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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. Memorial day weekend we were in Waldon, and the guy in front of us took a header when trying to down a steep incline on an angle.... He was OK, but the ATV was hammered, had to winch him up. It must have flipped at least 10 or 15 times, everything was bent.
  2. Welcome Frank, Any pictures of the food plot? What did ya plant?
  3. Where were you when you took these pics? Hiding in the woods?
  4. http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/06/28/us.scotus.handgun.ban/index.html?eref=rss_topstories&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_topstories+%28RSS%3A+Top+Stories%29 Wonder if NYC will be next??
  5. That has to be fun, there is a club out by me that does that apparently. Never been there, but thinking of checking out the next event.
  6. No cursing, k thanks... He was just joking around, I think you took it out of context... Edited your post.
  7. Whats an OK rod / reel combo for general fresh water lake and river use? I know nothing about fishing, but I'd like to get 2 rods for the lakes / rivers around the property. I'm not looking for anything expensive, there are no many affordable options out there. I was in BJ's the other day, and they had a decent rod w/a tackle box for like 30 bux. Any suggestions?
  8. Fantail, I think it depends on the width of your screen for the squashing issue.. And that plot looks neat. Good luck with it.
  9. I have an 2005 Trailblazer... I love it, I actually wanted to get the Trailblazer SS, but then they killed the Trailblazer line... My next car will either be a Ford F150 w/cab or if I can some how swing it, a Tahoe... But that wont be for a long time till the Trailblazer has lost its life.
  10. Unfortunately there are no tractor supplies by me...
  11. Cool, looks like it works good. Whats the cost difference between the home made and the pre-made?
  12. Wild i'm guessing... That caint be good for the hunting area.
  13. Stopped by my Dad's house tonight after dinner to swap out a book I was reading. He built up quite a collection, this time I took home a few, but I am reading Ultimate Guide To Planting Food Plots For Deer & Other Wildlife. I'll let you know how it is as I dive into it over the next few days.
  14. This topic has been moved to DIY - Do It Yourself, tutorials and videos. [iurl]http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?topic=267.0[/iurl]
  15. This topic has been moved to DIY - Do It Yourself, tutorials and videos. [iurl]http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?topic=268.0[/iurl]
  16. This topic has been moved to DIY - Do It Yourself, tutorials and videos. [iurl]http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?topic=288.0[/iurl]
  17. SteveMcD, Welcome to the site! Sounds like you could bring a wealth if experience and info to the site.
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