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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. Cool, that must have been a blast
  2. Oh my... Wow. I can't imagine how much the deer must love this
  3. It was well worth it to get the guy to spread it... That thing holds 5 tons! crazy eh?
  4. Great, my name is on that list... I just checked...
  5. Lime going down from the trail camera Local mill up the road, was able to drive right to the property and spread it. [smg id=202]
  6. Yes, the Trail Camera is to high... We moved it this time, lower and diff spot. Anyways I thought this was funny: [smg id=206] Some Turkey and a Doe [smg id=204] Some lime going down [smg id=202] Dow and a Fawn [smg id=200] Buck [smg id=198]
  7. Heya, I think its almost everything growing? Brassica and winter peas maybe some small clover sprouts? See attached.
  8. I'd have to agree and say people that put stands on the property line. I don't, and you shouldnt either. IMHO
  9. Pics!! I have no idea, but maybe its because of the good amount of rain we got. I am really surprised and lucky perhaps?? What ya think?! [smg id=195] [smg id=196] [smg id=197]
  10. Split, It was crushed lime (powderized), based on my google search I guess thats the aglime. (I'm new to this stuff). I'd be shocked but happy as a pig in shit if stuff grows, we shall see! thanks for the info, I'll keep this post updated.
  11. This topic has been moved to General Chit Chat. [iurl]http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?topic=597.0[/iurl]
  12. Hey chopper, moving this post over to the General Chit Chat rather then intoductions. No firewood yet, but have been doing some scouting.
  13. I wish they have a lifetime super sportsman or whatever its called.
  14. Edited to keep it safe for the young-ins...
  15. I was referring to the draw weight, 20 lb isnt going to cut it. But there are a bunch of nice low budget bows, but it depends on your budget. Stuff adds up after u get the bow... Arrows, release, sight, etc...
  16. Nice, t hat would be a blast... Bring your camera!
  17. Highly doubt it, i think that max weight on that is like 20 lbs right? It's a youth bow, so depending how old you are, I am pretty sure you out grew that.
  18. I think it was 600 + 180 for bow...
  19. It wasn't rockless to start NYBowHunter: 400lbs / acre of 10-20-20, this was the recommendation of the local seed mill. Hopefully it will be OK, next year I am sure will be better. Crossing my fingers ??? The hand seeder I ordered will be here tomorrow, so either me or the old man will seed the trail in a few weeks. Not going to lime / fert tho, so not sure how well it will take.
  20. Heya, It maybe the camera... But it is slightly red. Attached was the soil Analysis. Not to sure how to read it, but... The PH was 4.1, which is pretty low no ?
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