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Everything posted by erussell

  1. My buddie has passed every small buck he has seen for the last 4 yrs on his40 acre property. He just left my house with A dvd of 4 bucks he saw yesterday. 3 are in the 130's and one is a 150 to 160 class buck. And there are no fields of corn or food plots around. You dont need good eats to make good deer, just age.
  2. Ive seen spikes with 15" spikes before that was aged at 1 1/2. A spike with a 12 inch spread could be a nice 8 next yr. But I digress if you want to shoot a spike go ahead. You dont live in a free country you live in a country ruled by laws. True freedom would be Anarchy and that would not be very good for AR.
  3. Went out last night and found a spot to set up on the ground in a blown down tree. At 5:30 a doe started making her away down the trail to me and was on line to pass me about 20 yids out when she stopped and looked behind her. I was like yes there is a buck following her. There was a lot of raucous behind her in the brush and she took off like a shot and out poped a mama bear and three cubs heading right at me. AT 50 yrds they didn't look like they were going to swerve off there collision course so I headed out the other way. I kept and eye over my shoulder and they never ran off just watched me leave. This morning had a basket rack eight point pass by under my stand then 10 min later a nice 4 came by under my stand. There was a deer up the hill moving around and he started walking up to see what it was. At 60 yrds he hopped onto another trail and made a scrap. Then he snapped to attention and started this deep grunting and took off like a shot and right into the side of another buck. They went around and around smashing over trees and beating the crap out of each other for 5 min. It was the most awesome thing I have ever seen in the woods. They actually battled for about a minute pushing and shoving and grunting up a storm. then rested for about a minute steam pouring off them in the cold morning air, then they went back at it pushing each other around again till the 8 point ran off with the 4 points antlers up his arse. The four stopped and the 8 point stopped about 40 yards from him and then they did something I never would have believed. The started snort wheezing at each other. ( I have always said there was no such thing as a snort wheeze, that it was made up by the call companies to sell more calls) So I stand here today corrected bucks in a fight do snort wheeze. Well the 4 point must have done better because then the eight point took off. All I can say is today was freaking awesome.
  4. post it solid and then dont let anyone shoot anything is still AR
  5. Ive seen spikes that were 15 to 16 inch before in Alabama. Deer was aged at 1 1/2 at a check station. Some deer just have better genetics and are bigger spikes than others not the other way around sometimes
  6. As much money as I give to the DEC they should be a little more pro hunting in my opinion. I think its time to push through a hunting rights bill like most other states have.
  7. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F1061EFE345F15738DDDAA0A94DA415B8484F0D3
  8. I had a friend who hunted some new land he bought. He set up a stand about 20 yrds from the border of his property. Well the neighbor was a rabid anti and called the game warden and told him the land was his and the warden didn't even check into it he just came and took the stand and left a note saying that if he wanted it he needed to call the warden. So after a whole bunch of hullabaloo he proved the stand was on his property and got the stand back. Then he went and built 6 permanent stands along the boarder of his property to tick the anti off. So if you find a stand on the property and you want to send them a message have the game warden remove it.
  9. Sorry the older I get the less tolerant I get of other peoples bull. I'm sorry to hear about his situation but to take a im going home with my toys because you wont do what I want attitude is the wrong way to go, especially since the DEC really doesn't care if he shuts off his land or not. The only people who are suffering are the hunters. Especially the young hunters, would have been better if he said unless you bring a young kid with you you can't go hunting. I understand he is frustrated and I would beg him to rethink his position. Crossbows will be in archery sooner than you think, even though I don't think it will be soon enough.
  10. Saw a nice eight point harassing a few does yesterday morning, plus 2 other bucks running a field. Then hunting that evening I had a 4 point under my stand and watched another buck making scrapes below me on another ridge. They have the pre rut jitters bad.
  11. Hear , Hear , Doc Agreed. I especially get annoyed with the arrow still sticking out of the chest cavity pics that somepeople like to post. I can't think of a more distasteful way to photograph your kill, other than shoveing a baseball bat up its arse and taking a picture. Grow up your not 12 anymore. What do you think gives hunting a better perception with none hunters, A deer laying there with an arrow sticking out of a gaping chest wound, blood all over the place, And a scruffy hunter sipping a beer in the pic. Or a well cleaned up deer and hunter pic. You should always take pics of your game like a person who doesn't hunt and is not sure how they feel about hunting is going to be viewing the pics.
  12. I like to call them Ghost bucks. I have a spot in Kirkwood I hunt that I once hunted for 4 days straight without seeing any rubs. The last morning I hunted and headed home to run some errands, came back around 4 pm and there was a new rub not more than 10 ft from where my stand was.
  13. Bucks were moving like crazy this morning. Saw a few nice ones runnimg around this morning on my way back from work. I didn't get a chance to get out in the morning but was in my stand by 4pm and had a nice 6 point at 10 yrds not to soon after that. Let him go, had a pic of him on my cell phone but forgot to hit save in all the excitement. Then just at dark there was another small buck I saw come through making scrapes on the trails below me on the mnt. There really starting to get worked up, should be almost in full swing by next fri give or take a few days of course.
  14. what is he 12 yrs old ??? Unfortunately it will happen to all of us sooner or later. Im not looking forward to not being able to pull my bow back but it will happen someday. And if he can't pull a bow back how is he going to crank a crossbow back, or drag a deer or climb a tree stand or get into the woods in general without killing himself and being an inconvenience to others. Sounds like he needs to give it a rest for a few yrs till he's back into somekind of shape. By then AR and crossbows will be here so tell him not to sweat it. Hell have his crossbow but he wont be able to shoot anything with it.
  15. I had a guy one time put up a homemade ladder stand made of wood on our property one time. I asked my uncle if it was suppose to be there and he said no and take care of it. So I went up with my machete and chopped it up into little pcs and left it in a pile next to the tree and put a posted sign on the tree for good measure. The guy called my uncle all pissed off wanting to know why we had cut up his stand. My uncle was just like, maybe because you dont have permission to hunt my property. Then the guy went on the whole Ive hunted here for 30 yrs speech and we just told him he didn't anymore.
  16. Ive got Nov 6 - 13 for bow off then Im off from work Nov 20th to the 28th can't wait
  17. Anyone here ever kill a deer with a flintlock longrifle? How far of a shot was it?
  18. What do you feel is the eventual effect of using estrous scent & bleat cans of getting them to respond in the future? Will the bucks come in, but stay at a distance looking for the doe? Or will they always respond with only one thing on their mind? Inquiring mind.... This is NY state don't forget. They wont live past gun season to remember for next yr
  19. Another funny deer story http://lacrossetribune.com/news/local/article_9ee5d1bc-cdbc-11de-a418-001cc4c002e0.html
  20. Have had more bucks come running in after grunting then hitting the can. Works only during the chase and seek phase. Especially if you have a buck chasing does that are not ready yet turn it upside down and pull the bow back because they are coming.
  21. Would def shoot dead!!! The crazy rack is from damage to the deers body somewhere. Back 10 yrs ago there was a buck running around my house that had survived a ham shot with a bow but it had damaged all the tendons in its leg so the leg stuck straight out behind the deer. He was basically a 3 leg deer but he still had all 4 legs. Was really funny to watch him chase does. But he had the same type of rack tiny scraggly rack on one side and a huge 5 on the other.
  22. Deers not 4 yrs old. Not calling you a liar just saying its not the same deer as the one you got 4 yrs ago. If it was then this deer had other problems which keep it from growing which makes it null envoid as an excuse against AR. Besides under AR it would be legal to shoot, so I dont see your problem with AR.
  23. I finally found where it was hiding and re-named it then logged off and logged back on and found it again and then you are able to just delet it
  24. I abide by lots of laws I don't agree with so yes, if ARs were the law where I hunted then I would follow them. Just because I follow a law doesn't make it inherently a good law. I don't believe anyone can look at a buck on the hoof and say for certain "That deer is 1.5 (or 3.5 or 6.75) years old." anyway. How old is this one? Wow that is a hell of a yrling you dont shoot him and in a few short yrs he would be a nice deer. I like it when people shoot the little ones and have to leave the woods because there all out of tags. Then I can get down to the bussiness at hand of finding and killing a big buck. Someitmes I win more often than not they win. Thats why they made muzzloader season so I can fill out the rest of my tags on meat does and young fawns. Yummmy fawns! :-\
  25. Yeah that's why I choose the kit I did it was there easiest kit to put together. Plus for and extra 100 they'll put your barrel together correctly. Browning does sound like a pain and blueing sounds like a mess.
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