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Everything posted by dirt_a_KISS

  1. I found that if the scrapes are disappearing then the chasing is beging, just my observation.
  2. People should not even think about enetering a persons posted land without permission. If your going to steal, hunt whatever on someones land you dont even know then you must recheck who you are as an individual.
  3. I Havent seen any chassing nor a buck just does. The best thing you can do is scout harder by walking to understand what is going on. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!
  4. Yeah its state land, ilk check for the name and phone number next time i go out. The signs are right off the road too a well used road too if that helps.
  5. Holy cow those winds are strong, LAWDWAZ!
  6. Yesterday after done hunting for the day i start driving around the land i hunt. While driving i found new piece i didn't even know had exised. The thing is the sign says STATE LAND WMA something like that on a telephone pole, but yet there are posted signs too. What shoud i do, play it safe and ask around or stay away from it because i personally dont want to hunt someones land without their permission?
  7. Wow thats a fantasic halloween buck! Great job!!!!
  8. Or maybe he had forgotten about this post.
  9. Yeah they do look like spiffires, but the tip seems to be to long.
  10. Acers are great compters so are the HPs, i also stay far away from dells. I would just see what the reviews say about the comuter first then purchase it.
  11. There is also a guidos web too. Same thing as the treesaddle, but ive herd its more comfortable.
  12. Seen a bunch of scrapes, but does still arent being chased by bucks where im hunting.
  13. I would suggest a machetee style blade, but even that my be too small.
  14. Ive wear glasses while hunting and dont seem to have a problem with spooking the dare because of the glare. Plus i hunt on the ground also so i dont think there is a problem.
  15. Ive ways hunted ground and what i find is no sudden movements and blending in with the forground is an absolute must. If you dont match your backround and your body isnt broken up then have fun. I find that by having myself near brush piles or up agaisnt trees helps a lot.
  16. I think you stick with your junior tags and then next year you can buy your adult tags when you are 16 years old. The same thing had happened to me too, when i was 16.
  17. I just got a stick today today, ill probably use it this weekend.
  18. This is getting tougher to focus to know deer season is in 2 days!
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