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stop em and drop em

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Everything posted by stop em and drop em

  1. Nice story, loved reading it, stay humble, your doing fine, there is nothing like hunting, enjoy.
  2. A sandwich, apples, a drink, and some candy bars, and a check list. All day shooting video unless I shoot something bigger than a six, good luck, make the most of it, and be careful out there.
  3. The 270 will do the job short range and long range, the 12 gauge is not gonna do it long range.
  4. It is better to have a sighted rifle than to second guess yourself opening day. Everyone hunts the evening of opening day (rifle) after #'s of shots have been made that day. Just make the minimum number of shots and do it till your comfortable. Good luck bow hunting.
  5. I do all day sits first few days of rifle, you just never know. You can't shoot much in camp, you gotta be out there. I just dress appropriately and fill my back pack, if I get something early, i just gut it, hang it, and relax and go out later in the afternoon and maybe take a flat head. Life is good.
  6. The classics are great, but some of that new is pretty good too.
  7. 308 over 223, leave nothing to chance
  8. Me too, we used 22's and that was a lot of fun. Same problem in recent years, no chucks by me also in Delaware County. I have to agree that it is the coyotes, seen coyotes recently but no chucks.
  9. Nice job young lady, and you to proud dad or mom, congrats, many more good times to you both
  10. Thanks for the info, I love these men of the past, a true American, great hunter, and big loss to hunters all across this land. God Bless you.
  11. I take old reliable into the woods, sears and roebuck model 45, 35 rem. It's a great for all weather, short, easy to move around on my tree stand. I got it second hand and have used since 1986. I tried a few others but always felt most comfortable with the 35. Took a number of deer with a rem core lokt 200 gr.
  12. Compact tractor, but make sure it is large enough for certain attachments. You can buy used attachments for reasonable prices. ATV's are good also for wooded, hilly terrain where tractors don't have access.
  13. I have passed up many small bucks (anything under a six) and have gone home empty handed. I enjoy the meat but also enjoy a rack to go with the meat. We mostly mention the size of his racks being spotted, but continue to shoot shorty. Let shorty go and the racks will grow. If you need the meat, ok or harvest a doe.I am not a fan of gov intervention, but have for years let the small ones go voluntarily.
  14. a couple of bucks, looking toward seeing some other photos from other cameras soon
  15. I moved to nassau county in 2001 and paid $5,600 in taxes then and now pay over $11,000. It is a little to much now, and that is with winning grievances to reduce taxes three times
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