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Everything posted by oblivitar

  1. Went and pulled the card today and found this guy on it. The cam is pointing right at the base of my stand, might be able to see the strap around the tree in the background. I think i count 8. What do you guys think ? And a few rubs not far from here
  2. Sounds like the guy that was hunting near me last year. Sitting in my stand and had deer all around me but it still wasnt light enough to shoot so i let them go. 10 mins later i hear a shot not that far from me. Nobody is supposed to be on the property but me. After the season i went walking over towards where the shot came from and found his shitty little stand with beer cans and bottles all over the place and not far from the stand i find a nice dead deer. what a waste,
  3. Cost me $168 to renew my class b $98 for the dot physical and $140 to be finger printed for hazmat. I feel your pain
  4. Very cool. btw is that a woodchuck in the back ? lol
  5. Anybody ever get any work done from fox studios taxidermy in cold springs ? I picked up a brochure from walmart the other day and his prices seem good.
  6. I'll get out there during the weekend , 6th and 7th. Been practicing with the bow all summer. I have a friend of mine going out with me so i hope we at least see something.
  7. yup, it feels just like when i was a kid on christmas eve. I can sleep, all i think about is getting out there heh heh.
  8. Shot at ? jeez man, did you return fire ? lol Just wondering what you do in a situation like that
  9. Selling my Gamo Whisper silent cat with the scope and case with the pellets Gun works great, just looking to sell and upgrade. Only thing wrong with the gun is a little plastic piece on the back of the barrel came off (you can see i put it back on in the pics) from the scope sliding back because of the recoil. To stop the scope from sliding i put a heavy duty base on the gun with 5 points to tighten Asking $190 obo
  10. Ive been seeing videos of this thing taking down deer. Going right through ribs and all
  11. Biggest animal ive shot with my .177cal is a couple of fat woodchucks. I dont think i would shoot anything bigger than that with your standard 1200fps air rifle.
  12. I like the top middle pic. Looks like he has no hair on the neck and head lol.
  13. Savage Axis is nice, i have it in a 22-250 tho. Since it doesn't come with the accu trigger its pretty cheap. To help with the trigger i took a couple coils off the trigger spring and went from a 5lb to 2 1/2LB trigger pull. Still very safe and will not fire even after being banged around.
  14. I was just looking into doing this myself and was thinking the same thing.....how the hell am i going to carry all that stuff on a backpack with my hunting gear?! Then i seen how other people do it....they just put everything on a little sled and drag it on the snow, nice and easy.
  15. The red and whiite ones were from last year. I was just shooting everything I had
  16. Got another 1 today. only this time with the crossbow
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