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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. burmjohn


    Wow, that is 1 huge bob cat! I know they are in my area in Cochecton....
  2. Burt, Welcome! Great story too.
  3. I agree... 99% of my fun is the talk, the good times, the prep work, the scouting, the tree stand building and now the food plotting...
  4. LOL... I've never really hunted in bear country either, this year will be my first. And I'd have to say the first time I see a bear in the woods, I will more then likely freak out a bit.
  5. If I saw a 11 pointer I'd shit my pants. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
  6. We shall see... I wonder what this time of year means for Antler growth? I mean can they get more points at this point?
  7. Holy crap. Hard core there fast eddie! How the heck do you choose where to hunt?
  8. My fav sticker was "Meat Is MURDER!" then under it in tiny letters, "tasty, tasty murder" and it had a buck above it.
  9. How many of you have some type of hunting sticker on your car? I see so many, from deer, to Bow brand stickers to hunters hanging out of tree stands. Maybe I am just more aware of them now, but it seems I see at least 1 or two a day.
  10. When I was researching this I found a few interesting points out... From all the posts i read on the net, it seems it can vary, but generally about mid August?
  11. So he was right? You cant hunt with hounds.
  12. Excavation for foundation has begun. [smg id=144] [smg id=142] First delivery of the cabin material from Kuhn's Brothers [smg id=141] [smg id=140] [smg id=143]
  13. Cabelas has them, 10 bucks http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp;jsessionid=E3ZB1JXROQBAVLAQBBJSCO3MCAEFIIWE?id=0068873229901a&type=product&cmCat=froogle&cm_ven=data_feed&cm_cat=froogle&cm_pla=1310503&cm_ite=0068873229901a&_requestid=127163
  14. NYBow, will PM you. P.S. Pics posted of clearings! http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,265.new.htm
  15. Ok Plot 1 is cleared, plot 2 clearing should be finished by tomorrow. What ya think?? I'm psyched! Now how to disk it, lime, fert and seed? Field 1 cleared: [smg id=123] [smg id=122] [smg id=121] [smg id=119] Trail cut from plot 1 to plot 2 [smg id=129] Plot 2: [smg id=132] [smg id=131] [smg id=130] [smg id=115]
  16. June 2010 Trail Camera Pictures... All Pics Here: http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?action=media;sa=album;in=7 I don't think the cam was in a good spot, my brother moved it today to the field area we had cleared. Looks like a solid 6? Points look huge to me! [smg id=114] [smg id=113] [smg id=112] [smg id=111] When I zoomed in I counted 4 points that are viewable. [smg id=109] What The Heck is this??? (Bottom of picture) [smg id=108] Mama and her baby.... That guy is tiny! [smg id=105] Solid doe... [smg id=104]
  17. I wonder if they will do it this year? Article: http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080124/NEWS/801240322
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