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Everything posted by RPIBuckHunter

  1. Probably. I have yet to see any evidence that indicates that newer, more expensive bows kill deer deader. In all seriousness, though, is he just not seeing any deer he would like to shoot, or does he honestly say, 'I would only take this shot with a newer, more expensive, faster bow.'?
  2. I routinely practice 30 yards and can hit the kill zone on a deer every time at that distance.
  3. I'm a frequent reader of Archerytalk as well...and I agree it is just crazy. I'm not just a bowhunter, I belong to an archery league and shoot three times or more per week, all year. You should see the look on guys faces when I outshoot their 'top-of-the-line' equipment with my little $285 Martin Saber. It's not the bow, it is the person behind it!
  4. I shot a milk jug with one last year...I was going to shoot a deer with one too but then I never saw any deer...seriously, though, they group well and leave nice big holes, I'd be confident to shoot a deer with one.
  5. Also some new areas of the state being opened for bear this year. Should be an exciting season!
  6. Wow, just looked at S-4152...what a load of horse s*it. Between my dad, brother, and I, we own 7 .22s. We all share bullets, whoever happens to be in a store when there is a good price on ammo buys them. Am I supposed to write down 7 different guns/serial numbers every time I buy some .22 ammo? On a more serious note, this bill also prohibits the sale of ammo to anyone under 21 and will require TWO forms of ID to show age. I'm under 21, and I don't carry two forms of ID with me...
  7. Nice photos. We used to have a white squirrel living on RPI campus, but nobody has seen him for a couple years.
  8. How is the hunting up there? I go up to Whiteface all the time for skiing, never thought about heading up that way for hunting though. On topic, we don't own any land, but it's all good. Lots of deer on state land if you know where to look.
  9. We go to the Cabela's in East Hartford, CT, about once a month. Lots of people badmouth Cabela's, but we have never had a bad experience there. They once sold my dad an incorrect scope for his 10/22, they took it back and replaced it with no questions asked. This past weekend, a salesman was helping me decided between two choke tubes for turkey hunting, after telling him what gun and shot I was using, actually recommended the choke that was $20 cheaper. But what takes the cake...my dad was trying to use a $20 off coupon he had printed from his e-mail, but when the girl at the register scanned it, it came as all ready having been used. (it wasn't.) With no questions asked, cashier went hunting around for an equivalent coupon to give my dad his $20 off. With that kind of service, we are customers for life.
  10. Yup, I know all about the discharging laws, more concerned with the legality of actually killing the damn thing...
  11. Got an annoying mole in the backyard that would be good target practice with the bow, but don't want to do it if it's against the law...any advice on this?
  12. Yep, have the map, just haven't been up there a whole lot so not sure where is best. Are you guys still getting snow up there or is it all rain now?
  13. Hi guys, Anyone hunt rabbits in 5J/5H and know of some decent state land in that area? Season is still open up there and with spring break from school coming up, thinking I might take a couple 'redneck nature walks...'
  14. Except, that if guns are allowed, the guy could open fire, only to be taken out by someone else who was legally carrying. An increased presence of firearms deters crime, as it has done in Utah already.
  15. Do you honestly think that a kid who intends to shoot up a school is going to be swayed by a law saying he can't have a gun on campus?
  16. I didn't know there were bars on college campuses. When did that happen? Just to point out, we DO have a pub on campus here at RPI. However, see my post above for my thoughts on the original topic...
  17. Utah has done this all ready, after Virgina Tech, and have not had a single incident in these four years. Good to see Texas moving toward this too, means there is hope for the rest of us.
  18. My dad has a 336 in .35 Rem. It is older than I am and looks like it might have been purchased yesterday. It's a great gun.
  19. I really want to get out at least once more this season, there is just so much snow though!!
  20. Yup, it was re-run, and it was a very poorly put together piece. Notice how the reporter was saying 'these guns are dangerous' while he is standing there holding one with the bolt closed and his finger on the trigger?
  21. This is the problem with hunters today. People like that are threatening to destroy our sport. This kid is a hunter for life now, and us adult hunters should be grateful that there are these young people willing to take up the sport and continue the legacy, etc...
  22. Is that...Elliot Spitzer? The former governor of New York? He's a commentator for CNN now? God save us...
  23. Still a student. Usually during the semester I am able to find work as a software engineer or teaching assistant. Also trying to do some independent software development on Android for fun and profit.
  24. If you can, try to acquire copies of the magazine America's First Freedom. Every month, they have a column of stories from across the country of legal gun owners using their weapons to protect themselves and their families, many times without a shot even being fired. I once took up an issue of similar controversy in my high school civics class. Despite the fact that the class was supposed to provide an impartial view of American government (as most of the students were high school seniors getting ready to vote in their first election) the teacher, and most of the students were very far left-wing. For my midterm presentation and my final presentation, I talked about homeland security and affirmative action, respectively. The teacher told me that my views (secure the borders, get rid of affirmative action) were 'wrong and contrary to the beliefs of America', but I always had credible sources to back up my facts, and she never had any argument other than 'you are wrong' so I wound up with a good grade in the class anyway. Good Luck.
  25. He's busy saving the world from ManBearPig...
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