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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ants

  1. me and a friend were just talking about that. I hope they do start selling ammo on reservation lands so we can all thumb our noses at the little king.
  2. Last I knew the state didn't have a system in place yet, for running background checks. Originally little king Andy assumed that the state would just use the same system that is used for background check on firearms sales (NICS) but the Feds told him to stuff it. I can see there being at least a form that you have to fill out, until some kind of electronic system is in place. Anyone know the definition of "Infringe"
  3. These little rats can be defeated. Keep putting the word out for like minded, pro 2nd amendment people to get out and vote, and to spread the word. I think a lot of people are just shrugging their shoulders and assuming that its over…not even close. I think that these little self serving rats are planning on gun owners just saying "oh well" and giving up. Don't let it happen.
  4. I have always used a 12Ga. 1 oz. load of # 6 or 7 1/2 shot. but any gauge will work with an open choke like IC. A friend of mine hunts small game all winter with a 410 or 28 gauge. I need a little bit more shot than that. LOL!
  5. I have shot a friends .338 Win Mag. and it didn't seem all that bad. Not much more than a 30-06. I also shot his 300WSM. that thing just pissed me off…3 shots and I was done.
  6. Looks like Buffalo, Rochester and Grand Rapids. But I have family members that live in my same area, who use totally different words than me. "Sangwich"(sandwich) "yous guys" "fry cake"(donut) "paca book" (purse) "soft dink" (soda)……..
  7. LOL!! looks like he actually took his time on that last shot too. Still no dice.. His rifle must of been off..I hope.
  8. I believe that Fitzpatrick also said that he would encourage local Police agencies to continue to enforce the 7 round law.
  9. Check the bore, make sure it's clean and bright, check the wood for cracks especially the stock (look close, hair line cracks will get bigger) make sure the safety works. Thats a few big ones I can think of off the top of my head.
  10. If its in good shape grab it. I saw an older one in gander last week, no scope but in excellent condition. $300. Went back to check it out again this week…long gone..
  11. Good deal!! Whats that rifle you used?
  12. LOL!! DUUUUUDDDDE! Does that count or does it just have to be plain "Dude?" Dude.
  13. I use to give my water fowl to an elderly Italian couple I know. They lived through the depression where food was food. They gladly took my ducks/geese for a while but eventually said "no thanks..too a-strong" BLAAAHHHH!!
  14. NO FREAKING WAY !!!!! not even close. If you like a strong, STRONG liver taste, you will be all set.
  15. DUDE…I guess you're right. We plan out drives too, but we're all so familiar with the land that we just us a stick and draw our maps on the ground. Forgot that they're not from the area. Kelly cam on!
  16. Welcome and thank you for your service...
  17. I like when they were in the "command center" planning their moves….DUDE????? Where's my car?? LOL!!! Just me. but WTF? LOL!!
  18. I had permission to hunt late season ducks/geese in a corn field in Weedsport NY for years. We would do real well ,but Same thing …..No good eating. It always pissed me off. I have access to fields 5 minutes from my house, that are filled with geese and ducks (late season) but why bother if they taste like crud and I can't give them away?
  19. "Kelly's gun cam" LOL!!! DUDE
  20. One of the reasons I got out of water fowl hunting was that they tasted like //// no matter how I cooked them. Even corn field ducks. I never found that magic formula.
  21. WOOOOHOOOO!!!! Finally smoked em dude!!!!! DUDE?>>DUDE>>DUDE??DUDE>>>DUDE? DUDE??????? These guys appear to be young and new to hunting so I'll give them a little bit of a pass…..But Really?? DUDE... I know I'll get smoked here "DUDES" but that is definitely not my style….DUDES…LOL!
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