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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hunterny28

  1. I am looking to try and hunt some state land for a few days next week. I will be staying in Camden and will scout a bit before. so any area around there would be great. I am itching to get out with rifle as bow has me very frustrated right now. any suggestions as where to start? I am sure there is other posts about this. but I figured instead of sifting through a bunch of threads and posts. it would be easier on this tablet this way. thanks
  2. good evening, i have always wanted to get into the food plot area of hunting but not much land yet to do so. Where I normally hunt it is not a problem. But I have a place much closer to me that is about 7 acres. deer do come through here and I see them enjoying the corn and soy in the neighbors fields. So nutrition is not a big issue. is there something that I can plant that can attract them to my property more? or is it not worth it and just should hunt it when they are moving from bedding to neighbors food source? I am wondering if there is anything that is cheap and low maintainence that would be good for the season. they do love the crab apple line on the property line.
  3. thank you for the replies. I have been doing research as well and that has brought me to these two units as well. was just looking for your guys input. I like the idea of the golden rod but do not have a power source in the safe. How would I go about about getting power in there? I would like one where I don't have to remember to charge the unit. thanks
  4. I like the idea about getting the boat running tip top shape before you head out. Weather is a big thing to watch. The weather can change really quick and can make for a crazy trip back. I have had many crazy trips back.. because of me being young + dumb and listneing to my buddies. Good luck and let us know how you make out!
  5. Hello, due to space and wanting to keep the gun cabinet out of my sons eyesight. I will be moving it into the basement( I have a work bench down there and a tv with a couch/chairs to hang with the guys). in the summer we run a dehumdifier and the heater keeps it not to bad in the winter. There is never water down there but has been damp once or twice. Will the guns be ok down there in the safe? I also keep the ammo in the other side and was wondering about that as well. I noticed people put dehumidifiers in the gun safe to regulate the humidy. Does anyone have any expiernce with these? or storing their guns in the basement? I want to make sure they are safe due to the amount of money I have invested in them. thanks for your help and input!
  6. good luck. I will not be able to be out in the woods until next sat am. I am looking forward to this though!
  7. I agree and hope we have some decent rainfall this spring. I know no one wants to hear this but we really do need it. I have been out to a few fishing spots and notice a difference in levels. the water is not hardly moving and the the pools are not as common as they used to be.
  8. nyantler where abouts you catch these? I am from the same area and have been to chitt creek a few times and not much luck. I caught a couple on on some rooster tail spinners the other day on limestone creek near delphi. I have since picked a few of the panther martians up since everyone recommends them. Can not wait to try them out this weekend.
  9. thanks, just wanted to confirm that it would work like I thought. that is why I am getting the one that folds up. Remembering to fold it back up is the hard part. I will let you know how my shins are after next deer season!
  10. Do to a growing family and budget I found my self In a SUV. I was wondering if any of you guys have had experience or known of people using a trailer hitch cargo carrier. I figured If I wrapped it up that it would stay clean from the road. I need the space in the SUV to carry people and gear/equipment. Thanks http://www.discountramps.com/folding-cargo-carrier.htm
  11. would like this, differnt situation. I finsh paying off my school loan this fall. Maybe if you have no luck I could check it out. is this by any stateland?
  12. I havent had to much luck with decoys. seem like they are a pain to carry in, set up and take down. I know your supposed to call them in, but I have had to get up and move. I would not like to mess with these before moving and/or after moving. I like the advice people gave about learning more about turkey hunting before throwing decoys in. But they do make some that a decently priced and compacted to carry. If this is somehting you are interested in.
  13. thanks fletch for the offer, but my uncle said he recieves this and will let me look at them.
  14. ny antler, my wife and mom also hit up this same store! strange a dollar store is going out.. always see that place full of cars.
  15. Thanks for all your input. I am going to look into joining the club. The free feild tests are not a huge issue becuase I spend to much money on my own doing my own feild tests! I am just not to fond of them sending me and billing me. Then I have to worry about getting it back to them. But the magazine and forum would be nice to check out. Just making sure this was not a total scam!
  16. good quality video. I am def going to check out your other videos. Not much of a predator hunter here, but good job calling and drawing them in! Nice shot as well.
  17. Hello All, I recieved a letter today from the North American Hunting Club. It came with a pamplet syaing if I sign up for the club I can become a field test panel member. Becuase I sign up I can recieve a cook book and knife as a free gift. The letter goes on to tell me I will get to test hunting gear and keep it if I fill out a survey. The club costs a dollar a month and you recieve information and magazines. I am not sure if this is a scam or some sort and was wondering if anyone else recieved this. Seems to be to good to be true. Also if it is true is there hidden costs or soemthing at the end. Thanks for reading and look forward to your input.
  18. Enjoyed the pics. amazing what a trail cam picks up. I need to put someone out!
  19. Congrats! and good luck with the future. Getting In shape for the long haul is great and also you will enjoy your safari. Did you change your eating habits a along with the workout? I started this week with p90x and changing how I eat. I also am looking into it for the long haul. Hearing stories like this gives me motivation!
  20. Rev, I was seeing a bunch of them for a while. I remember last week driving past a field and seeing a whole group of them. This was when we had more mild weather like you said. I usually see them in these fields and wish I could hunt it. Since we have switched back to more of a winter weather I have not encountered any. I will keep looking and counting down the days to may.
  21. thank you for the idea! let us know how it works. I second on the rubber bands holding it in place also.
  22. looks good and nice to have the previous years sheds. I wish I had him hanging in my house!
  23. good point, I will try to get out and see some signs. Gives me a reason to get out and enjoy the outdoors after being cooped up all winter. I just was wondering how many birds like to hang out in the woods. Because at some spots this stateland is pretty thick .
  24. I agree with the comfort factor as stated above. I would rather spend the extra now instead of sitting hours in a deat thats cutting into you. I am in the market for a new stand for next season. I have had enough with the hand me down I got from my uncle. I feel that if I wa smore comfrotable I would sit in the stand longer, increasing my chances. I have seen many stands with hammock style seats which are nice. My next stand will have a seat with good cushion and a large platform. good luck finding yourself one.
  25. I have a son who is 15 months old. Keeping us busy and changed my life. I would not trade it for anythign in the world. I hope as he gets older he has the same inerests as me. So we can share the things I enjoy and have my own hutning partner! He loves to play outsise and chase the dogs!
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