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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. There's no defeatism there Doc. Just a warning to those who think they can rest on their laurels after election day.
  2. Sure a few small skirmishes have been won across NY and in D.C., but there is a war on, and all that matters is winning the war. The other side did much better in NY, and I'm not sure the D.C. wins are going to help stop the storm that is coming in NY state. Many other states in America will win big from the national shellacking the Democrats just took. Obama will surely have a much harder time destroying liberty and freedom on his own. But Little Andy ain't gonna worry about any liberty or freedom issues in NY anymore.
  3. That kid must be the offspring of a long line of Rednecks. LOL!!
  4. I don't believe "fair chase" can be legislated. Nor do I think it should be. One man's ethics may not be the same as another's. Fair chase is an ideology in the mind of the hunter. As long as the method of hunting is legal, it's up to the man to decide if he agrees with it. Any hunting method short of trailing and stalking could be considered unfair by some of the true purists. Using blinds, scents, stands, decoys and calls might be unfair in the eyes of some. If fair chase is your goal, you decide what that requires from you, but you can't dictate to others what it requires from them.
  5. It's called an uninformed "idiot" electorate. Burmjohn, I'm sure Cuomo will start coming after all of the gun owners who have refused to comply. There are many ways to do this without kicking in their front door.
  6. You don't seem to understand, it's not about fair chase, it's about sound wildlife management. If standard hunting methods are working to control the bear population, as they do in NY, no other methods are needed. If standard hunting methods don't work, like they don't in Maine, other methods are employed. The arrogance I was referring to was telling the state of Maine their legal practices should be banned because you think they should. The state of Maine is telling hunters what is OK and you are saying it's not. Mores have nothing to do with wildlife management. In NJ when deer got out of control in Princeton, due to a two decade old law banning any discharge of firearm or bow, the town hired sharpshooters who hunt at night over bait with night vision scopes, semi-auto .223's and silencers at a cost to the fools in Princeton of $1000 per deer. NJ hunters are not allowed to hunt with rifles! That's not about fair chase, that's about power and control. Emotional approaches to wildlife management have always turned out to be disasters. Stick to sound science and biology to control bears. Different practices are acceptable to control certain animals based on the needs of controlling that particular animal. Rats are an obvious example. When there are too many bears, that are not being found and taken by fair chase hunters, because they are mostly nocturnal, live in inaccessible swamps and woodlands, move very little unless pushed, or cover many miles a day looking for food, typical stand hunting for bears will not produce the desired amount of harvest the wildlife managers are looking for. Therefore the problems with nuisance bears will grow. Once the problem gets out of control, it is very hard to get it back under control. NJ is a fine example of bears out of control. NO bear hunting was allowed by dictatorial fiat, in defiance of all the wildlife biologists. Hunting was then allowed, but it is barely keeping the high population steady. Problems persist to this day and a man was just killed by a bear in NJ weeks ago because it was in a state area where no hunting of any kind is permitted. It's OK for the electorate to make wildlife management decisions, as long as they are making them while siding with professional wildlife managers, as they did in Maine, and going against HSUS and other anti-hunting organizations, who's end goal is elimination of all sport hunting, fair chase or not. Putting emotional questions on the ballot, in defiance of professional wildlife manager recommendations, is foolish and bound to cause problems in the future.
  7. I know it's a huge problem for many NY gun owners, but the hand writing is on the wall. All NY gun owners, hunters and conservatives are being treated like 2nd class citizens in NY state. It's time to start thinking about moving. At the very least, get yourself a weekend shack or apartment in PA and move all of your residency and firearms there. NY is not your friend and it will be coming after you with a vengeance now. These NY state elected officials in Albany are tyrants and anyone who stands to oppose them, like was done this election cycle, will be punished. Stay in NY state and comply if you like, but your misery and anger will only destroy your health and put you in an early grave. Sometimes you just have to accept you are not wanted or appreciated. It's better to seek out your peace of mind where you can find it.
  8. When a state has a bear population that is at capacity, and the dense woods, that expand for millions of acres, demand these practices to control the population of bears, it is not about "fair chase", it's about sound wildlife management. If you don't like snares, baiting and hunting with hounds, you don't do it. But telling others what should be allowed by law is an arrogant attitude. Maybe we need to enforce fair chase for rats in NYC as well. No more poisons or baited traps. We can work much harder to control the rat population that way.
  9. I think it will get worse for gun owners, because the legislature in NY is anti-gun, Dems and GOP both, and they have an agenda that will make owning a gun in NY nearly impossible to tolerate. I also think taxes will go up, spending will go up, and freedom and liberty in NY state will go down. That's a lot worse.
  10. And they're not the only state with that problem. Besides, it was really a political problem, as most people in NJ were either OK with, or indifferent to, bear hunting there. The anti's are trying to ban certain types of bear hunting in Maine as I write this.
  11. Take a black and white photo of a guy in the woods wearing blaze orange. That's what it looks like to a deer. It stands out like a lighter colored solid object. Deer know when something in their area is different and they will notice it, if they look in that direction. Camo blaze helps to break up the outline so it is less noticeable. Blaze seems to work very well in the snow. It probably blends in with the bright snow in a deer's eyes. I have my doubts about the UV issue, because I have never used anything to prevent it, wash my camos in scent free detergent from the super market and have never had a deer notice me when wearing it while bow hunting or gun hunting on my own land. It's easy to sell something that you can't verify is working or not.
  12. NJ has a bear problem because it also has an unfortunate excess of leftist liberals and animal rights radicals. Thankfully, when Christie got elected, he decided to listen to the expert wildlife biologists and allow bear hunting, rather than cave to bleeding heart, emotional and radical animal rights crusaders, that had Corzine in their corner. The problems with bears in NJ now, are all due to Corzine playing politics for votes, rather than doing the right thing.
  13. I'm a big believer in using enough gun. I've taken many deer with 12 ga slugs where required, but feel a 20 ga slug from a rifled shotgun is enough. I've taken many deer with a .30-06, but feel my 7mm-08 is enough. I've taken deer with a .243, but feel the 7mm-08 is just as accurate and seems to have the same amount of felt recoil, so I opt for the 7mm-08. I've considered the .223 for deer, but it actually weighs more than the 7mm-08 and accuracy is the same. Therefore, when I hunt deer, I go with the 7mm-08. If I've filled my buck tag and still have doe tags to fill, I may decide to hunt with any number of other guns just for fun. But when I do, I'm handicapping myself and I know it. But that challenge is what makes it fun.
  14. You mean you were informed of a fresh road kill and didn't go get the free venison? Heck man, it's fresh!
  15. I guess they are looking at averages in a state, but still NJ has it for $2.58 a gal in Edison this morning. Some areas of the state are still at $2.75 or so, but that would be high in NJ. Can't see how they can say SC is the lowest in the country with that price.
  16. I hunt with this old Marlin 1893 in .30-30 just for fun sometimes. It was made about 1922 or so. It is very accurate and the 26" barrel really gets the most from modern rounds. It really hunts well too as it's got good balance and a very slick action.
  17. He's saying none of the residents who don't own guns care about the SAFE Act. What he doesn't say is none of them know anything about it or how it attacks the individual freedom of every NY resident.
  18. The good news is, that shot will cut a deer's skin open, but it will heal up and not die from it. A friend of mine shot a deer like that, only to kill it 1 week later in the same area with a good shot.
  19. I think the reason the deer went so far with the .308 was because it wasn't a very accurate shot at 270 yards. You hit the deer, but only got liver and 1 lung. Even with a 300 WM, the deer probably would've gone just as far. When you say, "Bottom line IF you can shoot it accurately why not?", I think it's much more difficult to shoot a 300 Mag accurately than a .308. I'm not saying you shouldn't use a 300 WM, but in your case, I suspect it may not have been the proper solution.
  20. I agree. Most of these "cleaning" accidents are usually "gun play" accidents.
  21. A low hit near the sternum (chest) will cause blood from the skin to flow, and put white fatty slime on the arrow. Trouble is, when skin and sternum are the only things cut, it bleeds well for a shot distance, then clots up and stops.
  22. A rifle is just a tool used to do a job. Each rifleman decides what he needs to take the animal he is after. Yes, there is such a thing as over kill. There is also such a thing as not enough gun. Nobody can dictate what a man uses for his hunt. It's a choice only he can, and should, make. Someone can disagree with what another man chooses as his hunting rifle, but in a free society, that's his choice to make. Lord help us all if we ever have our choices dictated to us any more than they already are.
  23. Son, you need to put a better back stop behind that target. I can see the bullets hitting the ground behind the barrel and there is nothing back there to keep them from going further.
  24. Bolt actions with threaded barrels are legal in NY still. But you can't put a silencer on it.
  25. I can't help but wonder if the guys who "find" these bucks didn't shoot them and leave them there in order to come back the next summer to "find" them.
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