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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by TreeGuy

  1. So u know how u watch the hunting shows and see crazy things done and wonder if it's actually possible for YOU to do it ? I found myself watching a hunting show a few weeks back where they showed a commercial for the mojo " shoot and scoot ". It's a life sized full strut tom decoy, but the catch is that it's designed for you to crawl behind so you can get hot and aggressive Tom's to come into fight you, basically, getting on top of you for you to shoot. Well, I YouTubed it and saw a few compilations that had me laughing at how close and fast these Tom's would come in to these guys laying behind the decoy. It was actually so rediculous that I just had to try it. Took my 75$ gift card to cabelas and got me one........ So, got it home, and since it came with a fabric fan I decided to use the kit to accommodate a real fan and used one I had from a few years ago... I was pumped. A little uneasy if it would work, but still very excited. Watched the video a few more times over the next couple of days for motivation... than it came time to practice. I quickly realized that using my 870 w/ a 28" barrel was not going to be easy when I'm on my face skull dragging towards a long beard, so I decided I'd just throw on my slug barrel. When I got upstairs to the gun case I had yet another crazy idea, my father had let me hold on to his very old single shot 12ga which had been cut down to just legal barrel length ( protection gun ). It was the perfect tool for the job. Now I was ready. Took a couple practice shots to group ole shorty and realized I better have him within 15 yards to get a good pattern. I have a friend in the business of putting hunting on film and I invited him and his very fancy camera to join me on my quest. I also rednecked up my scoot n shoot to hold my little Sony camcorder so I could also have a " birds eye view" So, the morning started with all kinds of gobbles from all directions, but nothing seemed to want to come in. We waited for a couple hours, with some soft calling here and there. Finally, about 100 yards out I see a long beard headed towards my hen decoy, game on !! I quickly got out of the blind and grabbed my tools, i started by walking around a pile of brush I put on the side of the blind ( give me some cover while I start my crawl ) and got out to where it opened up to the field. I saw the tom coming at me and he stopped in his tracks.... turned around and started slowly walking away. I crawled over to my hen decoy and the tom kept looking back but didn't seem to want to come in, so instinct kicked in and I patted the hen to sound like I was mounting her.... and that did the truck. He turned right around full strut. Started coming my way and strutted every 10 yards. He wasn't in a hurry but he was coming. I braced myself for what could actually be happening. He slowly came in, as if he was playing dumb and pretending there wasn't a full strut tom with a hen, as he came within 20 yrds I got the gun up, but I had to keep making sure I had the camera on him while he circled around me. Once he got under ten I did one final adjustment of the cam and got down on ole shorty.... BOOM. Down went the long beard !!!! He was about 5 steps away when I shot. I could not believe it worked ! The footage I got is not super high quality,but it's still awesome footage. My friend is currently moving to a new house and once he is settled he will be editing it and I will obviously be sharing !! It really is amazing footage. I have a still shot, which I will try to upload/post where I freeze framed when I shot, it appears that it was a head shot, cause his head is not there..... just an awesome day, I can't wait to show u guys the footage !!! so, for my next challenge, I will be trying to do it again, but with a bow and arrow.... Go out and get yourself a scoot n shoot, you will not be dissapointed, if it works !!! 24#,9" beard, 1" spurs.
  2. Prob best if we don't say what we actually are thinking.... but come on, really ??!!!
  3. Well, I'll assume from the lack of opinions, not alot of first hand experience with a versamax....I know most have nothing but good things to say. So, when the wallet is right, I'll be grabbing one
  4. Ha ! I wouldn't know....
  5. Like I said, it's redneck trap for me... if my pals want to stand to my right and catch hot brass that's their problem [emoji3] And I do not intend on shooting 10 3.5s ever. It would be my turkey and yote gun. So multiple shots wouldn't be an issue.
  6. I'm considering a 12ga versamax this season. Ideally all I'm going to do is kill turkeys ( hopefully ) and shoot trap. I want a semi auto that can do 3.5" I know it's overkill but I'm that guy sometimes. main reason I want the versamax is I hear it can cycle just about anything. I shoot trap a bunch in the summer with some friends, backyard style not competition and I buy the 100 pack shells which seem to get jammed up in both my friends 1100, 1187 and a moss berg semi. So, I want to be able to shoot 3.5 and junk type 2 3/4. Who does that with what and can help ?
  7. And this, 3 generations sharing my buck, is all the award I'll ever need.
  8. And another thing about how I feel with the numbers game.... who cares his antler score... he was 6.5 years old !!!!! How many people with that award or name in the book have shot 6.5 year Olds ??? I would be curious to know, even with the nysbbc... I'll bet that would jump me up that list !
  9. At this point ( if you haven't already figured it out ) I'm more impressed with my deer since I hunted him hard and watched him grow for 6.5 years. The encounters, the trail cam pics, but most importantly every year being able to close my eyes and picture him, talking with my hunting partners and imagining holding " the vamp's " antlers in my hands. I stood over him for almost an hour before I took a knife to him. I could really give 2 dumps what the # of inches on his head. I've got more history with him than he has inches. I don't think anybody is piss in on my post, but I did make the mistake of saying booner when it's pope n young. I don't care about the mistakes, cause at the end of the day, THE VAMP is in my living room, and will be forever.
  10. A few evenings ago, about 2 hrs before sunset, I had what sounded like an army of Tom's gobblin' they went for at least a half hour and never shut up. Went shed hunting today and had to retreat early for fear of bumping the noisy army. Seems a bit cold/ early for that much noise ! Hope they hold on to that intensity for a few weeks.... anybody else hearing anything ? 9h
  11. Can't wait to get my gun buck back !! Gonna have to re arrange the trophy room !
  12. I'd like to rephrase that too, my pope-er. Not to be confused with my rectal section
  13. I'm a dumbass on Wednesdays. My poper... lol. Hang head.. this is all new talk to me guys, cut me some slack
  14. And thanks guys, but really all the kudos to my pals at S&S. They did a perfect job. I've had 2 other heads done elsewhere to try and save time and money, and both were horrible. I have seen everything from hogs to elk to bear and ducks and buffalo, otters, squirrels, gators, beavers etc go through s&s and everything comes out perfect. Look them up next time u need anything they offer. great people
  15. Indeed, he's a home grown erie county slob. Been munching on my plots his whole life... and I have probably seen him since he was a fawn. 9h
  16. 136 5/8. I was thinking 40's but the tape don't lie. Either way, I'm in the big boy club now, and I put a buck down that's haunted me for years...
  17. I did, so I'll be taking donations....if you wanted to help the cause
  18. Gotta say, went to check on the camp in franklinville last weekend... I'll bet I saw 200+ deer on my trek out there. Every field had piles of brown. I haven't come across one dead one yet, at home in 9h or when I was at the camp in 9m. All deer are looking healthy and alive ! I still can't believe the numbers I saw last weekend. Great to see !!!
  19. Dang it !!! You will have to bend n stretch.... no time to adjust now...sorry
  20. After a long and patient ( yea right ) wait, he's home. Done by S&S taxidermy in springville ny. Hands down awesome job. See for yourself
  21. Can't tell you how many times I wish I had a hunting partner. Light, call, rifle, somet8mes camera too, can be a task ! I will be going out this evening even with the wind. I love snowy nights cause then I don't have to worry bout using the light.
  22. Where are you located ? FYI certain areas require a special permit for cats...
  23. For me, I love the way the yotes talk back, late at night, in the dark, when it's just me and my rifle. I ha e been circled many times and have had them sneak in behind me and bark within bow range.... just an awesome experiance. It's kinda like calling in a tom turkey, except this is a meat eating predator, and it's dark. Love the thrill !
  24. Come on now, somebody has something fun to trade, don't you ?
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