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Everything posted by TreeGuy

  1. If I wanted to guess on what / who's meat I'm eating, I'd go to general tee-so's and get dinner !! Thankful my pops does the butcherin. Takes him 2 days since he makes sure to get all silver skin, sinue and other crap off the meat. And for what it's worth, the best tenderloins I ever had were from a nursing doe who I gut shot and recovered 24hrs later
  2. I would say it's 8-10" tall and 2-3" wide..... from what I have learned over the years is spikes will rub telephone poles and booners will rub saplings, and vise versa. The only way to tell for sure is a trail cam or check around the base of the tree for tracks and judge of size, which still isn't the best method.
  3. Aim between the spikes and enjoy a better steak lol
  4. To whoever posted a couple days ago " back in the saddle again " I'd like to say screw you, because of you, everytime I get settled in I find myself Rockin out with an air guitar and lip signing back in the saddle again.... Prob will happen all year now, heck, prob happen in future years....awesome. g hanks. Jerk
  5. Even with swirling wind... saw 9 deer, one small buck... all in shooting range. Love me some dead down wind and UA scent prevent. saves the day on nights like tonight !!
  6. Just had that happen last week....awesome !
  7. Coyote down !!! Prob explains the slow a.m. big female. Shot at high noon
  8. And I will not rattle more than once per sit, only for about 30 sec - 1 minute. Again, I try to mimic what I see happening in the woods. I am between bedding and food, so if they don't come I'm not gonna hammer away. Just letting the big boys know that he may have some competition close by.
  9. I haven't " rattled " per say, but gently whacked the antlers last weekend. I try to keep it true to what's going on.... a nice spar not a full out rut battle. Had a small buck and 8 squirrels come in bout 15 min later
  10. And again I say...HANDS AND KNEES. Seems you have a few offers for help, I'd take it ! U may pick up some lessons on tracking which Is beyond valuable in the archery game
  11. Slow night. Couple yearlings hung around toll the yotes started singing. And the best part was as I walked back to the house, the dogs followed....yippin and barking right on my tail. wait till I have a 12ga in my hands u dirty dogs.
  12. I'm hoping your arrow stayed in her and it's tearing her up. Or it openens her up and gets the blood flowing when it comes out.
  13. And try your best to find hair where u shot. Post a pic of it if you can
  14. Disregard. I re read and you said sticky.... sticky as in slimy like it will hang like a goober from your fingers or just sticky like texture
  15. Hair ???? Is/was blood watery, sticky, spongey, slimey ?
  16. What a surprisingly slow day... saw a couple fawns and one mature doe...no squirrels...what's going on !!? It was 34 this a.m. I guessed I'd be covered in em
  17. Overcast, cold, little wind swirl. In the kill plot hoping to see some pre rut action. Got A Feeling they were active last night.
  18. Just wished the camo pattern was inside umbrella not out......designed by a hunter ??!!
  19. Rainin steady. This yuppy umbrella is paying off !
  20. Let me rephrase AGAIN. Free to any hunter that actually needs gear to get out there. If u have stuff, don't say you want it. Maybe for a youth just getting started or a guy who lost his job.... etc. I'm not using it and I don't expect to make money. I'd rather make somebody happy
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