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Everything posted by TreeGuy

  1. Fellas, I arrowed a giant this a.m. 920. Marginal liver shot....went 100yrds.... best buck yet.... I am in shock !! Good luck to all today, tree guy is going to marinate some tender loins !!
  2. Hate to say it but I think I missed my window with the "giant " saw him twice on sunday....no more sightings. Musta went back to his hide out....bugger. not giving up
  3. Sure wouldn't mind a deer ho down round here !!!
  4. One of those had to work
  5. Lol. But 3.5 is not an option.
  6. Oh what the heck. How do I change that so we all don't have to turn and twist like dummys?
  7. Give it your best shot... I think 6 but I'm certain he's 5 or 6.
  8. Fox eat butt hole coyote eat guts.... either way, cut an inch or two away and ur good to go
  9. Had a nice 2.5 8pt cruise through.. mouth open, tounge draggin, was on a mission !! Hoping his grand dad comes by later
  10. Small 6 came through at 15yrds.... didnt get busted, wind is perfect ! Where's that giant !!??
  11. Recovered a gut shot doe last year.... honestly they were some of the biggest and best tenderloins to date.....maybe cause they were marinated in corn and greens chowder ? Lol. Seriously, they were awesome. U should be fine
  12. 9h. Lock down. Small bucks chasing , big bucks hiding with hot does. Slow days and busy nights.....
  13. No wind here in 9h....great day to stick a giant !!
  14. If I could tell you the days I spent tracking, even for others, or times I upset the wife by coming in real late, or days I went in late to work or left early from work.... just a shame to let the coyotes eat em, or to let em rot for no good reason.
  15. Catching up on the rant of those that " don't have time to track ".... seriously ??!?!?! Get out of the woods !! I always plan, or will break plans if I have one wounded !! Hello !! Talk about unethical. Before you let one fly u need your bases covered, whether it's a gut shot come back tomorrow, great hit give it 45 min or marginal shot track all night / call deer search... I don't care who you are or what the situation, if you don't do your due diligence to find a deer you wounded, you don't deserve to buy tags.
  16. Retract my request for 9f, dec came through and I got my 2 !!
  17. I can't even begin the story of today. All I'll say is I put family first.... and if I see my #1 on my camera I'm disowning them !!!
  18. Yes, 9f, always got 2 for second round... what is this glitch ? Check back soon ? Give me some details please, where I'd this info coming from ? Tia
  19. Anybody want to give up a 9f I would gladly take it !!! First time both me and my pops didn't get ANY !!!
  20. Had a mental image of a monster buck humping your truck while u sit in your stand and see nothing....sounds like my luck....made me giggle.
  21. Itching to get out there this weekend...it's my bday.. got a monster on the cam....gonna be cold and snowy.....deer are moving....oh yeaaaa
  22. *former marine, once a marine always a marine..... no such thing as an ex marine. As far as the trespassers go, good luck ! I can't even keep my neighbor off my property ! He's about 75 yrs old, I've come at him with a 12ga, I've screamed obsenities in his face, I put a dozen posted signs- customized with his name on it, still comes over, still kills deer.... and to boot he is a high up in the local safari club. He even went as far as to tell me I was ok this year since he's going to Africa on a hunt from November to december.....
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