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Everything posted by ants

  1. The only good things that come out of Canada are hockey and beer. He's just another Hollywood wad who portrays gun owners as bumbling morons who are so stupid and irresponsible that no one around them is safe. Yes he is a comedian, I get that, but there is no way that this little wad would ever have the stones (or in his case raisons) to make a spoof video showing inner city gang bangers, who intentionally use illegal guns to commit crimes, doing drive by shootings, killing each other and innocent people (some times children) who get caught in their crossfire. Coward.
  2. I never even thought to see what she was trying to sell!! LOL! But yeah I think its T shirts.
  3. He is the king of control freaks. I heard reported this morning that part of the proposed back ground check is a requirement that a person proves he is the owner of a gun, before they can sell it to another person. So if you have a shot gun, or any other gun, that you have owned for years and no longer have a receipt for or if you bought a gun from a private party or were given a gun but never got a receipt. You're screwed
  4. Cant be the power ball because I hit it!!!..... $4 American !!!!!!!!
  5. Looks like the regular head gear, but its kind of hard to tell for sure.
  6. I have a problem with "honorable too" Maybe just Governor would work, but its your letter and a good one. Thanks.
  7. I have heard reported, that they want to change it to - you could load with ten at the range or in shooting competitions. Nothing about home defense, which would be par for the course as far as this "common sense" law goes. Target shoot with 10, protect your family with 7 ???? But who knows what they're really going to do? This whole, little king Andy, publicity stunt of a law needs to be flushed down the crapper where it belongs.
  8. Im sure it could be done. When I was around 14 or 15 I had a cheap .22 that the firing pin broke on. my father was a machinist so he took the broken pin to work in the morning and came back that night with a perfect replacement pin that he made at work. I still have the gun but haven't shot it in years. Maybe try a machine shop or a tool and die maker.
  9. It would be interesting to find out if the state has ever come out with a program that offered up a reward for information leading to the arrest of drug dealers
  10. I never thought about cooking one either. The only person who I have ever talked to that did eat them said that he made them in a stew, just like beef stew. He said they were good.
  11. Right ...He was pretty stern on the 7 round issue a couple weeks ago. I don't see that going away without a court battle. The most sickening part of this whole law is that the little rat did it for political gain. He didn't do it to "save the children" he didn't do it to stop inner city gun violence. If that were the case he would have done it a long time ago. He used the school shooting and exploited the poor victims in order to call attention to himself, and to get his name out there. He wanted to be first. Little piece of crap.
  12. This rule just passed today. It's official, but I think it applies to open field.
  13. My sister in law lives in Texas. She visited us recently and said that houses are going up like crazy, in Texas, because so many people are moving there to get away from the B.S. liberal politics of the rest of the country.
  14. Feinstein was whining about it in an interview this morning. She vowed to never give up on it. According to her "this is about the safety of children and schools". Shameless witch.
  15. Yeah the whole damn this is one big joke. One of my pistols has an 8 round mag and the little king says I can only load it with 7? He calls that "common sense" LOL!
  16. The 7 round limit is the most ridiculous part of the whole "common sense" law and needs to be changed. But I don't think it will change with out legal action.
  17. One of the biggest things was her (Feinkenstein) banning guns, specifically, by name. At least that is deep sixed, for now.
  18. I can't find anything yet, probably too early. The only stuff i can find is mostly Feinstein whining about it.
  19. I just heard a news report that Sen. Dianne Feinstein's assault weapons ban will not be included in the Democratic gun control bill. It can be offered as an amendment, to the bill, later, but it doesn't have a real good chance of going anywhere.
  20. Good deal!! I have always liked those little guns. I'll have to pick one up one of these days. Unless Little King Andy bans those too.
  21. Who is "Joe six pack" in your world ? Its the fat, drunken idiot who shoots at everything that moves and then shoots himself, or someone else, in the foot because he is just a big greasy, beer swilling moron...Right? Theres not a law abiding citizen out there that is smart enough to be trained on, and properly handle anything more than a BB gun...
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