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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Time to banish this once very good thread, to the unseen political thread section.
  2. No matter how much is put into education, it ain't worth a tinker's damn if the parent doesn't make sure their kid goes to school rather than joining a gang. If the education isn't valued by the student, or the parent, that student isn't going to learn anything. It's about values! Uneducated people don't become criminals just because they didn't want an education. There are lazy people, and there are criminals. It often takes many arrests and convictions before someone is sent to prison. Once they get sent to jail, they no longer deserve any compassion without proving they deserve it. IMHO we should be spending far less housing prisoners and requiring far more accountability for the money we spend on education. Nothing the government is in charge of is ever fiscally responsible, because they always claim it isn't working due to lack of funds. Decades ago, we educated kids a lot better when we spent far less on each pupil, as a percentage of taxes collected, than we do now. Back then education was valued and there were consequences for not cooperating with the educational system. Today, there are no consequences for wasting the opportunity to get an education. In fact, there are no consequences in this society for self inflicted misery, when you have no education. Throwing more money at the problem is not the answer. Teach these prisoners, and all who don't want to be educated, that nothing is provided unless you earn it. Take advantage of opportunity when it is available to you and don't expect hand outs when you have squandered your opportunities.
  3. Maybe that’s part of Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America – make us weak and scared so that we give up freedom and beg government to protect us. http://www.thefederalistpapers.org/us/guess-who-mexican-drug-cartels-are-smuggling-into-the-us
  4. Past history has shown these programs to be expensive, abused by the people who are employed by, or run them, ineffective, poorly supervised and dishonest. We give inmates GED's now when they do not earn them. They pass the inmates to make the program look like it's working. How would you feel if an inmate got a job with his "College" degree when it's obvious that inmate didn't really earn the degree? Look at inmates that get Law degrees in jail. Most often they use the degree to fight the prison system, costing taxpayers even more money. Why can't an inmate take out a student loan for college like everyone else has to do? Maybe if they had some skin in the game, having to work and pay the loan back when they get out, they would actually take it seriously and earn it? There are plenty of on-line college degrees they could get in jail right now, but they have to pay for them with a loan and repay the loan when they start working. Maybe it would be better to teach them a skill like plumbing or carpentry on a loan they must repay as well. They would have a better chance of getting a skilled labor job in today's economy anyway.
  5. Some people believe you can make a silk purse from a sow's ear. The woman who was a sewing instructor and helped two murderers escape from a NY maximum security prison, plead guilty and will be sentenced. She may get as much as 7 years. That's a slap on the wrist considering what they could've done on the run, the fact she discussed having them kill her husband (which is a crime of attempting to hire a hit man in itself), and the total cost to the taxpayers for all she caused to happen. The kicker is, part of her plea deal allows her to keep her state pension! The taxpayers of NY are considered nothing but an unlimited source of income for the state, so why not send prisoners to college too? Federal taxpayers be damned too.
  6. Seems like this product is an answer to a question nobody ever asked. I see no practical application for it at all. It doesn't work as well as a shotgun slug or a good broad head fired from a good compound bow, so why use it?
  7. The anti hunter's goal is to ban all hunting. They don't support any type of hunting. Sure, they can find these types of videos to use against hunters now, but they wouldn't stop their attacks if all of the situations on the video didn't exist. They will always look to distort and propagandize all hunting, no matter what activities exist. The general public may support what they see as fair and ethical hunting today, but given time, the anti's will find a way to make that look uncivilized as well. It's not just hunting that's under attack today either. There is a wide and perverse attitude across America today, regarding all aspects of our culture, where groups of sanctimonious elites try to dictate what is no longer acceptable in our society. It's fascism and dictatorial tyranny. Sadly, the American desire for freedom is being transformed by it as well. That's what political correctness is all about. It's tyranny with manners. Hunters just happen to be an easy target and good for practice at achieving dictatorial goals.
  8. I don't think any 139 or 140 gr bullet in a 7mm-08 won't work well on deer. I have not seen, or heard of one that wouldn't.
  9. I do not think the "middles" will object to antler restrictions, since they probably see it as a good thing that restricts the deer you can take to the more mature bucks, leaving the younger bucks to grow older. I think they agree with just about any restriction on animals being taken while hunting. I suspect more of the "middles" object to shooting does. I think hunting's future is in for a very big fight that will eventually see it more heavily regulated, expensive and restricted. The future generations are going to have to put up with a lot if they want to hunt at all. That will probably kill a lot of interest and lower the numbers of hunters drastically. Perhaps that is the whole plan.
  10. How do you coyote defenders feel about all the wild dogs running in the NY State woods? Do you think they should be controlled or allowed to live wild? Do you think they kill deer or not?
  11. Seems the people in Zimbabwe think the US people getting all bent out of shape over this are pretty strange. http://news.yahoo.com/lion-zimbabweans-ask-amid-global-cecil-circus-140822692.html
  12. What do the people of Zimbabwe have to say about it? http://news.yahoo.com/lion-zimbabweans-ask-amid-global-cecil-circus-140822692.html
  13. Getting back to Gillibrand, "A leopard doesn't change it's spots". She was a California educated lawyer who represented Big Tobacco during her NY law firm career. It's interesting to see how she manipulated things in their favor. It's a very telling characteristic that shows how easy it is for her to adopt any ideology that benefits her and her peers, with a total lack of remorse regarding the danger it poses to the innocent and the general public at large. Her current career is that of Liberal Democrat Leftist Progressive NY State Senator. A very politically Left of center state. Since her appointment as Senator by the governor (She was not elected for her first term) she has donned the mantle of Leftist Progressive Liberalism with a vengeance in order to get votes. It helped her win an elected term when she ran for election. If you investigate her voting record as a member of Congress before that, you may be surprised to find she was considered a political moderate, even somewhat conservative, as she played the role required for election in more middle of the road upstate NY. I seriously doubt there is enough intelligence in the NY State electorate to realize they are being played like a fiddle by her and the rest of her party, but it would be good for the people of NY if they actually voted this shill out of office the next chance they got. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/27/nyregion/27gillibrand.html?pagewanted=all
  14. Not with low brass ammo using #6 shot. Smaller shot means a lot of work picking lead out of the meat.
  15. This guy also seems to be the type who is trying to build an impressive resume of trophies in order to gain entry into the elitist 1% of the world's big game hunters. Purely a drive for social status IMHO.
  16. Your personal opinion (prejudice) and attack on me regarding my statement is indicative of a man who will not answer the question presented to him. Have you ever looked into the history of PP? Heard of Margaret Sanger? Acknowledge the inherit racism in her founding of PP? Understood her desire for population control? Read about her elitist desires for a white utopia? Of course you have. But it would be against your political ideology to admit it. You're not fooling anyone with your insults. They're just the inane rebuttals of a Leftist political tool.
  17. "One does not hunt in order to kill. On the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted." Jose Ortega y Gasset I'm sure the hunt included all of the luxuries and extras that people who hunt Africa expect on their Safaris.
  18. So, if you are a totally ethical, law abiding hunter, who hunts alone, doesn't use any dogs or bait, and kills all of your prey instantly with one arrow from a long bow, SHARK is going to praise you and give you accolades for being that way? Give me a friggin' break.
  19. Better look into the federal laws about selling body parts and organs. It's a felony. Nobody gives a crap what women do with their bodies. Many do care what they do with the bodies of the babies they carry inside of their bodies though. Admit it. Pro Abortion is about power and control over women and which ones are acceptable for reproduction. It started as racism and poverty control and it has progressed even further along those lines since the beginning.
  20. Good old American capitalism works within the realm of legality Junkie. Leftists don't. BellR, the money the government gives them is lumped into general expenses. Could they do abortions without general expenses? The world is full of unicorns and rainbows for those who don't see it.
  21. I agree. Who was that Texas cheerleader that was getting crucified by the anti's for hunting in Africa? She never broke any game laws, but it didn't matter. I believe they attack the people who hunt the "mega-fauna" now, because they can do so with impunity. When they can attack all of us with impunity, they will.
  22. BellR, have you ever heard of creative accounting? You honestly believe the nation's largest abortion provider doesn't use any of it's federal funding to exist, grow, advertise, pay staff and prosper? How do you suppose they actually pay for the 305,000+ abortions they do every year? Think about that and let it sink in.
  23. Make no mistake here people, this is an attack on EVERY hunter in the world. It's not about just this guy, or poachers, or unethical hunters, or what have you. It's about hunting, and everyone involved in it. Try to separate yourself from the attack if you like, but the opposition isn't buying it.
  24. Yep. SHARK is the biggest defender of "Ethical Hunters" in the world. They must be if they say they are, right? Whale and seal kills are done by hunters? Pretty big stretch on the term there. As far as contests go, they were far more popular in the past than today and all of the participants were considered ethical as long as the rules of the contest were followed. Seems to me they are taking their dislike of the PA Pigeon shoots, which have been going on for 100 years or more, and using them to portray hunting as "Unethical" in general. Without a united front to challenge this type of propagandist attack, hunting will be dead very soon.
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