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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. While three of the last four presidents were at the 20th anniversary ceremony at the 9/11 Memorial in New York City on Saturday, former President Donald Trump decided to spend the day with New York’s heroes, instead. https://www.westernjournal.com/clintons-bidens-obamas-attended-ceremony-9-11-memorial-yesterday-trump-quietly-dipped-nearby-nyfd-bay/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=CTBreaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=conservative-tribune&ats_es=b7a42290cbf1e4f7f87c731604a39bb0 How the media covered Trump’s activities spoke volumes. At The New York Times, the headline focused on Trump’s absence from the 9/11 Memorial ceremony, implying the former president had other things to do with his time than commemorate a day that changed the country. “Where’s Trump on 9/11? Not at ground zero,” the Times reported snidely.
  2. Sarcasm right? How is it promoting big government when everything the GOP does is trying to stop the left's big government attacks on our freedoms? The guy who wrote that for the Guardian is either a propagandist spinning the truth, or completely oblivious to how big intrusive government comes about. This has to be the stupidest line in the article. Years ago, the Republican party had a coherent idea about limiting the role of government and protecting the rights of the individual. I disagreed with it, as did much of the rest of America.
  3. The data on who donates to charities comes from the charities themselves. Conservative sponsored charities report far higher donations from their supporters than do left wing charities. Also the conservative charities report far more of the donated money is spent on their actual mission than do left wing charities. Look into the Clinton Foundation if you want to see a "charity" that spent less than 10% of it's donations for the causes it says it supports. BTW, since Hillary lost the election to Trump, the Clinton Foundation donations have dried up to nothing. It appears the donations were for political favors, not charitable causes.
  4. There are gun hunters in the woods during bow season though.
  5. It's not the charity giving money away we are talking about. It's where they get the donations from. Charity from individuals to their preferred orgs, let's them choose who it goes to. That's freedom of choice. The govt taking my money to give to Planned Parenthood or any org I disagree with is theft. BTW, the founders did not intend, nor does the US Constitution authorize, the federal govt to be involved in any form of charitable contributions. Taxes are supposed to be only for the operation of the govt, but it has become a way for elected officials to buy votes.
  6. Or any house the owner allows you to be closer to.
  7. I never said that. Nice try at deflection though. We are talking about regular people here. Why do you insist on misdirecting the conversation?
  8. Barack Obama, the master purveyor of racism in America, has inserted himself into this California recall election and is pulling for Gavin Newsom to win against Larry Elder. Obama used to say he was for opportunities for all blacks. Looks like he's against a black man who wants to make California great again. He also hasn't said a word about this racist attack, yet he never missed an opportunity to address one in the past, when the victims were all blacks on his side. Obama must feel racism is OK when it targets conservative blacks. As for his even more radical wife, she has also chosen not to speak of this attack. Hypocrisy at it's finest.
  9. I guess in order to get the ability to shoot earlier and later, wearing a blaze orange hat is the price. It's needed during those low light hours because a few hunters still don't positively identify their targets or make sure the bullet hits a backstop. It could've been worse, as they could have mandated much more orange. Or they could've mandated only blaze pink. LOL!
  10. Remember Bubba Wallace and the NASCAR noose incident? That was blasted at us from the left wing media for days until they finally admitted it was just a door pull. They take imaginary racist incidents, or fake one's from the likes of Jussie Smollett, and blow them way out of proportion, while ignoring real racial attacks from the left on conservatives. That is blatant bias. This is propaganda. This is about pushing the "white supremacy" agenda. It's racial bias against white men. It's no different than what racists did to blacks in the past.
  11. Many on the left do deny it, and they do so vigorously. They won't acknowledge it, because that would be defending it, which they won't do because they know it's indefensible.
  12. Gates is not a liberal. He is a far left Marxist. He contributes to orgs that have political goals. That's not giving to charity.
  13. It’s 20 years after 9/11, and you might be less safe than you were 20 years ago. The Taliban—the people that really allowed 9/11 to happen, because they let al-Qaeda work in Afghanistan, they protected them—20 years later, they will be more powerful than when they started. That’s a gift, essentially, that President Joe Biden gave them by this chaotic withdrawal. This is a new war on terror. It could be every bit of a struggle as the past 20 years of war. We were spending in Afghanistan, under Donald Trump, in a year, what we used to spend in a week. He didn’t think he was going to build a paradise in the Middle East. He just said, “Look, it is what it is. Let’s just make sure the Taliban can’t overrun it.” I would be the last person to say that we did everything right. But I will say, we defeated transnational terrorism. And a month ago, it was actually the furthest thing from people’s mind as the global threat we have to worry about. In six weeks, we let them back in the game. And that’s our fault. Our president made a really, really bad choice. This is likely the most incompetent politician in modern history, backed by a team of experts who had eight years of almost unrelenting failure in foreign policy. People voted for them. People trusted them. And what was that trust based on? They didn’t tweet mean. And you live with the consequences of the decisions that you make. It does affect your pocketbook. It does affect your life. It does affect whether your children go to school. It does affect your neighborhood because it’s going to come back and it’s going to hurt you. This is the lesson we learned on 9/11. If we don’t think for ourselves and take these things seriously and just outsource it to somebody else, we have to live with the consequences. And if we get it wrong, the consequences are terrible. You can look at where we are today and where we were 20 years ago and ask a very simple question: How could we squander everything that was done to make this country safer? We said we would never forget.
  14. You think this is bad? People need to wake up to the fact these tyrants are just getting started. When will citizens grow a spine and decide enough is enough? The sheep are many in these blue states.
  15. I think we all know why. The double standard is very obvious, and people have come to accept it as part of the new normal, which is massive hatred of conservatives, be they minorities or women. This amounts to cultural combat, and the "nice guys" are going to finish last if they don't wake up.
  16. Always fall back on leftist talking points when the facts don't support your accusations. I'm still waiting for the data set that proves it. Here's a fact for you. Pro abortion advocates don't care about the life of a fetus while it's in the womb or after it's born. And I won't refer to those people as "nut jobs" because they know exactly what they're doing. BTW, this abortion stuff is in the wrong forum thread. Bowman lost his way a few posts back. Try redirecting the comments to the right thread.
  17. If that isn't extremist, nothing is. These Democrats are totalitarian tyrants. Went to my electric CO-OP meeting today. They said your electric bill will be going way up, because they now have to massively upgrade their grid to handle all of the "fast charging" demands that will be coming with this dictatorial mandate.
  18. I'm only hunting yotes when I'm not wearing orange.
  19. If a woman decides to not have a baby because she is single or does not have the means to be a good mother is showing concern for the long term welfare of the baby as a person. How does killing the child show any concern for it's long term welfare? It's dead and has no long term at all. Where anti abortionists only show concern for the fetus,after that you don't care about the well being of the person. Conservatives contribute far more every year to charities than liberals do. Show me any data to prove this leftist talking point. It's a lie. Conservatives want to improve lives by offering them a way out of poverty. Liberals want to keep giving them hand outs in exchange for their votes. The future for all American youth is bleak under Democrat ideology. It offers only dependence on the government.
  20. Far less true and based on assumptions. But your answer is in the wrong thread.
  21. OK, tell me what you believe is the reason we are now so callous with regard to human life in this country?
  22. Don't confuse my intolerance of stupidity and treason with hatred.
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