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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I just checked the map. It is 8N. Sits on the western edge of the unit
  2. Sorry, don't know what you are saying. Where are you saying Letchworth state park is in?
  3. if you use the map I linked to make sure you open the layers, button in the upper right area. them make sure WMU's box is checked. It will let you see right where everything is.
  4. I asked becasue of the neighboring land permission issue. Without permission you would have to anchor them with the shot. Unfortunately most beans are long gone by the time gun season rolls around. With a bow I would bet 9 times out of 10 that a hit deer is headed right into those neighboring woods. Sure would be an awesome spot to glass and see what is out there.
  5. Idiots!! I knew what he meant when he said it. Where was the media when Biden talked about still having a Beretta to use if anyone came after his shotgun?
  6. I can just picture it when the officer gets a transfer or take a week off to hunt himself...." but ....but....but the other guys said it was ok to break the law"
  7. If you get into 7R the probability is High for second choice. AND if you select a spot in Tioga county in 7R your rifles are OK to use.
  8. Check the state DEC interactive map. I can tell you that 7R (pretty much a straight shot down 81 for you) is LOADED with state land and after the first week it gets almost no pressure.
  9. 9 posts in and admits to breaking the law and will continue to do it. SMFH
  10. That has been my driving force since it became clear that he was gettign the nomination. There is definitely one and possibly more given the ages of the Justices. I can live through a Hillary term but SCOTUS is a lifetime appointment and I know the type she will try to put in.
  11. I said something similar the other day. Specifically about the lack of Trump bumper stickers that I see around. I was talking to a group while golfing and we got on the topic of politics. They were firmly backing trump. (6 of them). I was actually surprised becasue I hadn't heard any of them voice that before. They said they wouldn't put up lawn sign, stickers or talk about their support because of how rabid the left is in their opposition to Trump and they don't want the hassle. Makes me wonder how many closet supporters are out there.
  12. If the objective #2 wasn't met then an early ML season would be introduced. It does NOT say September (although that is when I think it makes the most sense). I can tell you from personal conversations September wasn't their first choice.
  13. It was actually outlined in their plan. If the step #? to implement a doe only in bow doesn't work, an early ML season would be introduced, and possibly IN bow season. DEC was clear in their plan.
  14. My gun hunting camp is in 7R. I get my tags for there. Many years I get 2 but sometimes just 1. I live in 8H. That is where I bow hunt and an occasional gun hunt. I also hunt early ML up in 5H (northern Zone) Typically the either antlerless only bow/ML tag get used up north with the ML. The doe tags are for an area that I don't bow hunt. I get the 8H tags in the late November lottery and only have a couple weekends to use them. If I had them from the start of bow I could fill more.
  15. Never used the coating. With things like this you want a complete system. By the letter for what the mastic/adhesive calls for.
  16. should have the vapor barrier behind the cement board. I carry from the ceiling out onto the base. Install the cement board and trim. if there is ever any moisture that gets through the tile it goes down and to the base. The biggest issue I see with tiled or stone shower walls. The owners almost NEVER keep up on sealing the grout and stone. Stay up on that and you won't have an issue.
  17. I've posed this question and the response was their software system is not currently capable of doing that. If that is the case they should go to a had issued tag out of the region 8 office. (or other appropriate region office). Bring a filled tag in and get another. I wouldn't even care if they charged a nominal fee for each time.
  18. If you shoot her in September or October she isn't there to get bred and carry those. 1-3 fawns. Having a preference one way or another is fine but that logic won't hold.
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