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Everything posted by bubba

  1. Then stop trying to stop those who are willing to fight. Negativity is not the answer. Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  2. I do much more than put signs in yards I meet with people I lead a group of over 600 who are out continuously to educate and motivate and get people to the Polks in November. I sm the most level headed person you will ever meet. So go back to your hideout wear your tinfoil hat and wait for the next conspiracy Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  3. The fact you keep refusing to answer what your as solution is it really takes away from your credibility. You spew this will not work that will not work but you refuse to say what will work. I reference the revolutionary war as it is a pretty good example of how people stood up to a government that was oppressing them. Every day you post some reference of how the government is oppressing us. But you continue to say there is nothing we can do about it or we are doing the wrong thing. I am sure the patriots back then heard all this from the nay sayers too. You are entitled to your opinion but it is two sided you say that you are all about being against the government but you say there is nothing we can do about it. If you read my whole post where I responded about violence. I said I am not advocating violence but if they come for me I am not going to our there and take it. The patriots from the revolution are great peopkevto draw inspiration from. You might want to try it Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  4. . So out of all I said you pull one sentence to continue to stir the pot. Did you know when an unjust law is forced upon the people it is our duty to stand up against it. Probably not since you seem to go along with it. I am done trying to make sense of your foolish posts. I will continue to march forward knocking on doors talking to people as well as all the other things I do. You can continue to post how the world is coming to an end an the sky us falling I still personally think you are a plant for the antis. Good luck. I look forward to ignoring your next conspiracy theorySent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  5. Well dont let the door hit ya on the way out. How are you fighting? By telling everyone they are not as smart as you? Good plan I never thought of that. How is it working for ya? In the words of bugs bunny What a maroon
  6. Where did I Even mention violence. I am simply for your benefit saying no matter how much you rain on the parade people will remain in this fight. If you do not believe this can be won with the ballot box I again have to ask how can it be won. Remember the four boxes. Soap ballot jury and cartridge. To answer your attempt to drag me into a look he wants to shoot everyone question. I will not throw the first punch but you can be damn sure I will throw the last. That simply means I will not start it but if they do I will not run from it either. How about you. I will wait until you consult the king for your response You know what I find ironic? Every day Papist you post some conspiracy theory in which the government is trying to ruinthe country. But you do not have the balls to stand up against it. Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  7. Damn a piece of the sky just fell and hit me. I can name one time Americans stood up to tyranny and won. So we do have an example to go by. It was called the American revolution. 3 percent stood up and the rest reaped the benefits. They were told it would not work too. So your pessimistic chicken little facade does nothing to deter me or anyone else who is committed to win this battle. So keep up the good work (sarcasm) When this is over and we send a lot of politicians packing, I bet you will be the first in line to take the credit. I know that you are looking forward to being the hero.
  8. OK and your solution would be Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  9. when you go away, you can take it down. I refuse to be scared of either one to the point that I will not express my feelings and opinions. I would be more concerned about what I type on here than a silly sign in my yard.
  10. If you had any clue what was really going on across the state, you would realize how silly this post is. Maybe becoming engaged in the movement and at least trying to understand it might help. You sit on the outside and criticize the entire process. I have no river to cry, I just wonder how you make it through every day. best of luck to you. let us know when the next piece fo sky hits you on the head. Oh BTW spell check works well
  11. We have a plan of action going state wide. The only thing you offer is telling us how it will not work. I need a masters degree to understand this fight? Seems like a pretty elitist attitude like us dummies will never understand. i guess that is where the no tolerance for stupidity line comes in. Where were you geniuses when you had you epiphany? I never heard anything from either of you. i guess I missed that MENSA meeting. You both are totally full of crap. You side step every question and throw back insults. Pretty easy to see right through it. Again tell Andy I said hi.
  12. I loaded it last week and it seems good to me.
  13. so educate people what this law is all about and get them on board. One voter at a time. Face to face not on the internet. Get out knock on some doors. It can help
  14. http://www.pocketranger.com/apps/Detail/b15f359d-6cd0-4ed2-888f-77f4d8fad012 this is an app for smartphones with all the dec regs info and gps in it
  15. Anyone dare to think outside the box and create a plan that might make folk sit-up and listen? Waving flags or putting up signs is not constructive. Ticking a box for another RINO is also likely to be waste of gas fuel. Time to smell the coffee folks. Politics has us hog-tied to a fail system. so give us details of your plan maybe then we would understand since so far you have talked in circles. Detail it so we can get on board.
  16. Since you offered no solutions and also said we are doomed I pretty much figured it out. Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  17. At least he is honest about it unlike others who play along and keep stumbling over their stories Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  18. So I guess your plan is to roll over and take it. Thanks I am not surprised.
  19. Again I ask what is your plan? Rolling over and let them walk on your back? You seem to know what will not work. please enlighten us as to what will work.
  20. ok so what is your solution? storm the capital?
  21. When firearms go, all goes – we need them every hour. — George Washington.
  22. 1200 of them here in the North country have been by my group. We just ordered another 100
  23. The 66 percent was from the last sienna poll of possible voters. This is a poll of actual voters. Combine this with the other issues hr is having and the numbers sway in our favor Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
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