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Everything posted by joe12
If you have a Doe Tag, are you going to use it opening day or wait?
joe12 replied to burmjohn's topic in Deer Hunting
I always pass up 10s of does in the first week of the season waiting for a big buck with the mentality that I can always take a doe. Towards the end of the season, I usually have a hard time even finding a doe and regret not taking one earlier in the season. Will probably use the same stupid logic again this year -
Deserto's Deer Cutting is about 45 minutes up 17 from there. From the taxidery side, I recommend Gatto. Again, he is about a 30 minute ride up 17.
Probably the only few hours that he shows himself during the day all year.
My brother saw this guy standing in the middle of a field this morning with a doe. The pictures are a little far away, but zoom in and look at his neck. A complete bruiser!
Once again, a law passed which preys upon the uninformed that has nothing to do with keeping people safe. I disagree with the magazine size restrictions, but I can at least understand the logic and the other side's arguement. However, the banning of the "military-style assault rifles" based purely on appearance and cosmetic features makes absolutely no sense and reveals their true intentions. How can the banning of one weapon that is functionally the exact same as a less menacing-looking legal weopon improve safety? Couldn't the criminals just grab the same caliber semi-auto hunting rifle and accomplish the same thing? We all know the answer to this. The politicians (with the help of the media) have convinced the uninformed public that these are military machine guns, and took advantage to eliminate a large class of firearms. They will continue to chip away at the list over time, and before long we will only be able to own single shot weapons.
looks great. Awesome that you have a few pics of him too!
What is the big deal? I grew up my entire life handling guns, even from a young age (with close supervision from my father/grandfather of course), and never used a gun to harm anyone or commit a crime. The anti-gun crowd hates to see things like this because in their delusional world, just the presence of a gun automatically makes a child violent. Pictures like this go against their whole narrative, so they send in child services to intimidate the father.
This Kim Jung Un character is more delusional than his father. It is funny to us because it is so ridiculous, but in North Korea, the people are forced to believe this propaganda. I have read that the parts of North Korea that the west actually sees is nothing more than a movie set where everything looks nice and flawless. You go two blocks away and there is no electricity and the citizens are living in terrible poverty. Most citizens are starving. I don't think that they pose a huge threat, but this psychopath is so out of his mind that he may actually try something.
Mike Bloomberg Gun ad
joe12 replied to HectorBuckBuster's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Bloomberg is the the definition of an elitist hypocrite. The guy walks around with no less than 5 armed undercover NYPD officers surrounding him, but then wants major restrictions on the average person's ability to defend themselves. As soon as the secret service and Bloomberg's security force switch over to double barrel shotguns or swiss army knives, I will then entertain their arguements. -
This is more ridiculous than the original bill itself. Cuomo is basically admitting that this was hastily rammed though and poorly constructed. So now you can still buy a 10 round mag, but once again you can only load 7 rounds. I am sure that the people choosing to break the law that says you CANNOT MURDER SOMENONE will choose to follow this law as they commit their other crimes. Are they insane?????? Are the liberals that out of touch with the way that the real world works? They really think that the murderer will only load 7 rounds? Once again, this is a feel good mindless piece of legislation that only makes criminals out of the law abiding gun owners (you know - the ones that don't murder people).
with all due respect to anyone that is a mail carrier, the postal system is just another entitlement system. The entire reason that it still is in existence in its current form is to avoid job losses to the government employees that will receive full benefits upon retirement. It is an archaic failing business that needs major reform. What private business reacts to falling demand by raising the prices for their services? Regular mail should be delivered only 2 days a week. Anything that is urgent is sent via FedEx or UPS anyway.
everyone is missing the point that this whole dog and pony show had nothing to do with gun safety in NY. It was done so the Cuomo can create a campaign resume to cater to his liberal uninformed national voting base when he runs for president in 2016. Everything that he does is to build his resume. We are all being used as pawns to his benefit, even though that his policies and laws are a complete trainwreck. Some of the stuff sounds good, but behind the scenes they are a total disaster - the NY education system for example. He is destroying the public education system, but will boast during his presidential campaign that he raised standards while implementing a cap on a school's ability to raise property taxes. Meanwhile he did nothing to reform teacher pensions and entitlements (a major growing expense for school districts), and the schools are literally facing insolvency.
Cuomo should ban Dicks
You don't think that the use of a shotgun in tight confined spaces is just as deadly as a semi-auto rifle? You could take out multiple people at the same time with one shot using a shotgun. How do you know that this nut job didn't just kill the people he planned to kill and could have kept going? I bet if he had one of the banned weapons, he would have only loaded 7 rounds into the magazine. It is amazing to me that liberals continue to blame this weapon, that weapon, and its never the nut job's fault. Something like this happens and the response is "well this is good news because he would have killed more had the ban not been in place". What if someone in the barber shop was carrying a weapon? Maybe then a lot LESS people would have been killed, but the liberals prevent that because they want us dependent on the government for protection.
How is this possible??? THe SAFE Act is in place and was going to prevent these types of things. According to Biden, shotguns are not as dangerous as the evil semi-auto rifles. This can't be true!!??!!! I wonder if the shotgun had a bayonette mount on it - maybe that was the problem.
nobody needs assault hammers. There is no legitimate purpose for these tools.
Cuomo proposes NY DRIVE act
joe12 replied to joe12's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
OK but a 200 hp car can easily reach speeds of 100mph plus and can be just as deadly and dangerous as a 400 hp car that can reach those speeds at a quicker rate. -
this really is amazing and I cannot get my head around the fact that you are able to train a wild animal to do this on demand. Have you ever had a hawk get injured or scratched up by a rabbit or bird that fights back?
Cuomo proposes NY DRIVE act
joe12 replied to joe12's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
of course it's fake but it does prove a point as to how ridiculous the SAFE act is by outlawing certain types of guns based primarily on cosmetic features, and making the assumption that a 7 round magazine is less dangerous than 10 (200hp vs 400hp) -
Cuomo proposes NY DRIVE act
joe12 replied to joe12's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
No this isn't real but proves a good point. They just took the governors press release from the safe act and replaced everything gun related with car references. -
Just a month after the passage of the New York state Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (SAFE), comes another noble nanny-state proposal from the office of Governor Andrew Cuomo. The New York Directive to Regulate Inessential Vehicle Effectiveness Act (DRIVE) seeks to limit the capabilities of so-called "assault vehicles" which contributed to the deaths of 1,077 people and injury to over 128,000 on New York State roadways in 2011. The city of New York reported another 250 deaths and over 49,000 injuries resulting from vehicular assaults in the same period. Cuomo stated, "this new law will limit vehicular violence through common sense, and reasonable reforms that will make New York a safer place to live. When society confronts serious issues, it is the function of government to do something, and the NY DRIVE Act will now give New York State the toughest, strongest protections against vehicular violence in the nation." Provisions in the DRIVE Act would ban multiple makers of vehicles including Lamborghini, Porsche, and Ferrari, as well as many more common models such as the Chevy Corvette and Camaro, Ford Mustang, Dodge Challenger and Charger. "Classic" versions of these cars (those over 20 years old) would have to be reregistered with the state and have their ignition system removed. Cuomo remarked on the proposal, "these are the vehicles the police use. Citizens don't need these vehicles. These vehicles serve no purpose for defensive driving." If passed, the DRIVE Act would ban the sale of these "assault vehicles" within New York State. Residents would be required to transfer or sell the vehicles out of state or turn them over to the NYS Department of Motors Vehicles (DMV) within one year. After one year, these vehicles would be banned from operation on NYS roadways. Violation through possession would result in charges of a Class D Felony, punishable by no more than 5 years in prison and a $7,500 fine. Other provisions of the DRIVE Act include, — Enhanced Driving Record checks to ensure those who have committed a vehicular crime in the past no longer have access to their weapon of choice. — Bans on spoilers, low profile tires, ground effects kits, and the color red. In addition to many other speed enhancements. — Bans on tinted windows for concealed occupant carry. — Passenger limits of four persons per vehicle. Current vehicle capacity is exempted under the regulations as long as no more than four persons are loaded into the vehicle. — Bans on passenger vehicles with a curb weight exceeding 4,000 lbs or more than 200 horsepower. — Bans on commercial pickup trucks with greater than a half-ton bed capacity or greater than 400 foot-pounds of torque. — Along with mandatory reporting of "large quantity" fuel purchases that could indicate use for illegal activity. State Assemblyman Sheldon Silver (D) called Cuomo "the Mary Poppins of our time." He went on to say, "under normal circumstances Governor Cuomo would prescribe a spoon full of sugar to make the medicine go down. However in this instance he can not with consideration of the NYS SODA Act on the table." The SODA Act (State Order for Dietary Acceptability) requested by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg would ban high capacity sugary drinks. Further provisions would seek to prevent the sale of so called "assault milkshakes" which wage daily war on the lactose intolerant.
Sheriffs Debunks Gun Magazine Video !!!!
joe12 replied to HectorBuckBuster's topic in General Chit Chat
This shows what every gun owner already knows. The problem is that the anti gun crowd does not care. This whole debate has nothing to do with practical safety measures. It is about further control, further dependence on government, and further loss of liberty. -
Beautiful deer guys