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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Good Luck with that Doc. NJ elected officials who voted for the ban were thrown out in the very next election. The same thing happened in California. The newly elected officials made excuses as to why they were powerless to repeal the law. 20 years later, NJ's still on the books and new proposals are about to make the restrictions worse. There's no going back once it's done. There's no honor in accepting a challenge from an opponent that has the fight rigged. You'll only get creamed. I don't see it as running from the state. I see it as a protest. I show it by taking my fortune and my tax revenue away from them and giving it to state officials that deserve it. Sort of like what the gun manufacturers are doing, but on a slightly smaller scale. I'm not hiding, I'm escaping, and living life the way Americans are supposed to live, with Liberty and Justice for all!
  2. Wrong again Doc. I encourage all gun owners to do everything they can to try and vote the evil out of office. I want them to do everything they can to try and make a difference. Because when they exhaust every resource at their disposal and find it was all in vain anyway, they will then finally realize what they are dealing with in this state and this country. Don't you think gun owners in California and NJ have been trying? Once you let them take your rights, you can NEVER get them back using THEIR system. I lived in NJ when all of this happened decades ago under Gov. Florio. I moved to NY to get away from NJ's "assault weapons" law. I warned NYers not to allow it to happen here and people scoffed at the idea. I encouraged all I knew to join the NRA and every other gun rights group I could think of, only to be attacked for the idea. Some on here even attacked the NRA as extremist and not worthy of their membership. I have a very low tolerance for stupidity, so I just sat back and watched it happen while I started making plans to escape from NY. That was an interesting movie by the way, and if you watch it today, it has some very prophetic lines for NY residents today. I will be moving again soon because I need to find a state that has proactive voters that believe in gun rights, not one that has reactive voters that are willing to let them be taken in the first place. If you think I'm the problem here Doc, you really do not understand the problem.
  3. "It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt." -- John Philpot Curran: Speech upon the Right of Election, 1790. (Speeches. Dublin, 1808.) as quoted in the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, NY, 1953, p167 and also in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, Boston, 1968, p479 "But you must remember, my fellow-citizens, that eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty, and that you must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing. It behooves you, therefore, to be watchful in your States as well as in the Federal Government." -- Andrew Jackson, Farewell Address, March 4, 1837 “But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.” - John Adams
  4. Close Doc. What I'm saying is it's too late. People should've listened when the alarms started going off years ago. At this point it will be politically impossible to reverse the damage that's been done. When your vote counted, people didn't care. They laughed at the folks who warned them, and snickered at the suggestion their rights were in danger. Now you have two choices, comply like the sheep in NY always do, or move to another state that still allows Liberty and firearms freedom. If there was any hope, do you think firearms manufacturers with hundreds of millions invested in NY would be packing up and leaving the state? If anybody knows the situation well, it's them. Sorry to put a damper on folk's hopes, but you guys need to start living with the reality you let your rights be taken because you refused to believe they would be. Trying to work within the system to get them back is fantasy, because the deck is stacked.
  5. Don't bet on it. A Judge in NY ain't gonna see it that way when all of the components are brought into court and shown to have been in your possession all at once. As far as voting the anti-gun bums out of office, do you think Cuomo hasn't already promised them all cushy administration jobs in return for their SAFE Act votes, in the event they are voted out? These guys were way ahead of all NY gun owners when they pounced on us with this law. Too bad NY gun owners didn't see it coming, in spite of all the warnings. The law makers who voted for this law were know anti-gun politicians years ago, but nobody cared to see to it they never got into office in the first place. New York State can rightly be re-named the State of Denial, because that's what it's voters do best.
  6. Doc, you really don't understand my responses at all. I can't make things any simpler for you than I already have. Perhaps the complexity of the solution is too much for you to grasp.
  7. Doc, you've asked me this question before, and I answered it extensively for you. It's obvious you do not read my answers, or just don't understand them. Armed revolt is not the action to take ....... yet. But as long as we allow elected authorities to get away with corruption, we continue on the path towards it. When was the last time you saw a high level elected official go to prison for corruption? Let's start doing that.
  8. Doc, someday you will see all of these "resources" have already been corrupted to the point of being tools of the government used for oppression.
  9. These NY Judges are appointed by the same politicians that make these bad laws. Expecting them to rule against their benefactors is foolish. The courts have become the enforcement arm of the legislature, and that is never supposed to happen. Judges are bound to rule on laws as they relate to the "Rule of Law", not how they fall in line with the "Rule of Men". Since 1968, Americans have allowed unlawful infringement on the 2nd Amendment. It should never have been allowed to happen then. If it hadn't, we wouldn't be here today. the goal is a total ban on all firearm ownership and use, and at this rate, that will only be a decade or so away.
  10. America is not a Democracy, it is a Representative Republic. That's the only reason it is still in existence. Majority doesn't rule here, if it did, many bad things would have happened already. We are governed by "Rule of Law" as set forth in the US Constitution. If we were to always abide by the Constitution, we wouldn't have half of the problems we have today. Politicians have found they can vote themselves access to our tax dollars to buy votes that keep them in power. That is corruption of a Representative Republic. The only way to fix that is to vote out of office, any elected official who doesn't follow the rule of law and support and defend the Constitution. Sadly, most folks today know nothing about that document, their rights or the rule of law. That's called an "idiot electorate". And so, we get what we have here.
  11. And when they go to court, the jurors need to invoke "jury nullification" which means they agree the defendant broke the law, but the law is unjust and he never should have been arrested in the first place. So he is set free. This is how we need to give Albany the finger and show them we are still the power in NYS. Not elected officials seeking to replace Liberty with tyranny.
  12. Uh-oh, the font size changed by itself, or maybe the FED is trying to minimize my posts?
  13. This is just tax collect by the IRS, which is just federal
  14. So send them more, so you'll feel good about your "fair share". Besides, we are not Socialists. Not yet anyway.
  15. Reid Says Ranch Battle 'Isn't Over' Harry Reid weighed in on the standoff at the Nevada ranch after federal authorities at least temporarily retreated, saying, "Well, it's not over." He added, "We can't have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it's not over." What's he talking about? People that habitually violate the law currently run the country. But that's not over, either.
  16. It's that special day each year when you are compelled to relinquish your earned income for redistribution, mostly to support Democrat political constituencies. This year, working Americans are required, on average, to send the IRS every cent earned in the first 111 days of 2014 -- and that's three more days than last year. In fact, Obama has now proposed more than 440 tax increases, plus another 20 hidden in the so-called "Affordable Care Act." Unjust taxation was the catalyst for the first American Revolution, and once again, the central government is seizing taxes for purposes not authorized by our Constitution.
  17. This is a classic example of the Federal Government making laws that are illegal under the US Constitution, with regard to individual and state's rights. The Fed was the one who threatened violence first. The Federal Courts have been found to be wrong in their rulings many times by the SCOTUS. Federal Laws, even when unconstitutional, are often rubber stamped by Federal Courts. When you have right on your side, but laws are passed to say you are now wrong, you don't let Big Bully Government get away with it, unless you want to surrender even more people's rights in the future. This man did what he should have done. He is a Patriotic HERO and we should all be applauding him for what he stood up for. Live Free Or Die! If you disagree, you don't know all of the legal facts in the case, or you want a bigger, more powerful government that will control more people by taking away more rights. This government is corrupt. More so than any administration that has ever existed. Wake the fugg up people!
  18. Doesn't affect all 700's and 7's, but it does affect a lot of them. http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/316460
  19. If they have no intention of giving up theirs, I'm not giving up mine! They outlawed my firearms, proving they have no respect for me, nor the many decades I've spent in the service of my country and state, or my years in law enforcement and emergency services, which proves I'm no criminal. I've never been convicted of any crime, even a misdemeanor, but since my firearms are now outlawed, I'll become an outlaw if they push me hard enough. If enough firearms owners reject this law, more LEO agencies will stand against it, more of the public will learn why it's a bad law and begin to support us, and Cuomo will be exposed as the little tyrant he really is. Don't go quietly into slavery my friends. Cuomo is counting on us having no balls. Don't prove him right. "If you don't have the troopers and you don't have the sheriffs, who have you got? You've got Andrew Cuomo pounding on the table in Albany."
  20. More to encourage you....... http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/04/08/Noncompliance-Over-90-Percent-of-NY-Gun-Owners-Refusing-SAFE-Act-Registration
  21. About 90% of gun owners have not complied. This makes it very hard for Cuomo to claim any victory here. Many Sheriff's an State Police are against it too. http://nation.foxnews.com/2014/04/09/report-estimated-90-percent-new-york-state-gun-owners-refuse-safe-act-registration
  22. We need more real men with the courage to say, "Give me Liberty, or give me death!".
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