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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by kpkot

  1. kpkot


    Not bad id get it again
  2. Yes. Wegmans has them fresh vacumed sealed already peeled. Better than sliced bread. In produce aisle.
  3. kpkot


    Productive day my friend, enjoy.
  4. Just about to turn in after a night shift. Dinner at two??? Who eats dinner at two? Happy Easter all
  5. Lol same here. back can suck it for two more weeks
  6. Thats hilarious. How much did the reward say?
  7. my brother had two strutters and five hens behind his house yesterday in darien.
  8. I was going through those twists and turns 1 year ago at 3am wife and kids asleep. All the sudden a monster doe is running straight at me. Straight not broadside lol. I want to say I'm doing about 75 as the speed limit is a tad bit higher. I slowly tap breaks and merge onto other lane while the doe clearly won the game of chicken never breaking stride. about 10 seconds later came that punch in the chest adrenaline shot. Lots of deer that route.
  9. So Im not very good with bird identification and this post confirms what I saw a few years ago. I was working out near the finger lakes and was driving some back roads and on top of a phone pole I saw a huge nest just like above post. I saw the head of the osprey and took some photos ill have to try and look for. They are on my old laptop.
  10. Thats a willow tree we planted for my daughter.
  11. Went to property today for a atv ride. Coming back on sumner rd I see a nasty coyote at about 330pm feeding on a front lawn. Couple more miles I see one of the bigger toms ive seen in awhile. His beard was just blowing in the wind. Terrible pics but u can kinda see what I sae.
  12. T minus how many minutes until a pygmy snapper story?
  13. How do you find them? Is it app based?
  14. kpkot


    Your in. No matter what kind of beer it is you need to drink it though, Are you prepared TF? Biz can pick up fletch on way we got a team.
  15. kpkot


    In Ellicottville they had a 4 person one mile relay. I think u chugged a beer and ran a quarter mile then next guy was up. We could make a dream team of hunting ny members.
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