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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by JGaruti3

  1. I didnt see any this year on my trail camera and there are tons of turkeys in the area...
  2. I love hunting in general so a little rain will not stop me. I actually bought some really nice waterproof clothing. I was out there this turkey season for the whole day in pouring rain. Did not phase me one bit. Look in to getting some waterproof clothing...makes a world of difference. My friend who was with me had no waterproof clothing and he could not last more than two hours. I actually use that waterproof hunting clothes no matter what the conditions are. Even if its cold I just like to layer up underneath and keep the waterproof on the outside.
  3. Jersey sucks...my friend who lives there doesn't even bother hunting because its a nuiscance....so much more rules and regulations to deal with..
  4. ya...looks like that deer is getting eat alive! kind of scary to get eaten alive.
  5. I think the archery can and should be lowered. In Pennsylvania where I have a house and hunt they have separate rules for guns and archery. With firearm you have to be 150 yards from the house whereas archery only 50 yards. I think it can be beneficial based on your case and where you hunt. Where my house is in PA the deer cling to my community because all these nature lovers who have summer homes up there feed all the wildlife. So it is kind of reverse of what it should be...the closer you are to the houses the better chance you have. Going deep in the woods there does not help cause there are no animals out there. Its not like an arrow is going to travel 2 miles like a bullet can. So I think it should be changed. Plus you guys are right..all these suburban hunters out on Long Island and in Westchester are hunting right in their backyards as it is.
  6. PSE Nova NI with 70 pound draw. Shot at the range yesterday for about an hour. This thing has some power. At twenty yards the arrow has almost a flat trajectory. I got the 70 lb draw because I would have had to wait another two weeks to get in the 60 but the guy at the range told me he could lower it for me if I wanted. But I had no problem drawing it so I think I am going to stick with the 70 lb. Also got a 3 pin Apex sight that glows...pretty cool. Got a nice trigger release, peep sight, kisser, kwikee quiver, and a pretty cool arrow rest. The arrow rest keeps the arrow in place if you are in to still hunting. Overall I am very happy with the bow...now I just need a lot more practice, some broadheads, and for October to come. What broadheads do you guys use?
  7. First deer I ever killed was an exciting time and certainly the most memorable for me! I was actually down in Virginia where driving deer with dogs is legal. I was hunting with my girlfriends father and his hunt club. I had still hunted hard (sunup to sundown) all week up in some tree stands and did not see anything but those pesky squirrels! It was a Saturday and I was suppose to leave to go somewhere else but I chose to stay because I really wanted to get a deer. So that Saturday I headed out with her father (whose name is Hunter) and we were driving deer with the club all day. Did not have any luck all morning and the hours were starting to wane. Then finally the last drive of the day Hunter took me to a great location. Basically we were on top of a flat grassy ridge and there were steep hillsides sloping down on each side with woods. On the opposite side of the ridge was where the dogs were let go. You know when these dogs are let loose because you first hear their handlers start barking to get them all charged up. So at this point my blood is boiling. Then next you hear the dogs barking. If they are barking it means they are on the scent trail. Hunter told me to find a good deer path coming out of the woods and be ready. First thing to come out of the woods are two dogs. They run right past us on to the other side of the hill sniffing the ground and barking as they go. About five minutes later I look in to the woods and a deer is running out at me full charge. The deer was twenty yards from me when he came out so I swung my gun around. I take my first shot (which is the first time I ever tried shooting an animal) and I completely miss this sucker. I was using buckshot out of a 12 guage semi-auto and must have shot completely over his head. The deer did a u-turn after I let off the shot and swung back in to the woods. I was upset for missing, but as I am cursing at myself I look where the deer originally came out of the woods and low and behold there are two more deer there frozen. 1 buck and 1 doe. The buckshot must have sprayed near them too so that made them freeze. I draw my shotgun around again and take another shot at this buck. What do you think happens? I miss again.... To my luck the two deer are still standing there at the edge of the woods frozen. So for this last attempt I take a good five seconds to line up my shot and fortunately for me I did not miss. The deer fell when I shot him but he got back up and ran no more than twenty yards. I walked down the slope with Hunter following the blood trail and there he laid. My first deer! So it turned out to be a great decision to stay that one last day! I will never forget the memory of walking in the woods following all that blood to see the downed deer! So I have only killed one deer since then but that first time will certainly be one to keep in the memory bank.
  8. I hope when I check my camera this weekend I see some racks like that!!
  9. Reconyx is what I bought. Pretty expensive but great camera. Only complaint I have is half the time I do not get the animal. If they are walking by fast you never catch them. Especially smaller animals.
  10. If you hunt with handgun what game do you like to hunt with? What is your gun of choice? I am intrigued by the idea of hunting with a handgun...not that I have any plans to do it in the near future. I really like the Ruger Blackhawk Hunter model - 44 cal. DAE own a Ruger?
  11. Here are some good turkey pics I got on my trail camera. The first few are right in my backyard!
  12. the second picture is definitely a yote...you may need a better monitor to view it...but you can see his pointy ears and bushy tail
  13. yes...the darker image...i thought it could be a beaver as well...but how far will a beaver travel from water? there are some small streams and a few ponds that are close to the area. I would say the closest pond if probably 1/3 of a mile walk through the woods and its a pond that is surrounded by a swamp which no human can even get through.
  14. This is the only pictures I have of this animal...not sure what it is though... Any thoughts?
  15. Ted Nugent is also a favorite....simply because I want to live his lifestyle
  16. In my opinion I don't think it would matter how far back or close you have the stand to the field. If you are high enough up and not moving the deer will not detect you. The more important part is your setup based on the wind. So if possible I would put two stands, one on each side of the field. That way you can play the wind in to your hunting strategy each time you go out there.
  17. don't know any girl celebrity hunters myself but I would have to go with Brock Lesnar since I am a big fan of the UFC...he is an avid whitetail hunter
  18. Remington 870 Super Express Magnum 12 guage Savage Model 10 .243 Winchester First two guns I ever bought and the only guns I have for now. Only got in to hunting within the last 2 years or so. Hopefully I will be able to buy a new gun every 2-3 years. I really have no interest in buying anything for right now since I haven't even killed anything yet with these guns. For the future I really like the Blaser rifles. I like that new R8 they just came out with. Looks real pretty and has a special bolt action technology.
  19. I started going to the range by my house. The guys there are really in to the PSE bows. I was thinking about buying the Nova bow. They said it was a great bow for beginners. Anyone shoot that bow? How many bows do you all have? I'm sure some of you might be in to buying bows just like you are in to buying guns.
  20. i am going to have to find me a nice dear carcass to get some good pics like that...nice job
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