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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. Just curious, how did you send them to court? You stopped them and got their info or?
  2. Steve, how do you like boarding up to state land?
  3. I am going to be switching to Verizon once our contract is up with AT&T. I have the iphone now, I do like it, however I am pretty tired of the crappy AT&T service, especially upstate. The new property does not get AT&T at all, but it seems like Verizon has at least a bar or two. Anyways, there are two new Moto phones with Android coming out. The Droid 2 and the Droid X. I have not seen to much on the Droid 2 but the Droid X was leaked out here: http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/15/exclusive-motorola-droid-x-preview/ Anyone have a Android based phone? If so do you like it?
  4. Dave, Amazing pictures, thanks for sharing. I love the pictures of the running deer, your camera / lens combo must be perfect.
  5. He had to be blind firing, its pretty hard not to see orange in the woods.
  6. Yeah really, our luck the govt will be shut down the month of September.
  7. Town, Buck Take, Doe Take Bethel 183 390 Callicoon 137 278 Cochecton 89 216 Delaware 141 255 Fallsburgh 115 198 Forestburg 38 66 Fremont 200 363 Highland 80 133 Liberty 168 325 Lumberland 58 96 Mamakating 180 446 Neversink 217 388 Rockland 326 473 Thompson 147 263 Tusten 96 169 Total 2,175 4,059
  8. I think its going to be a good year, at least I hope so!
  9. Doc, Me too! Last year was when I got my lifetime, and I had to do a followup call for them to send my whole welcome packet with the 09 licenses, that was after waiting till mid September and I started getting worried.
  10. I do have a loose grip, after the pull, its just that the new bow feels like it has no meat over there
  11. I can't believe their prices (besides the crazy $1500 on) they are pretty affordable...
  12. Doing this online DMV defensive driving course, what a nightmare... gets you 10% off insurance, points off license if you have it.. Takes forever though! They have this timer thing, so you caint just breeze through the course. Damm thing logs you off, asks you questions like what color is your hair to verify your human. Never again
  13. It would be sick to get that working. I setup a friends and my own house for camera's outside, works pretty well. Just never did far runs, they were all 100ft or less.
  14. I didnt realize they were that cheap. The ones I keep seeing seem to be in the $300 range.
  15. Actually it was this one I was looking at, because it was fairly affordable - http://www.amazon.com/Agri-Fab-45-0211-125-Pound-Broadcast-Spreader/dp/B0001YB0LS/ref=pd_sbs_ol_6 and it would seem to be better then those attach on the back models.
  16. Ah good advise, because I was looking at those spreaders too.. But then again, I dont have a trailer for the ATV either... Gotta check into price differences between the both and weigh the pro's / con's.
  17. I'd love to do that as well, except the internet up there sucks from what I was researching. The only thing avail is pretty slow DSL, and that might not even be available. But streaming it back wouldn't be to hard, there IP Based camera's that make it really easy, its just running low voltage and ethernet. Problem is ethernet has its range limits, and I am sure the low voltage does too.
  18. Those look like some nice scopes. I'm due for one on my 30-06... Which one do you have?
  19. Ah yeah, I forgot about all those new synthetic ones. I'll have to check out the 307.
  20. Nice, I almost went the the Foreman but then another deal popped on craigslist for a little cheaper and I jumped on that. My uncle has the foreman and its phenomenal.
  21. Good points, I guess I just have to get used to the newer thinner style.
  22. That is an interesting concept, I'll have to read more into it. It makes sense.
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