they omit and contort stories that don’t fit their prefab worldview? I grew up in Syracuse, so I can provide a local perspective on this. Here are the facts, for those of you keeping score: These “teenagers” were black. Whenever a news story fails to mention the race of the perp, it’s because they’re either black or Latino. This attack happened in the South Side, a run-down, primarily black ghetto where convenience store owners have to put bars on their windows to deter theft and the only booming businesses are pawn shops and payday loan sharks. Put two and two together. The man they killed, Michael Daniels, was white. These black teenagers were playing Knockout King, a game where you go around finding white people to beat up and put in the hospital. It’s also called “polar bear hunting,” and you can figure out why. There are literally hundreds of documented cases across the U.S. in the past 5-6 years of black teenagers swarming on hapless white people and putting them in the hospital for kicks, sometimes even killing them. Ex: Carter Strange. Additionally, as commenters at the Post-Standard pointed out, the story’s author, Ken Sturtz, omitted the graphic details of what these “teenagers” did to Daniels. They didn’t just beat him to death, they popped his eyeball out of its socket and laughed about it. Let’s get one thing clear to Chief Fowler and Mayor Miner: what these black kids did is not manslaughter, it is murder. They were playing a game that involves physically assaulting other people, which is the definition of premeditation. Sitting around laughing at how you beat a man so severely that you knocked his eyeball out of its socket is the exact definition of a depraved-heart homicide, which constitutes second-degree murder in the U.S. More importantly, what these kids did was a hate crime. These black kids specifically went out of their way to attack a white man solely for being white. Every single documented case of Knockout King/polar bear hunting, from Chicago to Philadelphia, has shown the exact same pattern: blacks going out of their way to beat up, maim, injure and kill whites. If two white teenagers from DeWitt or Skaneateles had beaten and killed a black man, Miner and Fowler wouldn’t hesitate to charge them with a hate crime. But because the colors are reversed, they and the Post-Standard are covering up what was effectively a lynching. This comment by Fowler is the most disgusting of them all: “A man lost his life because a group of young people decided to play this very dangerous game,” Fowler said. Is this guy insane? You’d think he was talking about some kids planking on a railroad track or chugging vodka in their parents’ basements. These monsters headed out the door specifically to hurt and kill someone, and this is all you have to say? I am nobody of importance, but I can’t say silent on this. If the hacks at the Post-Standard and in the Syracuse PD aren’t willing to do their jobs on their own, we have to shame them into it. The city of Syracuse must charge these vicious killers with both murder and a hate crime, and the Post-Standard’s reporters need to stop hiding the facts of the case out of fear of being called “racist.” And if Mayor Miner and Chief Fowler are too cowardly to do their jobs, the Onondaga County DA needs to step in and do it for them. And I don’t want to hear anyone making excuses for these little scumbags. I don’t want to read leftist hacks from Syracuse University writing guest editorials on how America’s “institutional racism” or “lack of educational opportunities” led these kids to murder this guy. I don’t care how poor or marginalized you are, there is no justification for seeking out someone at random and beating them to death. None. I especially don’t want to hear Fowler blaming these attacks on “boredom.” When I was a kid and I was bored, I went outside to play, played video games, or read a book. Gang-swarming on some poor stranger and putting him in the hospital never crossed my mind, and anyone who would do that for fun is a sociopath with no place in civilized society. These “teens” beat Michael Daniels to death for one reason and one reason only: they hate white people. They’ve been told to hate whites since they were old enough to comprehend words. They’ve been told by their mothers, their teachers, their role models that whites are oppressing them, stealing from them, and are responsible for all the misery in their lives. Is it any wonder that blacks across America are beating up and abusing whites like this? You want to talk about “institutional racism?” Let’s talk about the institutions that tell poor blacks that stomping random white people to death is socially acceptable. Again, I’m not an important person, but I’m not keeping my mouth shut on a disgusting story like this.
  4. I have been sick of it for a long time and it ain't just land taxes!
  5. I have eaten them many times and they are very good, any kind of rabbit or squirrel recipe works well. Al
  6. A few years back I reached in to clean out one of mine and had a Flying Squirrel bail out, startled the heck out of me for a second. Al
  7. There is nothing more fun in my book than hunting with dogs be it Birds, Coons, Rabbits or Varmints. That original post is so full of crap and lies it is pitiful. Al
  8. Ain't that the truth, it is amazing how creative these lawmakers are, I believe here in NY they have a think tank the sole purpose of which is to devise new taxes and fees many that are hidden.
  9. I am glad to see these politicians with the guts to make a statement, good for them!!!
  10. I believe Reed will be a Hall Of Famer.
  11. Take the time to sign Assembly member Tenney's Petition tenney4ny.com
  12. Thank you for contacting me concerning the Governor's Gun Control Law known as the NY SAFE Act. I share your concerns about this ill-conceived legislation. Since day one, I have advocated for the rights of law-abiding residents, and have openly debated and spoken out against this misguided piece of legislation. As a mother, I too, am concerned about the safety of our children and all of our vulnerable citizens and would like to find solutions to cure the ills in our society which lead certain people to commit horrific crimes. We must assess the causes and seek real and meaningful solutions to these heinous acts. Manipulating our constituents with hollow political rhetoric leaves us less safe and provides a false sense of security to our citizens. Jobs, constitutional rights and our upstate culture are being eroded by the political rhetoric advanced by the Governor and many downstate legislators. . In response to this flawed bill rammed through the legislative process by the Governor and downstate legislators, Second Amendment advocacy groups, such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) and New York State Rifle and Pistol Association (NYSRPA), and other grass roots groups are filing suit and taking this hastily-crafted law to court. I have also created an online petition which I urge you and your friends to sign asking for a total repeal of this bill or at least a series of amendments so that we begin to address the root cause of this violence. Please sign the petition at tenney4ny.com. On February 28th, a rally is being held in Albany's West Capitol Park to express our First Amendment right to speak out against the infringement of our Second Amendment rights. If you would like to attend, please keep up-to-date on the event through my Facebook page and my website listed above. For some specific answers to your questions on this legislation, please see the attached link provided by New York State, http://www.governor....gun-reforms-faq or by calling 1-855-LAW-GUNS. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Claudia Tenney Member of Assembly P.S. Please see the attached links to view a brief video of the floor debates on gun control and access the Assembly Minority Sportsmen Caucus Facebook page. YouTube: http://youtube/fAMX3TP1_DQ Facebook: https://www.facebook.../nysamsportsmen
  13. At one time New York was a hot bed of US gun mfg. Baker LC Smith Lefever Ithaca Savage Remington, Kimber and Henry still here but how much longer do they stick around?
  14. http://centralny.ynn...ting-remington/
  15. ALBANY, N.Y. — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's popularity has plummeted among Republicans, Democrats and independents after he pushed tougher gun control measures into law after the Connecticut school massacre. The Quinnipiac (KWIHN'-uh-pee-ak) University poll released Wednesday shows the Democrat dropped from his all-time high approval rating of 74 percent in December to 59 percent now. Quinnipiac's Maurice Carroll, however, says the results go beyond the gun law and shows concern about Cuomo's liberal turn this year. Cuomo blames the drop on the public's misunderstanding of the gun measures, which he rushed into law without public hearings or the required public review period. He says they won't infringe on gun owners' rights and will save lives. Quinnipiac questioned 1,127 voters from last Wednesday to Sunday. The poll has a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.
  16. The truth on whether an AR rifle was used is huge, the whole uproar and premise of this clamoring for the banning of assault rifles was over the Sandy Hook incident.
  17. Hey ekp they are among the best dogs going in my opinion, if you ever get the inkling to get another one let me know. I run the Traditional Working Airedale message board, we are all about hunting with Airedales if you are interested. http://traditionalairedale.proboards.com/index.cgi?
  18. A good example showing when a group bucks up boycotting and standing together for a cause that things happen!
  19. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/23/gun-show-bans-products-targeted-by-left
  20. One after one, the exhibitors and sponsors stated, “We must be united in our support of the Second Amendment.” No more divides between the engraved-shotgun/sporting clays crowd and we more grubby gun owners. We’re all in — or we are OUT. AMEN!!!!
  21. Q: How can I reduce the amount of mail I receive from the NRA? A: Simply email us at [email protected] or dial 800-NRA-3888 and request to be placed on the "Do Not Promote" list. This will significantly reduce the amount of mail you receive without affecting important mailings, magazine service, or your membership renewal.
  22. Blueticks are fairly large trail hounds used mostly for Coon hunting and various big game such as Bear and Lion. I have hunted behind a couple of Blueticks that were pretty fair rabbit dogs. They make great pets but once trained for hunting have a tendency to take an interesting track and follow it to wherever it goes so they should not be allowed to run loose without supervision. The books "Walk With Wick" 1 and 2 written by John Wick are probably the best books I have read for training this breed. A Google search will put you in touch with a vendor that sell those books. Good luck with you new dog. Al
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