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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I liked it becasue you come across as a whiner. If you don't like the site...SEE YA.
  2. Knew about it...He still has close ties back there to those running the show.
  3. nickle a round and $25 a firearm. They expect a legal challenge. If is goes through what do you think the next increase will be? I bet that tax gets increased the day after a favorable court ruling. No let me put on my tin foil hat. With Obama's ties to Chicago, does anyone think he didn't know about this?
  4. http://www.nbcchicago.com/blogs/ward-room/Preckwinkle-Cook-County-Budget-174747131.html
  5. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2012/10/18/chicago-gun-violence-tax/1640707/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+usatoday-NewsTopStories+(News+-+Top+Stories) Proposing a $0.05 tax per bullet. she expects a legal challenge.
  6. wdswtr --- Thanks. I have enjoyed this. One of the more interesting reads. Brings back some very fond memories for me. Grow---sorry for the thread detour.
  7. Willy, I have a similar lease. many times I see signs stretched flat around the tree and as soon as the tree grows it pulls the staples throught the sign. If you are stapling directly staple the sign with at least 4' of slack in the center vertical. The better option is to use plywood with Alum. nails on the top and bottom center. then staple the the plywood
  8. I can respect that. Obama instills that same fear in me. his(an his party's) views and stance on some other important issues have and will make my living more difficult. Prior to November 6th I will continue to think you are a pinko commy and you can think me the fascist pig....On the 7th I would still buy you a beer and swap hunting stories....lol. Just different views. Mind if I ask what you do for a living? PS, I would invite you too Virgil
  9. I believe the fact he would be involved in a re-election would make him more gun friendly regardless of any personal views.
  10. Sogaard, I believe he is in favor of further restrictions. Will he hit the 2nd head on. No way. Is further restriction in the future with him. I believe it is. Is it in the future with Romney? I don't believe so, if he wants reelection. As I stated previously I believe the potential SCOTUS appointments are more important tha who sits in office. We stand a better chance of a middle of the road to right with Romney. Obama's will be left of center. I would bet pay on it.
  11. You missed his point. $hit happens, everyone knows it BUT if you are on a long track job something went wrong. If it all went right there wouldn't be a long tracking job. Pretty simple concept. And as I said, I don't like traking. I can and do participate in it but in no way LOVE it. I actually think it sucks. I would much rather see it fall in site and enjoy the moment rather than stressing about if there will be an animal on the end of the trail or not. Sounds to me like you are a little sensative about the topic. That in itself may speak volumes about your comment.
  12. That is what he said exactly. I even use it now when on a tough tracking job or in red leaves. and you can see the white in the woods as a trail marker that you don't need to pick up.
  13. Agree 100% and that match up doesn't care how custom the gun or ammo is. mismatched custom ammo will likely shoot worse than premium OTC that is matched correctly.
  14. I have often said about game that you are what you eat (especially bears), but I never thought about it in the syrup. Makes perfect sense and a very interesting read. In your opinion is there a difference in taste in a 100% boil down vs the use of an RO?
  15. I only buy NY syrup. Might be in my head but i like ot better...lol
  16. Well I guess some people have to try and buy skill if they can't develope it.
  17. Saying case closed, chump, doesn't make it so. Did you look at the links for typical over the counter ammunition? you can find rounds that out perform in either caliber so don't try to sell a blanket statement. You are full of BS
  18. I can understand the infatuation to Big Bird. Do you have any idea the size of the deep fryer needed for those wings?
  19. Pygmy and Doc should be oin here any minute talking about how excited they were about Jefferson
  20. I kinda can since the thread is about gun control and you interjected the other topics of abortin and gay marriage. He was commenting on your desires and your not being concerned for others feedoms. His focus o the OP has been on the rights. He sin't claiming "desires" and "freedoms" should be protected. That is the way I read it anyway
  21. Hey Biz. I didn't state it. It is in the Federal Premium charts I attached. Did you even bother to look? Of course not. Where is the WSM for that manufacturer? THey don't make it. . You are comparing apples and oranges. The freaking Weatherby ammo is damn near custom ammo. And FYI the chart has the bullet still rising at 200 becasue the zero is at 300. A 22 LR does the same thing...lol
  22. Well abortion isn't a rights issue in my mind (unless you mean the baby's rights) Don't remember seeing that right enumerated anywhere. Gay marriage falls in teh same arena. not a right. the 2nd ammendment is however a right.
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