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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by erussell

  1. I got it right on the home page, had just brought up huntingny.com and had walked away from the computer didn't even get to click on anything, even the forum.
  2. Its called security tool, a nasty little pain in the Arse I wont be able to get rid of till I get Anti Virus / malware put on my computer again. Look it up on the net there is a billion sites that tell you how to get rid of it. the only problem is mines not hiding where it should be.
  3. Yeah I got security tooled because I wasn't paying attention and had walked away from the computer and was unable to hit stop before it was to late. But I didn't have any virus protection so my bad.
  4. Anyone else get Malware dumped on there computer off this site Sunday? I brought my computer up and logged on Sunday morning and stepped away from the computer to get some coffee and came back just as it was done down loading it. My computer is screwed now, guess I should have sprung for the Virus protection Was it somekind of anti hunter attack or something? Or am I the only one who experienced this? I tried logging on a couple times tonight and it kept telling me it was a dangerous site. Now it seems to be okay.
  5. I think I have decided to build a gun. There are some good kits out there and have a few friends who said they would give me a hand if I got stuck. Think I am looking at this gun. Now just need to figure out if I want it in 20 gauge or 54 cal rifled, decisions, decisions. http://www.trackofthewolf.com/%28S%28d0vmac03hnx4a4rzhsnxup15%29%29/Categories/gunKit.aspx?catId=13&subId=77&styleId=289&partNum=FRENCH-TYPE-C-TRADE-GUN-PARTS-LIST
  6. I would have shot her. No need for an animal that is clearly doomed to suffer any longer than need be. If I had an extra tag I would have put it on her if the meat was good. If I only had one tag and didn't feel comfortable taking the meat I would have shot her and left her for the yotes and everyone else that would have eaten her anyhow after a long and drawn out death or being ripped apart while still alive.
  7. Had a family friend back in the late 80's who was hunting state land and shot a nice buck. He was in the middle of cleaning it out and 2 guys with jersey accents walk up to him and point there guns at him and told him to leave everything inc his gun and start walking. He went and called the police and they came back to a gut pile, followed the drag mark out to the nearest road and they were gone. ???
  8. Oh well it went better than I though it would this yr so live and learn. Next yr Im going to triple the plot size and do a little more experimenting with seed's.
  9. doesn't matter, it frosted on the turnips and rape twice and the deer mowed them right down to the dirt and are now working on killing off every last pc of rye. : Bastages, so much for a late season plot
  10. I especially liked the storie msnbc did on there site today to wnybuckhunter. The storie of the ladie who killed her son while unloading a 700 was especially touching. All I could think was why was it pointed at someone while you were unloading it you dumb ass. Remington didn't kill your kid you did, by not obeying the 1st law of gun safety, never point a gun at something you don't intend to shoot. Which gets me thinking she did it on purpous so she could sue Remington and get some money. Hey just saying, crazier things have happened.
  11. Just to make any anti's who are reading this squirm, I always just pull the tongue out as far as possible and then cut it off. There dead, what do they need a tongue for.
  12. shoulder!! My uncle shot one one time that had 2 broadheads brokeoff in the same shoulder. Never would have beleived it if I had not seen it.
  13. If I have 5 tags to legally kill deer with and I kill 5 deer I am now a game hog? Why not just a better hunter than your average weekend warrior who kills there 1 deer a yr and spends the rest of the yr in front of the TV bitching about me killing all the deer instead of getting off his fat arse and getting into the woods and making his own luck. I always find it funny how the better hunters are always berated and called game hogs because other hunters have no idea how to hunt or are to stubborn to move to another area.
  14. not sure need to take a closer look. Where is this? Please PM directions.
  15. Im already seeing guys driving the roads glassing fields I know they don't have permission to hunt. I know this because I have asked and was told they don't let anyone hunt on there property. I can only surmise they are spoting for there night time drive by. Ive been seeing a nice buck on a certain road by my house the last week or so hanging out under a oak tree at certain times of the day. Well the other night I went for my 3 mile get in shape for the deer season walk and there was a car parked along side the road about 60 yrds from this tree. As soon as they saw me getting closer they hauled tail the other way. Seems over the last yr or so I have seen an increase of slow moving cars at night or orange vested hunters driving the roads slowly checking out the woods around my house. Thinking about calling the Game Warden this week and complaining. Maybe they will bring out the robo deer. And 1/2 of them are PA plates.
  16. Wind is blowing hard enough to blow my car around the road tonight so probably wont waste my time dodging falling tree branches and acorns tommarrow. Sunday and Monday are looking up though so will probably get out both nights. Kind of hard not to go out tommarrow with all the nice bucks ive been seeing lately but will hold off when chance of not getting blown out of my stand is better.
  17. found a giant rub tonight on one pc of property and saw a buck in the 120's tonight at my house so not sure what im going to do. Just keep an eye on it and see how it goe's
  18. I won't get any sleep tonight, Ill be working
  19. waste of time in the wind, will sit 1st day out and hunt Sunday morning, should be good.
  20. def 2 1/2, he has a basket rack, not even outside his ears yet, no mass. Kind of hard to judge the body, nothing around for comparison.
  21. its an old video but I still laugh my butt off every time I see it
  22. Another article from another site. http://www.nybowhunter.com/2009/11/bedell-buck-194-orleans-county-monster.html
  23. I went a few yrs ago and got 3 about 25lbs apiece in one day. Fight was not all that great and the meat was rancid ,awe full. Better to go for the stealies and Browns that follow them up. Let the Salmon spawn and die and get there relatives out on the lake where they taste halfway decent.
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