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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Always seems those who claim superior moral integrity, because they won't kill an animal, are the ones who will advocate killing a child like this because he killed an animal they worship like a pagan God. They are also very often pro-abortion. How can anyone claim that is logical, or even sane? Liberalism and the animal rights agenda are both mental disorders.
  2. Have you looked on www.Gunbroker.com ? Lots of NY guys selling good used bolt actions on there for good prices.
  3. Using my Mossberg 3 1/2" inch 12 gauge pump with the 28" back bored barrel, Modified choke tube and Federal 3 1/2" Copper Plated 0 Buck I get 18 pellets inside a 20" circle at 50 yards. That puts every pellet in a deer's heart and lungs with one shot. That's a dead deer every time. Push it out to 75 yards and I get all the pellets in a 30 inch circle, but still land 10 in the 20 inch circle. That may not drop a deer with one shot, but put a second round into it and it's probably down. If not, a third round will surely finish it. The trouble with using buckshot is, it's not a casual choice. You really have to study what it can do and what has the most power, before you choose an option for the type of deer hunting you're doing. If you are going to shoot your deer at archery ranges, most any standard 2 3/4" 00 buck will do. But if you want to maximize the range, you are looking at a 10 gauge with 32" barrels that has been tested to find out what load it will shoot best at the longest possible effective range. I've seen buckshot used very effectively by some very knowledgeable hunters, mainly because they had no choice. Never underestimate what it can do if it's done right.
  4. True only .32 ACP power, but that's for each pellet. Multiply that by 12 pellets and up the power, when using a 3 1/2" shell with 18 pellets in a 28" barrel, by at least 25% per pellet. No pellets in the man at 75 yards? That's because they fired 2 3/4" buckshot from a riot shotgun, with an open choke and probably using a 20" barrel. This is a military tactical thread and they rarely fire shotguns further than 25 yards in practice.
  5. I find my Mossberg 835 gets better accuracy with the 3" Lightfields in the extra rifled barrel I got for it. It's a 3" chamber and the 2 3/4" slugs don't shoot as accurately. The original barrel is 3 1/2" and is back bored so slugs cannot be used in it. I found the accuracy improved with 3" slugs when I tried them in My Savage rifled bolt action 12 gauge.
  6. Have you tried Lightfield 3" slugs in your Mossberg 500? The 3" chamber may need them to get the accuracy they can deliver. BTW does your barrel have a cantilever scope mount or did you mount the scope on the receiver?
  7. I hunted deer in NJ for decades in my youth. When I started hunting, buckshot was the only thing that was legal. We fought the state for many years to legalize slugs. Many hunting clubs in NJ used 00 Buck for years, especially in thick areas and where deer drives were the norm. It was traditional, and traditions die hard. I have seen deer killed at 75 yards with buckshot fired from a 10 gauge, which many hunters used then. A SxS with buckshot was not an uncommon sight in the NJ woods in the 1960's and 70's. But I know of a few guys that hunted deer with 3 1/2" buckshot in 12 gauge as well. Many prefer 0 Buck to anything bigger because it has more pellets in it and tends to pattern better. Patterning is paramount with buckshot. Many guys think a full choke is the way to go with buckshot, but more often than not, the pattern will look like a donut, with a big hole in the center, just where the vitals on a deer are. That's why many deer shot at with buckshot are only wounded. No pellets hit anything vital. They just hit muscle and intestines. It only takes one pellet in the head or heart to kill a deer though, and it's possible one could hit a deer just right at 200 yards, but I'd have to see it to believe it. If one takes the time to pattern a shotgun for buckshot, it is possible to get very good patterns, with good pellet counts, out to 75 yards. My Mossberg 835 patterned very well to 75 yards with 3 1/2" 0 Buck using a Modified choke. A friend got good patterns at 75 using the same load with a Cylinder choke. Buckshot has real advantages when shooting at running deer, especially at 50 yards or less, when the gun throws a good pattern. It works OK in brushy areas too, because a couple of pellets will usually get through. I feel it has it's uses and it can be very effective if used properly. I see no reason for it to be illegal, especially in shotgun only areas. BTW, it's still legal in NJ. But if given the choice, I prefer an accurate rifle, or even an accurate slug gun, that I can use to shoot one shot at a standing buck and close the deal.
  8. Everything you could ever want on the subject is here. https://www.google.com/search?q=.308+vs.+7.62x51&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&imgil=KsjmOv6doa6SwM%253A%253BlzQ-g9ArTec1eM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.303british.com%25252Fid36.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=KsjmOv6doa6SwM%253A%252ClzQ-g9ArTec1eM%252C_&usg=__Gx-ggKhDDuDoUpsMb8trykEIQTA%3D&ved=0CDEQyjc&ei=y1xGVKGcBMvlsASixoCYBA#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=thr1C2P2QF1huM%253A%3BVuIqtmDJs-iudM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi203.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Faa98%252Flittletoyzero%252Fhk20case20separations_zps424c86bd.jpg%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.ar15.com%252Farchive%252Ftopic.html%253Fb%253D6%2526f%253D49%2526t%253D417914%3B640%3B509
  9. I wonder how many of these people were picked out of the crowd of Safe Act protesters in Albany.
  10. This is the way to tell King Andy to drop dead! Seems a line has been crossed in NY that many real Patriots will not tolerate. http://www.tpnn.com/2014/04/12/report-90-of-ny-gun-owners-refusing-to-comply-with-safe-act-requirements/
  11. Shrinks are reporting lots of folks to the Safe Act people to see if they need their guns taken away. This number just keeps going up and the folks who approve putting a name on the list are just rubber stamping the info from hospitals and shrinks. This will surely keep people from seeking help if they want to keep their firearms. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/19/nyregion/mental-reports-put-34500-on-new-yorks-no-guns-list.html?_r=3 From when the reporting requirement took effect on March 16, 2013 until Oct. 3, 2014, 41,427 reports have been made on people who have been flagged as potentially dangerous.
  12. California was the first state to start mandating non-lead ammo in specific areas. It's easy to see a total ban is what was always intended from the start, as we look at what has been done so far and where they are now. It's a step by step process that gets them where they want to be, as soon as possible, without getting shooters and hunters in an uproar where the politicians lose votes. Once any state starts talking about banning lead ammo for anything, a total ban is where they are headed. http://www.shootingwire.com/story/331258
  13. He doesn't like either one? Is he smart enough to realize he's gonna get stuck with one of them? Why not vote for the one he dislikes the least? If you have a choice between getting beat with a lead pipe or a pillow, which one would you want? Besides, anybody who doesn't like Astorino doesn't own a firearm and must be some kind of progressive. Perhaps even a real far left lunatic.
  14. They will also need to ban revolvers, since they don't leave brass at the crime scene.
  15. "New York's Strongest" True, but odor isn't everything! LOL!
  16. When the coming depression hits, you'll see gas for .35 cents again, but nobody will have a car to put it in, or money to spend for it. It's gonna be just like 1930 again! LOL!
  17. I should also mention a good job back then paid about $18,000 per year, but a brand new fully loaded Chevy Monte Carlo only cost $5000. It's not that things were really cheap back then, so much as today's dollar is worth so little. But customer service was important to any business man at that time.
  18. $2.65 today in NJ I pumped gas when I was 16 in 1972 and it was only .35 a gallon. We also washed windshields, checked oil and tire air while you filled up. How was it possible to do that then, but not possible to do it now?
  19. The price of gas is only partially effected by the price of a barrel of oil. Demand for gas and the supply available affects it's cost too. Without more new and efficient refineries being built in America, we can only refine so much gas in a given time period. Maybe election time has no effect on gas prices, but if the price starts going up right after the elections are over, I'd like to find out why. Still seems like too much coincidence for politics not to be involved somehow.
  20. Sure, I give them tips all the time. I tell them not to bet the horses, not to vote for Democrats, stay away from dark alleys and move out of NJ as soon as you can. How does that raise the price per gallon? LOL!
  21. I've tried the Remington reduced loads in my Kimber 7mm-08 and really did not notice any less recoil. I would look into them, but would also look into a good recoil pad, a Dead Mule recoil reducer, maybe adding weight to the butt stock somehow and a good porting job. You can also handload your own down to a level that really has a lot less recoil, although they will limit the velocity and range quite a bit
  22. Daughter just paid $2.67 in Edison NJ today.
  23. What's happening? Leftist Progressives are attacking the folks on their enemies list. Gun owners are on the list. It has nothing to do with crime control, as one can see from this proposed legislation.
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