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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bubba

  1. A license and lots of grub for camp
  2. I live in a nice flat valley full of Amish and horses. The only horse that was shot in the past 20 years was done intentionally mistaken for a deer by a way down state hunter who was here with friends. They were also trespassing and had many more violations such as over legal shell capacity for deer hunting with a semi automatic and one did not have a license. Several thousand dollars later and loss of hunting privileges for 10 years, they packed up and went home. I heard the justice who put it to them was a real hard a^&&. I doubt you will see any significant difference in incidents by hunters.
  3. I know I promised to stay out of the political stuff, but I need to say something here Thanks for posting the information. It hits all the points to a tee. The 6 million number comes directly from NYRPA and SCOPE. Yes it is an estimate, but all we need are 4 million to win. The last governor election just over 4 million votes were cast in the tota electionl. So even if the number is a bit high (and it might be) we still have the numbers. They are banking on us sitting on or butts and not voting. I am very active as some of you know. My only goal is to get everyone active in November. The other big part is to support Astorino in every way we can. He needs to get out and about, which takes money. Get active, start talking to neighbors and friends and even strangers. Get people registered and make sure they vote. A huge thing to look at is absentee voters. I went to the local senior citizen housing complex and did a presentation. I got 9 residents registered and requesting an absentee ballot. I will pick up their ballots hand deliver them and return them to the board of elections. Imagine all the shut ins who have no way to vote across this state. I started a voter registration campaign at a local nursing home. The home was happy to help and promised all those who wanted to vote would be transported to vote or would get assistance with an absentee ballot. get creative. Find ways to get people to the polls. It is the only way we can win. it is not a huge task if everyone does a little work. But a few can not do it all. Grass roots is very powerful when it grows.
  4. Not even one response. Why am I not surprised.
  5. It all boils down to the act of hunting as defined and his age. Maybe the laws are not perfect, but it is what we have.
  6. As mentioned the 740 742 which I own one and the 7400 were not inherently accurate rifles. Mine is a 30-06 and gets about the same accuracy. Personally I have shot quite a few deer with it and was never to worried about about a 3 inch group at 100 yards. That is dead deer all day long. If I were trying to build a bench or a long range rifle, this is not the rifle I would start with. They are very meticulous about being clean for sure. I kept mine as it is as it was an inheritance from an Uncle. Just my opinion, but I would accept its limitations and have fun with it.
  7. Look up the definition of hunting in the reg book and you will see how silly your post is. Also look up the reasons for mentoring and again you will look silly. Just saying. The op got out are you his representative now
  8. I still want to know what principles are violated no I do jot like every rule or law. But I work to change them not gripe about them
  9. If you feel that way why do you buy a license at all yourself.
  10. What principle do you speak of. It seems simple to me. You want to mentor or accompany a youth who by law needs a licensed hunter with him what principles are there please enlighten me
  11. Ok so as I said the 22 bucks is no biggie. I offered to pay it. My other question is how does one qualify for the mentor license you are pushing for. Do you have to list the people you plan to mentor. I can see people lying to get a free license. Just saying. Pay the 22 bucks go out with your grandson who knows you may decide to hunt again
  12. and we get no federal money with a free license. Man 22 bucks for a big game license to be legal has turned into a 5 page debate.
  13. bubba

    Good one

    I play nine almost every day. I work evenings now, so I go out play 9 come home get ready for work and do things around the house. I play in a wednesday morning league. Me second 39 this year. It is usually 40 or 41 Weekends if I am no tin a parade or on my bike, I play 18. front nine one day back the next
  14. bubba

    Good one

    safe act supporters. had to turn it political lol actually 4 over par 39 5 pars 4 bogeys
  15. I shot 39 today. You can figure out what
  16. Now if you do not mind I am going to go play golf. Please do not fill the recent posts with complaints about people filling up the recent posts so I do not have to wade through them when I get back to get to anything worth reading. Thank you in advance
  17. You do not want to have ot search through political posts, but you want others to go searching for them for your convenience is what it amounts to
  18. a ha ha You are bass ackwards. it is the obama lovers who want to limit freedoms. But you know that as you bat cleanup for them. I say 4 because your little poll had your side win by 4. Hence 4 people were the majority. BTW you asked for logic I gave it to you and you attack. I am starting tio think you are in bed with VJP and papist. But your silly little ploy worked. very little political posts since your little rant. but it will die out. it is like watching a train wreck and it will eventually happen.
  19. So by the vote 4 people want it changed. In the first place that is very few people who even participated so not as big of an issue as you are making it. To ask the owner to change the set up for four people is ludicrous. If I were the owner I would not even respond. IH wait he hasnt
  20. I explained very thoroughly why junior hunters need licensed supervision. I read it thoroughly. I answered clearly. Your choice not to accept the answer is yours. As I said call the dec. You give vague explanations did not want to divulge age which is very important. Get a guide book look up a local officer and ask him why. I doubt you will accept their reasons either, but hey give it a shot. If you as much as help drag a deer without a license you are breaking the law with a junior hunter. Whether or not you carry a gun is irrelevant. Look up the definition of hunting. It is also part of the reason we have a good safety record in the field. Immaturity and inexperience at the level of the youth. Send me your address and I will pay for your license if that makes it easier. Attacking the person who answered your question is a great way to win friends and influence people. Bottom line it is the LAW. That answers it. Good luck this fall.
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