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Media Demo




Everything posted by joe12

  1. my guess is that they probably aren't set up yet to process the checks yet. This thing was rammed through so quickly I doubt that the ammo background check system is even implemented and I doubt that stores have had a chance to set it up so quickly. I suggest driving to PA or NJ and stocking up.
  2. In my reading of the bill I believe that it actually dictated to the gun shops how much they can charge (no more than $10) to process the private sales or transfers. We officially live in the communist Soviet Union.
  3. Not sure if anyone posted this yet but check out the video link below. A group pretended to be advocates for gun control and went around to the houses of many of the journal news reporters and asked them to display "gun free home" signs on their front yard. Shockingly none of them thought it was a good idea and several of them had armed guards protecting their homes. These hypocrites can publish where gun owners live but none would display a sign indicating where a non-gun owner lives. http://www.wnd.com/2013/01/watch-journalists-squirm-over-gun-free-signs/
  4. right...they have no regard for the law that says you cannot murder anyone, but they will adhere to the weapons bans and magazine capacity limits. Got it
  5. got it thanks ants and elmo - I hope you guys are right.
  6. (A) A SEMIAUTOMATIC RIFLE THAT HAS AN ABILITY TO ACCEPT A DETACHABLE MAGAZINE AND HAS AT LEAST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERISTICS: (I) A FOLDING OR TELESCOPING STOCK; (II) A PISTOL GRIP THAT PROTRUDES CONSPICUOUSLY BENEATH THE ACTION OF THE WEAPON; (III) A THUMBHOLE STOCK; (IV) A SECOND HANDGRIP OR A PROTRUDING GRIP THAT CAN BE HELD BY THE NON-TRIGGER HAND; (V) A BAYONET MOUNT; (VI) A FLASH SUPPRESSOR, MUZZLE BREAK, MUZZLE COMPENSATOR, OR THREADED BARREL DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE A FLASH SUPPRESSOR, MUZZLE BREAK, OR MUZZLE COMPENSATOR; (VII) A GRENADE LAUNCHER; I am particulary concerned about two pieces here - 1) the second handgrip - most semi-auto hunting rifles have a grip to hold and steady the gun with under the barrel for your non-shooting hand. Is this what they are talking about? I am also concerned about the grenade launcher since I have never seen a grenade launcher on any civilian gun ever. Has anyone ever heard of someone being killed by a rifle with a grenade launcher on it??? I really think that they added this so that the media can sensationalize it.
  7. yes but i think that applied to semi-auto shotguns. I didn't see anything about pump shotguns. I guess we can still have pumps with pistol grips?
  8. From my quick skimming, it does not sound like any of this applies to pump, lever action, or bolt action rifles or shotguns. Anyone interpret this word soup differently?
  9. well i really cannot complain, my senator Larkin was a Nay. Glad to see that although doesn't seem to have mad much difference.
  10. Where can we see which senators voted for this so that we can see who we need to vote out?
  11. I guess this means that there won't be any more murders!!!
  12. yes that is what that means - tube fed semi auto 22s are excempt
  13. When they talk of gun registration are they talking about all long guns???? This is insane and we need to vote every one of these tyrants out of office (dem or repub) that votes for this. My question is that after a few years and there is absolutely no reduction in crime, what will they then look to make illegal? They should also make crack and heroine illegal in this bill.... Oh wait
  14. gander mountain in middletown did not have a single round of .308 or .223 as of this past weekend.
  15. the problem is that this is what we are dealing with - people that cannot think past the end of their noses and honestly believe that eliminating guns will make the world a wonderful happy place with no crime.
  16. they can do whatever they want. You can't force a store to sell something. I have read that this is a strategy that obama will use that doesn't require congressional approval - pressuring vendors into various actions like not selling a certain type of ammo for instance
  17. You say what we don't need high capacity magazines. In NY they are proposing a further restriction from 10 rounds to 7 rounds. As a knowledgable (I assume) gun owner, do you honestly believe that a reduction of three rounds in a magazine will have any impact whatsoever on gun violence? Do you think that it would have made any impact on the Sandy Hook tradgedy if he loaded his pockets with 7 round clips instead of 10 or 30? He was targeting a school filled with women and children that could not fight back. I think that everyone on this website would be willing to compromise if the compromise actually made sense and had a meaningful difference. It sounds to me that you just want to comrpomise for the sake of compromising, and hope that a reduction of 3 rounds in a magazine will end violence and result in the liberal utopian world. This proposed legislation will do nothing, and will then lead to the next evil assault weapon to blame and then ban.
  18. Exactly right - I have been beating my head against the wall explaining to people that a semiautomatic that looks tactical or"military style" is functionally the same and no more dangerous than every other hunting semi auto rifle out there. The problem is that people that have no clue about guns look at that and say omg a military assault rifle. I usually respond by asking if a red corvette is faster than a blue corvette with white racing stripes?
  19. The shoulder thing that goes up - does she mean a sling?????
  20. I met a guy in Jackson hole Wyoming that sells sheds in his shop out there. He said he would buy everyone that I find. I haven't sold any yet - I've worked too hard to find them and like to collect them
  21. What is a barrel shroud? Every semi auto hunting rifle has something covering part of the barrel so that you can obviously hold it from the barrel? Is this what they are referring to by a barrel shroud?
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