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Everything posted by ants

  1. I totally get your point..I think the funny videos point out just how sad the situation is. Everyone knows how outright corrupt, and what a pathological liar she is, yet she is still beloved by the left, and has a very good chance to win the presidency. She should be in jail, but she just won Nevada….
  2. They look pretty damn good to me…Nice big bucks too.
  3. I think, what Apple is being told, is not to just give away the technology, to get into just that one phone, but to give away the technology to get into all the phones they have made and will ever make.
  4. That would have been wonderful. Just like if the Jihadis, never listened to the hate speech, some have preached to them, their whole lives.
  5. Yep..A NICS check has to be done on the buyer, unless the two parties are immediate family,,and I think they have to live in the same household. Thats the SAFE sham law.
  6. But Bloomberg took care of the awful salt and sugar problem, that plagued the City!!!!!
  7. We had a street, a half a block away, that was a hill that intersected our street. We would launch them from the top, and by the time they got to the intersection they had to be doing at least 30 MPH!! You had to hope a car wasn't crossing that intersection, by the time it got down there. We lost a few good one………LOL!!!!
  8. Sucks that you were FORCED to join in…LOL!! Remember SST cars, with the rip cord???
  9. What about pickled Herring?? Looks a$$ nasty but….gooooood
  10. Ever pour model glue on them, light it and watch them burn, like it was a bad crash???LOL!!! What the hell was wrong with me??
  11. Thats fine…Why disgrace Scalia by even being there? Prediction…Barak Hussain will make it a point to be seen golfing, attending a Muslim event or some other event just as an F.U. Its best that he doesn't attend. Its a good thing…..
  12. A couple of those look familiar…For some reason, most of the kids in my neighborhood liked Hot Wheels over Matchbox. I don't know why..
  13. I love Limburger, onion and spicy mustard on a cracker.. And anchovy on pizza is awesome.. I don't get to eat them much because the wife and kids complain about the smell. They have no idea what they're missing..
  14. Imagine shelling out big cash to buy that place, but having to deal with some old stranger walking around in his pajamas all day???? Creepy……..
  15. I love sardines. Any brand, although I bough a cheap brand a few times,( can't remember the brand but the can had a blue label) They were way too big and boney. They looked like something they throw to the seals at marine world. I like those canned Kipper snacks too.
  16. I have a 72 Olds Cutlass that I drive around in nice weather. I would love to find a hot wheels car that matched it.
  17. When I think back on all of the toys my brother and I destroy, that would be worth money now,,,I get depressed..
  18. My brother and I had tons of hot wheels, when we were kids. We had all kinds of tracks too….We could never find enough of those red things that held the sections of track together, so we had to use scotch tape a lot….. LOL!!
  19. Yeah ….I see your point. But not having the likes of Barak Hussain at this mans funeral, is OK with me. I could see him just going through the motions, not being respectful,smirking and being the Marxist radical little punk that he is. I think its all for the best.
  20. There was an old one about a garden hose & chrome….or a golfball and a trailer hitch??? Oh I can't remember how the hell it went…never mind…..
  21. you're right..don't know why I was thinking 10…?
  22. Beautiful rifle….I love the classic wood and blued steel look..You should have traded him that .357 for it.
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