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Everything posted by bubba

  1. http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2014/05/poll_half_of_ny_voters_disapprove_of_cuomos_handling_of_gun_policy.html#incart_river_default still think we are fighting a losing battle? A month ago they said that the Unsafe act had a 62 percent approval. Now down to 50 percent. Keep fighting the good fight and we will win. ow is the time to push even harder.
  2. Here is a quote for you Everyday we face accomplishments which are disguised as impossible situations. I am done with this now. There is no sense trying to point out the obvious to some people. Good luck and make sure you get the sand out of your ears when you finally pull your head out. Again tell Andy I said hi.
  3. Along with joining the NRa SCOPE NYRPA, send some money to Astorino's campaign. He will need it if we expect him to win. If you want him to get his name out there, assist him in doing so. The suggestion has been 10 dollars for every gun you own. Not too much to ask. he can not finance this on his own. Dig deep
  4. Now you want to leave no to not fight with gun owners. earlier you wanted to leave because gun owners could not win this fight. You should read the stuff you already type before you type new. Maybe then the story would be at least similar at the end. If what you are doing is being in the fight, then get out of the way for those who intend to make changes not excuses
  5. I agree if it were not intentional.
  6. I like it, but I would not film it. evdence of an assault on film is not good lol
  7. If you really want me to believe this statement, then you have your head buried further in the sand than I even thought you did. Now your silliness is getting out of control. No sense in responding to someone who is obviously here to undermine the cause. It is becoming more evident with every post that is why you are here. When you report back to the King tell him I personally say hi.
  8. Be careful who you lump into the complacent crowd of you guys. You make it sound lije you were the only person doing anything before the safe act. I must say you seem to be doing very little after it but giving up Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  9. VJP you remind me of eyore form the pooh days "nothing good ever happens to me."
  10. From what I read the products they are moving out of NY are the ones NY made "assault weapons." Maybe they would have to jump through extra hoops to manufacture them in NY now. Remington in the the one to blame here. Look a bit more east toward the kingdom.
  11. Do you have alink where he warned us there would be anything bad about the unsafe act. I guess I missed that one.
  12. so where are you going to go to hide from it? I love the positive attitude.
  13. As the message is and has been and will continue to be. Cuomos gotta go. And again if there is no pressure on the senators and assembly what will stop them from voting in more legislation. None. So get rid of the guy who will sign it. Essentially send Cuomo packing it is done Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  14. So you contradict yourself with saying with all the backlash they will fall into place and not vote for more gun laws as it is political suicide. Then in your very next post you say there is no backlash as no one is challenging them. Ok so what way is it and what will stop them from voting for more as you say there is no back lash. Which side do you want to porrtay Just asking
  15. Yes I do and here is why. if nothing happens in November to change things in Albany, where is the suicide? They are still there and have two more years to have people forget. If there was a chance there was going to be backlash, it will be in November.
  16. now is our chance, but as just mentioned if you think we can do it with just gun owners, we are mistaken. There are so many issues people do not like him on. It is in our best interest to associate ourselves with all who want him gone. It does not mean we need to be best friends with them or even support their cause. It means we unite with one purpose GET RID OF CUOMO. I do not care it is a a vote that was for gun rights against legalizing pot or fracking or take your pick a vote against him is a vote against him. Excluding them to try to make the choices simpler is at best foolish and at worst self defeating. This will take many elections to get turned around. Him being gone in November is the big message right now. If we get into our issue is more important well guess what. Every group with an issue thinks the exact same thing. For instance last spring after the safe act was passed and he was saying how much better services will be for the mentally ill, he decided to close our local psych center. Well my group was right there in numbers assisting them to fight it. And we won. The center is staying open. Also my other thought the most defeating thing we can do is sit on the net type our messages and think we are being effective. Shut the computer off turn off the smart phone and actually go out and talk to people face to face. I know it is a scary thought, but it will be ok. Then you get more of a commitment. yes facebook and all other social media is good, but not that good. If you think you have done your job by posting a meme and it has worked, you are way short of the mark. I am giving a speech in 2 wees at a rally in Massena NY. That will be exactly my take home message. OH and the other message will be CUMOS GOTTA GO
  17. Doc, They just had the nominations and he just picked his running mate. he is going full force now. Go to his web site and check his schedule. He will be all over the state from now until November.
  18. I guess you missed the sentence that said I am getting this directly from a friend of mine who is an assemblyman? What you choose to believe is up to you.
  19. It is there. There was a story posted about it last week as well as it is all over facebook a lot. There is no maybe to it. Join a local grass roots group and you will get all the information you need.
  20. Nope ge tmy informstion from a friend who is in the assembly. Keepig it hush hush now
  21. I posted about the second plan all semi automatic guns become assault weapons. That is to get around the ny compliant ar's all guns will have ot be secured in a safe while in the home or a residence (this means I will need a safe for camp) All gun shop owners will have to secure all firearms in safes when they are not open for business. a new category to include military bolt actions called sniper rifles which will prohibit them. All lying in the assembly for January if he wins. There are a few other things I can not remember off the top of my head. If yo uhink they are not coming after your hunting guns think again a mauser action will now be a sniper rifle any semi like a 1100 shotgun or 7400 rifle now will be assault rifles.
  22. got any viable candidates? I am not so sure King Andrew is so secure where he is.
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