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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. Gavin Newsom tweeted out a picture of a tiny .22-caliber rifle meant for kids, calling it a "WEAPON OF WAR," and now everyone wants one. The following rifle comes from a company called Wee1 Tactical, which exists to "safely help adults introduce children to the shooting sports." Gavin Newsom tweeted out a picture of a tiny .22-caliber rifle meant for kids, calling it a "WEAPON OF WAR," and now everyone wants one
  2. Yes it needs to stop, but it needs to be stopped by Trudeau realizing his totalitarian mandate needs to be repealed, because it's causing all of this and doesn't do a damn thing as far as the virus goes. The police are not doing themselves any favors by cracking down on citizens protesting a tyrannical government. They will lose a lot of the public's respect by doing this and will come to bite them in the azz in the future. What could the Canadian govt do to them if they all decided to refuse to carry out an illegal order? Just goes to prove we could see this happen in America too.
  3. To advocate for Socialism is not intelligent, based on the historical record. Whenever Socialism has been implemented, life got worse - not by a little; but by a lot. There is not a single exception to this rule.
  4. NC quoted you again fool, it wasn't a reply to you and it's obvious it's the other way around.
  5. I've seen many deer in the bed of a truck, but this buck in a truck is a first.
  6. Canadians are basically Americans without a 2nd Amendment.
  7. Never saw that movie. You, Lefty and VH seem to have related to it though. Pretty telling.
  8. To vilify people who swore this oath, is to be an enemy of the people. MILITARY ENLISTED OATH I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. MILITARY OFFICERS OATH I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. While the enlisted oath does contain a pledge to obey the orders of the President and of commanding officers, that is still preceded by a pledge to “defend the Constitution,” and is also qualified by the requirement that such orders be “according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.” Any order, by anyone, that is not constitutional or according to regulations, is unlawful and military personnel are not obligated to follow such orders – and, in fact, are obligated to refuse. Declaration of Orders We Will Not Obey - (oathkeepers.org)
  9. To leftists, anything that isn't far left is far right. No mention in the video about what the government is doing to cause these groups to feel it has become the enemy of freedom and liberty.
  10. It would be a lot smarter for him to admit his totalitarian mandates are wrong and follow the science that says this virus is now endemic and here to stay. He needs to understand and admit his mandates are not working. They are causing more damage.
  11. That's the nice thing about Leupold. even the budget priced scopes are great. Leupold owns Redfield now and those scopes are great too. Never had an issue with either of them.
  12. And to think this massive oppression is all because of a virus that 99.97% of people survive. Trudeau is willing to do all of this to force people to get a vaccination. Imagine if they wanted to force you into concentration camps. If you refused, I'm sure you would be shot. Yet the media would not criticize any of it, as they are paid propagandists.
  13. If Joe Biden and the Democrats understood or appreciated just how much the world still needs fossil fuels, we'd be in a better bargaining position with Putin. Instead, we're building wind farms in the ocean and hoping Russia doesn't invade Ukraine. As a leader in energy production, America could have more sway over global geopolitics. Instead, the Democrats' obsession with green energy has left us less secure and the world more unstable. We should learn an important lesson from Germany, which shut down its nuclear plants and now depends on outside sources for 61% of its energy. Yet Biden won't budge. Biden's opposition to fossil fuels has broad support within the Democratic Party. That support remains strong despite rising prices. But Independents are clearly unhappy. Since they are upset with so many Biden policies, it's hard to disentangle what troubles them most. Still, it is striking how little this rising resentment and declining popularity has affected Biden's policies. Zero, zip, nada.
  14. That idiot is saying exactly what the Democrats are planning to do if they can. They just wish he would not be so dumb as to let the cat out of the bag. Notice how his aides and the media try to say he never said what he did say. They are lying to us folks. That's what Democrats and leftists do. "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." B. Obama (Liar in Chief)
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