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Everything posted by ants

  1. Thats great ! Glad to see that Honda didn't leave her hanging. Years ago I had a Chevy pick up. the tranny went 3K miles out of warranty. The dealer told me that the tranny modle was a bad design and that they had been replacing a bunch of them under warranty, and that GM ordered them to sent the bad units back to them so they could see why they were failing at such a high rate. But since mine was out of warranty.... The dealer pretty much told me "there's the door" (scum bags) I called GM & wrote to GM....same thing "screw you" It cost me $1200.00 that I didn't have. I just got married & bought a house. I had $500.00 left in my bank account. Had to borrow money from my father. Nice to see that a company will take care of a customer like that instead of acting like total pieces of you know what. '
  2. I often wonder about police making random checks at gun ranges, for people firing, what little King Andy calls, Assault weapons. A person just shooting, what appears to be an "assault weapon" wouldn't give enough probable cause for police to stop you, take your rifle and run a check to see if it is properly registered, but Cuomo appears to be so dishonest and underhanded.....Who knows what kind of "special circumstance clause" he might impose? Wait and see I guess.
  3. Cool find. I bet there's a market for the thing, no matter what shape it's in. Last summer I was at a family party at my uncles place. He's in his 70's. Me and him went into his pole barn to get some more beer and soda for the coolers. Up in the rafters I spotted a schwine tandem bike that I recognized. He use to bring me on rides on it when I was 6 or 7 years old. First time I had seen it in like 40+ years. Back then I couldn't even reach the peddles, today I would break the thing. I asked him why he still had it and he said that there is a big market of old double bikes. I guess he was offered several hundred for it a while back, but sad no.
  4. This kid did nothing wrong. This is just another example of how the anti gun crowd will out and out lie and fabricate events in order to push their anti agenda. The principal said that his concern is that if the guns were in a vehicle parked on , or in this case close to, campus then a student could leave school, go get the gun and return to use the gun against people in the school. That makes no sense. How many students live close to campus and have guns in their homes?? Lying little rats.
  5. Dear disrespectful, rude. insulting, vulgar, crude, inappropriate and juvenile acting recipients (although I know that you don't realize you're being that way) ....talk to you on Monday. Have a good week end.. I have to work all day Saturday....bunch of B.S. They give 20 year old little whiners week ends off but.........never mind , I'm rambling.....
  6. What ever method you choose, just be sure to clean the thing. A friend of mine let his muzzle loader sit for a year with out cleaning it and it ruined the gun. The bore got so corroded up that it wouldn't shoot anything close to a good group at 50 yds. i mean each shot was way off from the shot before . He ended up buying a new gun.
  7. HBard to say for sure....but I would guess yes, based on the two light spots between the ears.
  8. LOL ! That was a little funny....wad...LOL!
  9. No.. my point is that there is a time to bite your tongue, no matter how you feel. So would you make such a comment to a father, even if he knows whats going to happen on his daughters honeymoon, or would you keep your comments to your self?? Simple question.
  10. Well at least you manned up. Have a good one kid.
  11. When I shot black powder , this is how I did it. Take out the breach plug and place that end of the barrel into a bucket of Luke warm soapy water. I just used plain dish soap. Make the water a little on the soapy side. Then put your cleaning rod/patch down through the muzzle but wet the patch first, with the soapy water solution. Run the rod up and down the bore and you will notice that it causes a vacuum effect and will draw the water from the breach into the barrel. Scrub it good and take the barrel out. dry off the out side and run dry patches through the bore until dry. Then run a clean patch with some good gun oil on it, down the barrel to prevent rust. Scrub the plug with the solution, dry it off and oil the threads. you should be good. Make sure the plug is totally dry before you put it back in the gun. Good luck.
  12. Got it ...so as long as they're not your friends or someone you know go ahead and be a rude disrespectful little juvenile.
  13. Anyone have an answer to this?? Just yes or no..
  14. If one of your friends was talking about his daughters up and coming wedding would you break into the conversation and say something like "ya know a lot of new brides spend their whole honeymoon getting drilled by their new husbands" Or would you thing that would be a little inappropriate and keep your opinion to yourself ? Grown ups know when to keep their opinions to themselves. Kids don't.
  15. I guess I just don't understand why someone would enter a conversation, in which guys are talking about their teenage daughters, and start saying things like teenage girls are sluts, they get "drilled" at parties and in cars, you never met a girl who was Virgin past the age of 20, when they're sitting down stairs with they boyfriends, you know what they're doing... blah blah...If those are your opinions fine, but they had no place in this conversation. If you had daughters you might get a little twisted hearing someone talk like that. If your intention was to insult people, with your uncalled for comments or if it was just to sound like an 18 year old punk congrats on both.
  16. Yup..my youngest starts 8th grade next year and my oldest graduates.
  17. Maybe so, but for some little wad to just imply, based only on his experience, that everyones daughters are automatically "all" sluts is B.S. Does the little wad know me? does he know my family? does he know my daughters and how they were brought up?
  18. some day when you grow up and maybe have a daughter, you will realize that when someone makes blanket B.S. statements, like you do, that name calling, although sometimes childish, might make you feel a little better.....Junior.
  19. Too bad..good actor. I think he was only in his early 50's
  20. Good luck..I had a knee done last year and rehab helped a lot in recovering.
  21. No you didn't state facts, you stated your opinion. Guys on this forum were having a friendly conversation about their daughters and you break in with- all girls of a certain age are sluts. I can't figure out whether your really that stupid, and don't realize your being an insulting little stain or if your doing it on purpose to get people going. Either way your being a low class sophomoric D-bag. Now get your butt out to the bus stop or you'll be late for school... junior.
  22. Little wad crawled back under his rock...Wonder if his live in squeeze is "PRETTY"? If so....Well ya know.... Typical down state arrogance.. What can you do ??
  23. LOL! I know you're putting us on now.....Bet your mom was pretty...LOL!! you got me LOL !!
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