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Everything posted by bubba

  1. Up until this year I planted sugar beets the past two years. I got them in in early July and they were great. Deer pretty much left them alone until the frost hits them. The tops are bitter until then, so they get a great chance to mature. The deer loved them and as I say once the frost hit them they went right after them. I am surrounded by summer crops in the farms around, so I do not worry so much about the summer feed. Plus I have 12 acres of alfalfa I cut and bail for my beef cattle. The deer rummage in there too especially after it has been cut. That being said I switched to purple topped turnips or forage turnips this year for my plots. I put them in today. 60-75 days to maturity, so again around September they will mature.
  2. First I planted 3 acres of forage turnips today. I got them out of Maine not that expensive 70 bucks 15 pounds shipped. They are pretty much ready by the end of September when I start hanging out more Second My plots are for two purposes. I have about 12 acres of alfalfa and clover and the 3 acres of smaller plots. the 12 acres I mow at least twice and hopefully three times for the beef cattle I raise. The deer also like them. The turnips are more of a winter feed for the deer. I am surrounded by agricultural land that the deer feed on also.
  3. Ok moron I will take my handbook to work tonight and make a copy and post it for you tomorrow so you can see what the procedures are. I know you will say it is a lie, but some people have their heads so far up the arses they can not see daylight for the crap they surround themselves with.
  4. once the class is online yes. talking to you is like talking to my wife. You both know it all and even the facts will not dissuade you. whatever. you are a huge waste of my time.
  5. Not true about the data base. I That was started by instructors to scstr away the maybes. I sm glad this shop did that but they broke the rules. All classes have yo be registered 30 days in advance and open to the public
  6. As I said on deaf ears I guess you have to register online now. A new system that started this year. You can go seeking a class all you want. Until you register through the DEC website you have accomplished nothing. Some people want to be right even when they are clueless
  7. actually Doc with a gun bow combo class home study, you can knock both out in 10 hours. You are right there is a huge demand. The demand has increased since the unsafe act. People are beginning to think that they will need a class such as that to purchase a gun. Plus with online registration, it has become an anti target. All the classes that say they are full, about 2/3 actually show up. I did a class two weeks ago 40 signed up and 28 showed up. That was potentially 12 more seats that could have been filled. I had that many I had to turn away. No offense to the good people in the city, but 10 of those who registered for my class in St Lawrence county had nyc addresses. This is also not the first time. You can not deny them. The antis are registering taking up seats and not showing up. That is more of a concern than anything. My group of instructors do at least 3 and usually 4 classes a year and fill everyone. that is 4 gun and 4 bow. There is also a critical shortage of instructors. I understand that not many people want to do anything for free any more. But like any cause the burden can not be left to the shoulders of a few. I have been teaching for this is my 27th year. I get flack on here and other places when I mention it. I keep saying I am going to stop, but if I do, I think who else will do it. There is also a proposal that when you register, you put a 25 dollar deposit down with a credit card. if you do not show, you forfeit the money. That will be a huge pain in the arse to keep track of, but something has to be done. It may also not be true that it is only once in a life time. There is rumbling with the new laws that you will have to renew every 10 years now. NOTHING IS ETCHED IN STONE YET. Another ploy to get people to stop using guns. Also we are seeing more and more repeaters as it is becoming more common I guess for judges to suspend your privileges for 2 to 5 years. Then to get another license, you have to take the course again. Imagine the chaos when people who have been hunting for years can not get in a class to renew and are denied a license to hunt that fall. it is sad they look at ways to mess with hunters than to encourage it. I guess when you live in a state that is so happy to see new gun laws to restrict our rights, they are just as happy to see people not hunt.
  8. They will pop up all over in another month or 6 weeks
  9. most do not register classes this early. You only have to give 30 days notice to register a class. As with students, the interest is not there yet for instructors to get it going. Summer is in full force
  10. Yes I knew you would be the expert on this too. All classes are now registered online and appear online. look after Friday. How many classes have you taught? I have been doing it for over 25 years. I think I know a little more about this subject than you.
  11. All classes are listed on the dec. You are actually starting to look at the right time. Finding a combo class is tough. They are not working out as the dec thought they would. I teach home study for bow are archery. However the field days are separate saturdays. I am a bit of a drive from you in st law county. The classes usually pick up again around mid to late august and go until hunting season. Also be sure to check out the new online registration. Once a class is registered, you can sign up immediately online. The DEC seems to be uploading class info on Fridays. Check the website often but I would be sure to hit it every friday. In the mean time, I would sign up and do the online classes if you want to go that route. They can be done anytime.
  12. Find an 8 inch wide pine board approximately 1 foot long. Stiff the goose with onions celery and your favorite seasoning Stick it in the oven on 350 for three hours. Take it out throw the goose away and eat the board. much tastier
  13. and the funny part in many parts of this country, it is still acceptable. You do not even have to conceal your handgun. What a concept. That being said, these fools were looking for their 15 seconds of fame. I guess it depends on where your civilized ideas come from.
  14. Posturing. This rino wants to run in 2016. Wants to make it look like he is pro gun. Obamas beach buddy
  15. Truthfully I was not and am still not concerned. My simple point was since you decided to run what do you care what those of us who are standing up do this is not your fight now. Not that you ever intended to fight at all.
  16. Way ahead of you on that one. I love how the people who run away have all the answers on how we should move forward. Life must suck when your decisions are based on the all mighty dollar which rules your life.
  17. You are so easy to get under your skin. Cool glad you decided to run rather than stay and stand up. Am I surprised. Not in the least
  18. I have a name I use. You have not earned the privilege to call me anything else. Simple as that. I am not a surfer dude or your Buddy.
  19. I guess if you would not say it to my face and trust me you would not don't try to be cool hiding behind your keyboard
  20. ok below. Your lame attempts at what I think is humor or avoiding the subject is what I said lame. I have a name and I would request you use it or do not address me at all. I will not be disrespected by the likes of you.
  21. Apparently not ready to stand up against it either. And BTW I am not dude
  22. There are four boxes to win this Soap box get out and talk to everyone you know about it Ballot box but you need many more than yourself Jury box Jury nullification Cartridge box last resort. See the givt wants us to revolt. Then the king in Washington can rain martial law like no one ever thought it could be. That is the last thing we need. People can say they are fighting this. Throwing money at it by joining organizations is not fighting this. That is paying someone else to do it for you. If you really think the courts are going to overturn this, you are wrong. One federal judge has already said the only part that was unconstitutional was was magazine size. Yay we get to go back to 10. A lot of people jumped for joy. That is nothing. How many are actually out doing anything like talking to neighbors, elected representatives and anyone who will listen. A simple letter to the editor stating the facts about the safe act. How many people have you gotten registered to vote in November. How many have donated any money to Astorino's campaign. I hear a lot on sites like this how I should go ride in a parade. My response will be what have you done. Give me some ideas how to get the word out, and I will try them. How many have either joined or formed a local grass roots organization to get organized. If you want a list of local groups send me a message. If you want ideas how to start a local group again message me. i will help all I can. I doubt very much I will get even one request. It is much easier to type on here and throw money to organizations. A grass roots movement is what is gong to start to turn this around. Typing on a thread on a website is not. Giving money to organizations is not. This is what I mean when I say engage in the fight. I have no plan to pick up any firearm until one is picked up against me.
  23. First of all I never said I have high capacity mags. Would I go to the range and shoot of course. Will I advertise it and invite Leo. That would be foolish at best. Anymore than I ride my bike without s helmet in the day light. Will I roll over and sign up for gun confiscation nope. And anyone who thinks this law will stop Herr is just as foolish. How many guns will have to make the list before you say enough is enough. Give me a limit
  24. Anyone who thinks the safe act is not a violation of the second amendment of the constitution if the united States as well as a violation of the NY state constitution clearly does not get it. I do not need to sit back and wait and hope some court says it is. Case in point Obama care. And if they say it is constitutional I guess we again roll over and take it. Feel free to do so.
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