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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bubba

  1. Your mind is made up do no sense confusing you with the facts. Just another who thinks he us above the law. You do not want answers you want people to agree with you and sympathize with you. As I said your call vwant the answers call the dec
  2. The age does matter. They are considered Junior hunters and need a licensed mentor with them. You asked a question, I answered it. What you think of the answer is up to you. As a junior hunter, if you take him out without a license yourself, you risk his future hunting as he could be ticketed for hunting without supervision, and you can be ticketed for hunting without a license. and his privileges could be suspended. If I had the chance to take my grandson hunting, the cost of the license would be immaterial. Your call.
  3. It is simple the law states that they must be accompanied by a licensed hunter if they are a junior hunter. Since you would not disclose your grandsons age, I am assuming 12. That would be like saying I drove for 40 years, I do not need a license to teach my grandson to drive. Taking your grandson hunting, if you as much as help him gut an animal, you are hunting in the eyes of the law as you are aiding a hunter. What really is the difference if you renew your license and get tags you never use or to renew your license and not get tags? I would prefer to buy the license than pay the fines for hunting without one. If you have been a sportsman for over 40 years, I assume you hunt and would buy a license anyway. Why now do you not want to buy one. Also every license purchased gets more money in the conservation fund.
  4. not in the least. this is more the elitist who want the rest of us to comply so they do not have to see something they do not like when they can easily bypass it More like the libs we do not like the political forums so they must be hidden from our view.
  5. The problem is the elite few who do not like it and want everyone to conform to their way of thinking. Sound anything like any political party out there. We do not like guns so you can not have guns. we do not like the political forums so we need to hide them.
  6. So I guess the three people in the no column over the number in the yes are the People who do not like it? Seems like a huge waste of time to whine about it.
  7. Then explain why then other than this is a hunting website. If you do not believe they are connected then where have you been hiding the past two years
  8. Actually it is more the sheeple compliance of what is happening is ok and they do not want to hear about it. it is not like right now the political threads are covering anything. As mentioned it is slow this time of year anyway. I am willing to bet the same people would start a thread complaining that things are too slow and will not log on much. I have seen those threads too. Some people just want it their way no matter what. To them I say start your own web site and you can do whatever you want. basically with the poll, they want the whole website changed for 6 people. Are you really that inconvenienced having to scroll down to the threads? If so, your life is way too busy.
  9. ha ha I guess my question would be what difference does your little poll make? Do you think they will change it all just for you and a handful? I am glad to see you do get active in some causes regardless if how insignificant they are. Have a good one.
  10. I voted again. I guess your poll does not like my answer
  11. I did vote. Then I added a comment. It held s keep your poll on the hot topics list. Stop your whining. It is still a free country to make comments even if you seem to be against it. Oops was that political
  12. If you are going to hide them, no sense in having them. How long does it take to look past them really? With only 5 spots in the hot topic at once, I am sure that most who understand the system go exactly to the thread they want to look for topics.
  13. NKA-ADK It is not insight. This is information passed on to me from group leaders of grassroots campaigns all over the state. I am done trying to defend myself and having either every post hijacked by a pair of anti's or habe everyone complain it is not good for the site. If people prefer to be oblivious, that is their choice. Bubba out
  14. Sorry that some feel politics has no place. I hope you do not feel the same come November. Last political post or response I will do. It seems to fall on deaf ears or gets hijacked anyway. No sense ruining anyone's day with a couple political posts in the way of how many chucks got shot today, or who planted what in the food plots. That information is much more valid to our future. This attitude is exactly what has got us behind the 8 ball and will keep us there. Officially off my soap box. good luck
  15. turkeys grouse pheasant deer bear but with sidelocks and flintlocks
  16. When the safe act and new add ons that will becoming in january if the people in Albany stay talking about hunting will become a thing of the past. So let me get this straight because people are scared of guns, it is ok to take away our rights? That thought scares the hell out of me
  17. I guess my question would be Are you ok with this? To me it seems most are
  18. July 26 Ogdensburg Seaway festival float setup 7:30 am, Judging 8am parade begins at 11am the theme is “Redneck” Hello Patriots, The Northern New York Freedom Fighters are planning an event. Date July 26th 2014 Place Ogdensburg NY Time 11AM Event Ogdensburg International Seaway Festival Parade Freedom March We will be participating in this huge parade again this year. Last year we had a rolling rally. The estimated number of people last year who attended was 30 thousand. We will have our anti unsafe act float with Melody Burns enlightening the crowd as well as music and informational handouts. We are asking all like minded patriots from across the state to join us. Wear your group colors and walk with us to show our solidarity and strength. Our hope is to put a large number on the street. This parade route is over 3 miles and is packed from one end to the other. If anyone would like to ride their bike that would be great also. However with the speed of the parade, the possibility of over heating is there. If you would like more information, please email me at [email protected] There are several areas to stay in the area Camp grounds Eel Weir State Park approximately 10-15 minutes away Coles Creek state park approximately 20 minutes away Jacques Cartier state park 15 minutes away Hotels The stone fence 315 393 1545 5 minutes away Granview 315 393 4550 Please plan to attend and March with us. I have confirmation today that Sheriff Moss will be joining us
  19. it is becoming sad how these 2 bozos are working so hard to hijack every thread and turn it into a debacle. Their agenda should be obvious. Hey belo the lady who did the video is Barbara Laporte a friend of mine. It gets posted and all you can do is critique the editing. Oh and btw I am in 2 of the pics. If you would like her number, I am sure she would love to get some of your expertise tips to make it better. I also have shirts hats and Calvins. let me know I can mail them out. Eddie Thanks for posting this. I was going to but figured it would eb gone. Oh and BTW Ciumo is listening.
  20. Better production pet acre. They grow better in my area replinish the soil
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