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Everything posted by Hunterny28

  1. thanks for your input everyone. I do have to say they seem to notice the red glow. Maybe high and pointed down maybe the answer. I am going to bring a climbing stick with me and give it a whirl when I get to camp again. I need to get an reader for my phone- it would be easier to do trial and error this way. Although I read to take your phone and lay it flat on the camera and take a picture. this will give you an idea of placement. I will be looking into the black flash next time I purchase one. Fasteddie- that is neat how you were able to get the trespassers. I want to see what is going on down to camp when I am not there!
  2. this is on private property and I have it locked up well. So it seems like 3.5-4 FT would be ideal. I do not want it on central location- but all over as there is multiple routes to this main trail.(what everyone says you get when you put up high) Just worried about the deer noticing the red glow. It is kind of funny- I get the most pictures on them the day of changing the card. They are curious now that its not hunting season. I am going to start using scent away now.
  3. New to the trail camera world and really enjoying it. I want to get a few more and have them out on the property. I just had a few questions. I have a bushnell NINJA CAM 12MP and it seems easy to use. I have the Cam at a 45 degree angle to the trail- facing north. But I want to make sure I am at the right height. I have read multiple online sources that are saying 6 and up(angled down) or 3-4 feet high. What is your guys experience with this? I also want to make sure I am on a tree that is close enough to pick up activity but far enough to get the whole deer in the picture. The directions say a range of 45 feet. Thank you
  4. thanks for the replies guys. I have read great reviews on them improving sound and vibration issues. Almost all the newer bows have them- so they must be working well. I know some of the newer bows are shooting crazy fast and the string stop helps though. I am going to try it out and see. I am sure the reduction in noise if there is any will be beneficial. It should help with string jumping and the rare chance you can get a second shot off in a miss. The vibration issues will be one less thing to worry about while practicing to make yourself a better shooter. I am just at a cross roads if I want to add this feature to my bow or just use it to invest in a new bow.
  5. I am thinking of adding one to my bow- do I need to add serving to the string there? Thank you
  6. Neat watching hit a pumpkin. Now trying to take a hunting shot like that is something I wouldn't and most of you wouldn't feel comfortable doing. Reminds me to discard of the pumpkins differently next year!
  7. I seem to be more comfortable with the glove and using the split finger method. I will just have to work on my form. I do like the idea of reading some sort as a starting point. I have been lucky with online articles and this thread to point me in the right direction. Wildcat junkie, you shoot often now days?
  8. thanks for the replies guys. I am Getting the Samick Sage bow this I know for sure. One of my friends dad has a few bows that I am going to pull back and shoot to get an idea of a ideal draw weight. I am not sure of the arrows yet as I have to do some more research. It will be something along the lines of an aluminium arrow with feather vanes. I do want to be able to make and shoot my own arrows someday. But I do not want to shoot those until I get better. I am excited and can't wait to start shooting! I have checked out both trad gang and 3 rivers archery. In will be buying from them and joining trad gang. I like how there is a ny section and guys that I can shoot with eventually.
  9. I have a diamond razor edge-its a beginners bow that can be adjsuted pretty well. This bow has been through a lot and still performs really well. I have thought about upgrading but it does what I need it to do and the smaller frame makes it easier in the blind or stand. I will look at bow tech/diamond when I do upgrade for sure. Congrats on the new bow.
  10. Great shooting feild archer! Apples or not. Just a strange sight for us NYers How many deer are you able to take in NJ?
  11. Those judo points are interesting looking things. I like the idea of stump shooting for training. I will have to look into those. I want to shoot off the shelf. As well. But was wondering about the vanes on the arrow. I want to be able to shoot aluminum with vanes and eventually a wood arrow with feathers. Can this be done off the shelf?
  12. Wild cat junkie thank you for the detailed advice. I am going to look into an aluminum arrow at rhe time being. Until I am good with the bow I do not want to lose/break wooden arrows. But in the future they seem like a good concept to get closer to the traditional sense. I will keep you in mind.
  13. Doc I want to shoot instinctive. It is something that is a challenge, I am looking forward to. I have the compound bow for sights.
  14. Nyantler- thank you. I tend to get into technical stuff early. I just need to have fun. And learn as I go! Turkey feathers that is amazing! I wish I had the time and patience to craft my own bow. Someday I want to get a flint lock muzzle loader. The samick sage is a top choice as its cheap and has good reviews. I like how you can change up the limbs for different poundage later on.
  15. thank you doc- I appreciate you guys looking out for me in that sense. I am a bigger guy- that has no problem drawing back a 60-70 pound compound. I know that is a different animal in a way. I do have problems with my left shoulder being sore- but I do not let bother me. I had a football injury when I was younger. I will look into a nice 30 to 35 pound bow. I am going to be purchasing before the end of the year as I want to start practicing. Is here any places around CNY that sell or cater to traditional bows that I should check out.
  16. Thanks for the input guys. I will check out the website. What arrows are you guys shooting?
  17. About 45 mins one way. So it s not to bad. Due to my wife's work schedule and the kids I didn't get out as much as I would of liked to. I hunted once a weekend for the entire bow season and all of opening weekend for the gun opener. At least 2 times a weekend with a combo or fri-sat for the rest of gun season. Only got out once with the muzzleloader
  18. The other day I was remembering the days of shooting my grandpa's bear long bow. I would like to get back into it I am thinking. I will just mainly be target shooting for now. If I end up shooting well, maybe I can try some hunting with it. I am looking at a 45-50 pound take down recurve. Any suggestions on bows? Any other input would be great as well!
  19. usually 30 mins before legal time- if you slow and quiet you are fine. managed to get in the stand numerous times with out spooking the deer in the field it over looks. all about where you enter and exit.
  20. people do it with bows and guns- not just crossbows. I didn't notice extra people in my neck of the woods during the 2 weeks. It will be interesting seeing what they do next year.
  21. thanks guys- i have orange gear- and that is a must. I want to be seen, I am still nervous about the idea of being on property with strangers. I have scouted and used online resources. I will end up at camp for opening weekend. Hoping the woods are empty the times I do stay close to home and use state land. I was there last weekend and didn't see a soul while bow hunting. Not sure if the cold/windy weather kept people away. What is the best Scenario if I do see a hunter, turn around and walk away or wait to he acknowledges me? Also what should I do if I have to track a deer- I don't want to ruin anyone else's hunt. I think I have the answers- just would like other opinions. Thank you
  22. Thank you for the replies- i did notice some tape as I was scouting- do people use that to mark their spots? I would try to have mine a little more hidden if it were me! the tape marking a trail was marked like a highway.
  23. Due to the need of being closer to home some weekends, I have invested time in scouting/hunting some state land. I have not seen many hunters out, which I am sure will change with the gun opener. I have never really hunted public Land, but was wondering if there was any un-written rules to hunting them. I am aware of all the state and common sense rules- but just want to make sure I have everything covered. or any advice to hunting public land would be appreciated as well. thank you and good luck on your hunt.
  24. haven't seen much in 7m as well. hoping things speed up this weekend some. good luck when the time comes!
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