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Everything posted by bubba

  1. No I was a judge. when I decided it was time to stand up, I resigned. I also resigned from a very good state job to avoid any conflict. I guess some people are willing to sacrifice for the cause. Others well not so much. And not once have you seen me say that it is time to take up guns. My groups motto is register voters, not guns. Any law that is unconstitutional is not to be obeyed. Among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised. Charlton Hesston
  2. As I recall the went to war over a tax on tea. Either you have the balls to follow through or you don't. Sadly most seem to not.
  3. It does not take a leo to see you with the gun. Do not forget the snitch line. If your neighbor is in your house and see it, they can report it through the snitch line. Then they get 500 dollars, and you get a visit from leo. So essentially as long ads you keep it locked up never take it anywhere and never let anyone see it, you can keep it and not register. Just a back door confiscation ploy anyway. That being said, I would never register them. The law has no teeth essentially as said. Again as I have stated in the past contact your local leo agencies and ask if they will come and kick in your door. My county sheriff has said very publically that no law enforcement in my county will be doing so. Also remember you can be arrested and charged. There is a thing called jury nullification. Be sure you have at least one member on your jury that is pro gun. Charged and convicted are two different things. Stand up now or roll over forever. Also if you notice when the kings ads are on tv about all the wonderful things he has done for ny, the safe act is never mentioned. The dems are considering primarying him in September. he is ripe for the picking if we get off our collective butts support to the fullest Astorino and vote. Send him a few bucks, volunteer for him whatever. We can not expect this to happen on its own.
  4. same pic I saw on facebook today form supposedly Maine. Man that cat gets around
  5. Well let me tell you about my research. I am a leader of a very large grass roots group that has been in the fight against this law since its inception. I am a friend of the [president of scope as well as nypra. I shoot with other members as well as I get many updates from the legislature as well. My prompting to ask all county clerks comes directly form scope leaders who did research it. All of the leading groups in this fight recommended against filling out the opt out form. Why because it can be foiled. Common sense alone will tell you as it is part of the safe act, it has no good outcome for gun owners. They contacted county clerks all over the state to inform them and ask them if they would release it. You are about a year behind in this fight. I mean look back some say the state police keep the list wrong some say a lot of this thread alone that are wrong. Thinking that the form is going to keep you safe, is a false sense of security. But if you want to rely on it, feel free.
  6. This is the biggest problem with this entire fight people who assume and do no research and think all is fine. I am well connected with a lit of people from scope nyrpa and others. I try to inform others of what is going on and meet with argument s all the time. Good luck Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  7. Good luck. They only have to enforce it. Almost all county clerks are saying the same thing. Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  8. No I asked questions before I filled it out. My county clerk told the the list could be and expects it to be foiled at some point. She also said she would refuse to release the information. She told me herself all it does is give anyone who wants to try to get the information an updated list. This has been common knowledge sine just after the safe act was passed. I mean think about it. They are passing stricter gun control laws and are being nice and letting you opt out to protect you and your guns. Yeah right. It is a government form in a government office. Take your chances if you want.
  9. ok do me a favor call your local county clerk and ask them. I guarantee you the list of who opted out is available by a foil. I already have been down this road and did my homework. If you want to put your faith in the guy who is trying to take away your guns with the same law feel free. People in the know did not opt out.
  10. If each of the 6 million gun owners sent him 10 bucks each, that trumps cuomo's big war chest we keep hearing about.
  11. If we sent him some money, he may be able to. If you sit on your wallet. don't complain he cant get his message out, name recognition etc. Either we are behind him or not
  12. It is a money thing I agree. I guess if we want the king gone a little donation would help. The suggestion is 10 dollars for every gun you own. I donated 500. How much is it worth to each of you. BTW I do not own 50 guns. I added some for those who will not donate. Put your money where your mouths are so to speak Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
  13. Funny I am seeing commercials form him on tv every day. Plus social media is flooded with information about him. Maybe you just are not looking in the right place.
  14. All the opt out form does is give them a newer updated list of who has handguns and where. The biggest reason checked was so that there would be no problems with anti gun people knowing you had guns. Well umm you filled out a form telling them you did. The form is registered in your local county clerks office. All it takes is a FOI from the right attorney or government agency,and they have the list of who opted out. As I stated before it then depends on how hard your local county clerk wants to fight releasing it. Mine personally stated that she will not release the information. A simple two minute phone call to your local clerk will confirm this and they can confirm if they would release it. It must be really tough breathing with your head in the sand that deep. I personally want them to know I have guns. Helps to keep them away from my place. Again if you think that Andy was doing you a favor getting this form into the safe act, I feel bad for you falling for the simplest of plots. Good luck to ya
  15. but they can get it either way. all I am saying. If you think Andy was doing you a favor you are mistaken
  16. db. I would not bank on that. Please remember that this opt out is part of the unsafe act. If anyone believes they are doing this for the good of gun owners, please think again
  17. So there is a database of opt our forms that can be foiled. Either way they have you. The form is filed in your county clerks office. I would check with your local county clerk and see if they will give up the information if foiled. Mine very much said no she would not release it.
  18. bubba


    He has all the bullets and primers in stock. This year has been the worst. he has very few 22 shells, and most ammunition is scarce. He can get all the black powder substitutes and bullets without much problem. he personally does not sell bh209. I get that out of state. I got a 5 pound container for 199 shipped to my door. Pretty reasonable.
  19. bubba


    I went to my local gun shop today. he sells my useless repeal the safe act signs for me. Anyway he had just got in a huge powder order. Some of it he said had been back ordered since January. He is not expecting any more in the near future. He expects this will be all he will see this year. Anyway I left with enough varget and IMR 485 to last a while. Time to load for the old 300 savage and 7-08.
  20. you sure sound like you hope Cuomo wins again. careful your liberal slip is showing
  21. You do not debate you degrade belittle and try to make yourself look superior. Right from the leftist workbook.
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