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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I can't speak for anyone other than myself Grow. I have taken care of 4 bears. one was as easy as backing the truck up. One was driving a wheeler to it and the other two were about a half mile drag to transportation. We put two of us dragging and it went pretty well. the one drag was for a 275#, the others were under 250. I have had worse drags with big bucks. Don't get me wrong, it is physical but so it gettign that 12 pointer out of some of the areas we hunt.
  2. I had almost 30 years in the woods before I had a chance at a bear in NY. My father had 50 years in before his. I know several hunters that hunt NZ and SZ and are better than 30 year veterans to NY deer woods and they have never seen one in the woods during the season. How many of those hunters in your camp are in the same boat? SO if the chance is such a rarity, why even consider putting the brakes on a young hunter? It could be their only chance in their lifetime. If you are a mentor, prepare for the possibility and then go have fun with the kids.
  3. I think this is being over stated a bit. The transport and handling is the key. There is no difference in the killing and gutting. Honestly, except for the texture and amount of fat there is no difference in processing. I haven't looked into much data for NY on this but having been to a "bear camp" in Canada for 3 years, I bet Ontario post a higher weight average for the bear take. That said from my observations there and the bears my hunting partners have taken in NY, I bet 90% of the bears taken are 250# or under and better than 50% are under 200#. We aren't talking about getting a moose out of the Yukon here. Should all aspect be considered, sure, even for adults hunting. There are members on this board that couldn't drag a 1.5 year old deer a half mile out of the woods. I would bet that the kids being taken out by mentors are being placed in good and easily accessible spots. I would bet that the vast majority aren't going 3-5 miles back in the bush with a brand new youth hunter. Just my 2 cents.
  4. Bear is truly the basis for "you are what you eat. The first I ever tried had spent it's life eating at the dump and it was one of the worst things I have ever eaten. Bears in the wild are delicious and you nailed it with having to cook it raised. It is good in stews as well.
  5. Wish I could hit the like button a bunch on this
  6. So you go out rabbit hunting and flush a grouse? You don't take it? Wouldn't take a coyote while deer hunting? How about the overlap for bow and turkey?
  7. Huh? You have never shot a target of opportunity? the vast majority of bears in NY are taken as a by product of deer hunting.
  8. Get the bear skinned for a rug, sell the rug and get a Euro mount for the youth hunter to keep as a memento. The two rugs I have had done, the taxidermist didn't even want a deposit becasue he knew he could turn them for a buck if the hunter didn't show to pick it up. As far as the meat, for the average size bear in NY they would end up with less meat than they would have from shooting a year and a half old whitetail. The yeild is incedibly low for the bears
  9. exactly which ones did you get? If it is the hybrids, I thought they were designed to be used in smooth bore and rifled barrels.
  10. And Moog hit it on the head. The one thing the animals can't do and it is defy the laws of nature. They can't get scent to move up the wind current to that very sensitive nose. best part of playing the wind as your #1 strategy is it is FREE. Yes I've shot deer downwind of me and some pretty good ones but my first thought when looking at any stand site or approach path is the wind.
  11. I think it has to do with the Model of each as well. I have a Simmons Aetec (Just for Pygmy- it is a 2.8-10x44...lol)and it has been a great scope, very clear and solid when I bought it I think the cost was 180-200. I had a Nikon fail after one season but is was one that came on a "combo". I think you are spot on with the purchase of bargain basement glass.
  12. So very sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family find peace.
  13. I don't think Chapin goes big enough with a 3 point rig but they put out a great product. I think their biggest is a tow behind. How many gallon tank and what spray width are you looking for? they actually are pretty easy to fab yourself and would be a lot cheaper. My buddy and I did our own lawn sprayer that mounted on the back of the lawn tractor.
  14. i see the 2400 it generates a bit more velocity than the unique that I am using in the 357 mag, but dam, that is about twice the amount of powder to do it.
  15. grandfather , I believe the bow class was the same way. Could be wrong, a bit before my time.
  16. I reload all of my calibers but my main hunting calibers are for 308 win.(Encore handgun) - Hornady 130 gr SP over 39.5 grains of H4895 (reduced recoil load) Remington Magnum primer 30-06 -165 gr Sierra Game king over 51 grains of 4007SSC with CCI primers 270 Win- 130 gr Nosler Accubond over 50.5 gr of 4007SSC with CCI Primers 357 magnum- 158 gr Winchester Jacketed hollow point over 7.5 gr Unique with CCI primers.
  17. Don't know how it is going to pan out but betting there were hookers involved.
  18. Just did some spicy zucchini pickles this weekend from 3 that got too big for much. Took all the seeds and inside less firm portion out before slicing them. Hot peppers, onions and hot garlic. These are canned, so no refrigeration required until open.
  19. Not disagreeing on that point. Like so many other issues that arise in the state the mindsets are polar opposites with the City and Upstate. I know we are about as opposite as the city upstate positions but let me ask you in all seriousness. Since we are really trying to limit the crime caused with firearms, (curtail criminals). Would you support a mandatory death penalty for any crime where a firearm was used?
  20. Actually the support was from the city. Upstate was quite he opposite two totally different cultures
  21. I ran into the same issue on Lake Ontario in the town near Rochester. No firearm discharge. As long as we were in a boat or standing out beyond the water line the DEC told us we were fine. local Officers came twice and we did have to get a bit firm with them becasue they didn't know the law or boundaries. DEC cleared it up for them. (no town park issue at that location)
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