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Everything posted by jkzfixme

  1. I was typically popping them behind the ear or through the heart. Typically I was 75ish yards away anything 100 or above and I would not take the shot.
  2. I wish it wasn't ! I have dropped more deer with my 22 mag than any other gun I own. Thats the way I was taught, and I didn't know any different until the game warden gave me an ear full.
  3. there is a good reason why they have that expression "eating crow" tough as nails and tastes like crap. My grandfathers idea of a hunter safety course was to give you a pellet gun and when you came back with three crows in a day you were good enough to hunt whatever you felt like. They are smart tough and those feathers might as well be kevlar for my old pellet gun. It took a good 6 months of constant work, and that is what taught me about stalking an animal, how to effectively range out a weapon and really make every shot count.
  4. Im in the same boat as bill , anything scoped or peep holed I only use one eye , trap and iron sights I keep both open .... wish I could use both all the time I just cant break old habits
  5. the 308 and the 06 both get lapua brass , frankly I dont think it matters in the 30-30, or at least I'm not going to shoot it at distances where it will.
  6. The only thing I am currently set up for is 30-06 , 308 , & 30/30. With the 30/30 I use lever evolution bullets which truly makes a world of difference the 06 is a 1903, in 308 I have a rem 700 & a Howa and the 30/30 I have a Marlin
  7. what primers does everyone use ? Am I over paying just for the CCI bench rest name ? I have used the standard large rifle and the BR2's and see no difference. Anybody have a word from the wise on the subject ?
  8. you can get a lee deluxe turret press for 110, all you need are the dies, tumbler, lead, powder and primers. http://www.midwayusa.com/viewproduct/?productnumber=622290 That being said, apparently these things do not wear out , as I did a considerable ammount of research to make sure that the one I got was on par, and safe to use
  9. http://sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/cb.aspx?a=282687 I got one of these cheapies about three years ago and it has done me justice. It gets you on paper, atleast good enough for government work, and then you go from there
  10. previously it was all over the place certain stuff shot better in certain rifles. Now that I started reloading the formula is pretty much the same Lapua Brass BR2 primers Hornaday SST Boat tail
  11. I got that press my buddy gave me setup and MAN what a difference. My 1903 usually shoots 1 inch groups at 100 yards and now that I got the perfect powder measurements Im getting holes touching each other !
  12. mildly amusing is the way to go IMHO
  13. Its funny my 7 year old daughter couldn't tell you who half of the Loony Toons characters are. Probably my own fault for actually trying to parent and keep her outside and active, but still seems to me that cartoons these days are just not the same. TV these days sucks.
  14. yeah , I hear you. Without the thrill of the hunt it would collect dust
  15. any word as to the particulars on this bill ? has it been signed yet ? Am I sleeping on the couch because I need to buy a new expensive toy ?
  16. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/13/nyregion/13geese.html?_r=1&ref=nyregion I would have preferred if they let me and my trusty 870 go to town !
  17. Ah gotcha my bad, I live in orange county so thats what I was thinking. In other news Pine Bush down here has some great hunting, might be worth a weekend trip
  18. Tory is a good 2 hours away from pine bush down 87
  19. http://www.visitbinghamton.org/wheretoplay/hunting-fishing.php
  20. My grandfather's ritual was always and apple a 6 pack and a pipe. Then again he didn't even buy into camo. I dont know if smoking in the woods has hurt me or not, but there has never been a lack of meat in my fridge.
  21. I have more rifles than most and certainly less than I need. These are a few of my goto's that seem to have staying power. The rest come and go but these are my favorites. 1963 Kodiak in .22 Mag 1930ish Marlin A1 in .22LR 1928 Swiss K11 in 7.5 x 55 - I know the K31's are supposed to be more accurate, but this one is a GEM and out shoots both my K31's. I have all the classics from .17 up to 338 and more C & R guns than you can shake a stick at but these seem to be my every day goto guns.
  22. old war hammer , dont even know what it is as there are no markings except barrel made in italy
  23. I actually just picked up a reloading kit and tumbler from a buddy who upgraded. Any recommendations on good comprehensive books ? There is so much information on the internet it is a bit overwhelming.
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