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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by tughillhunter

  1. I signed myself up for the bow course. I cant wait!! After all the talk on this site, I am gonna do it. Now, I need some help from you all on gettin the right set up. Takin the course in august, so i should be healed up by then.
  2. lol. I found mine too, but left it in my tool box. it was destroyed. it was actually pulled off, not cut. it hurt so bad. I actually thing it hurts more than my knee blowing out a few years ago. Then when they cleaned it.... oh my gosh. no shot or nothing. It was torture.
  3. dog bit it off!!??? Thats crazy. Musta hurt like heck. Yeah, all my tendons are messed up pretty good i guess. it sucks.
  4. tughillhunter

    bow fishing

    i heard they were good, but idk if id try it...
  5. its throbbin pretty good this mornin
  6. here is the pic. noot a good one, nurse said i cant do it.
  7. Paula, its my middle finger, lol. So the way Im wrapped up, im flippin everybody off, lol.
  8. tug once had 10 fingers..... now I only have 9.5. got finger caught under a piece of steel and sheared it clean off..... couldnt save it cause it was crushed. Id post a pic, but its kinda graphic...... outta work for aa bit. Begged to go back, but its the fear of bone infection i guess.
  9. built a tower and log home there back in 2002. stayed at the comfort inn. Ate at some restaraunt called the red apple or something.
  10. very rare thing to stumble upon i must say. awesome pic!
  11. I got rid of my cell cause my gf was driving me batsh_t insane with lookin up texts and askin whos who over and over. Best thing I ever did, lol.
  12. Call around and get the highest bidder... If you can handle cuttin your own and taking it to the yards, go for it, keep the tops and sell for firewood for a lil extra profit or if you burn wood, there you go. I live in oswego county, so I cant help you there.
  13. Thats a heluva nice patio. Looks great!
  14. Lets just say im the guy that will take in what he wants, where he wants, whenever he wants, within reason.
  15. I still have a lil time yet..... My lil girl is only 9. But, I have my lil speech already planned out
  16. I built a 10x20 composite deck a few years ago. It is beautiful, but i am kicking myself in the arss for where i put it. And i went with the pvc railing system, and living on the tug with a metal roof in the winter, sure does kick the pvc railings butt. Replaced it twice. Now im taking it down every year. If you make a good vapor barrier, you wont need to worry about the mold and stuff. Half of mine is on the ground then slopes out a lil bit. No mold yet.
  17. been there, done that..... you cant do better??
  18. First one? yeah right, lol.(kidding) Looks great, good job.
  19. gonna eat it, lol. Mount the next one.
  20. Dave, you take some really amazing pics.
  21. hes keepin his pimp web foot strong!!
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