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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by erussell

  1. Article in the paper today http://www.pressconnects.com/article/20101118/NEWS01/11180386/New-York-considers-the-value-of-antler-restrictions-in-deer-hunting
  2. I have a small plot maybe, 20yrds by 20 yrds that was doing great with the turnips, Rape and winter rye. That is untill the 1st frost, they mowed it over in a few days.
  3. erussell


    problem #1 is power belts. Throw them out and get 240 grain xtp sabots. Thier about 11 dollars for 30 at walmart. I use them out of my T/C triumph with 150 grains of 777 and they hold a nice pattern at 100 yds. I never liked the power belts much.
  4. to funny fasteddie ;D ;D I have the plain old adjustible strap. I hang it high enough behind me on the tree so I can sit and thats about it. I keep it loose enough under my arms so i can turn and it has worked pretty good so far. I tied it to the tree my shooting platform is attached to in my yard and stepped off the platform and just kind of swung to the side of the tree, no drop. I had it loose enough I was then able to turn around and pull myself back up onto the stand. It did chafe my underarms a little though.
  5. went out tonight and saw 1 doe. Bucks have all disappeared. ???
  6. called in a nice 8 point with the can and grunt and ended up shooting him to low. Only found a few drops of blood and lots of white hair.
  7. Yeah i have an 20 ft elevated shooting platform i shoot from sitting and standing. I prefer to shoot sitting since there is less of a chance to get spotted moving. I think what happened is I was aiming for 20 yards and the deer was actually at 23 or 24 yards just enough to make it drop out of the kill area. As soon as the arrow hit I knew it was to low and was trying to find the rewind button frantically to get a do over but no luck. : Oh well that's why its hunting and not deer killing. 100% fair chase got to love it. That makes 3 good ones sited already all within 50 yrds or closer, gun season is looking up this yr.
  8. I tried simulating the shot 5 more times on my 3-d target. Aimed in the same spot and sat at the same height and everything and every time the arrow hits dead center of the target. Not sure what happened. I went out this morning for a few hrs and saw a doe and a young one. The 10 point is still a no show, I hope he didn't get shot yet.
  9. passed up a four point and a five point and had a nice 8 point in the 120's chase a doe past my stand. Ended up calling him back into my 20 yrd mark after he lost his doe. The shot was low and only found a few drops of blood. I am so bummed. Last I saw of him he had re found his doe and he was headed for Timbuktu chasing her again.
  10. passed on a six, a four, a spike and then at dark I passed up a basket 8 point. Ten point was a no show along with the 2 big 8's and a new one my wife saw tonight on the way home that had a drop tine.
  11. Brassicas are nice, but as I found out this yr, unless you have acres and acres of the stuff, they will mow it down in a few days after a good frost. I would suggest if you plant brassicas to throw down lots of winter rye around the beginning of sept also to keep deer coming in after the brassicas are gone. Some people like wheat or oats also, but i threw a few hand fulls I got from my friend down in certain spots around the plot and as soon as it frosted they both died. The winter rye is nice and green and drawing in the deer still. Had a brain fart the other day and walked up to the food plot in the middle of the day just to see how it was doing and kicked out a big 8 out that was bedded on the edge of the plot. I kicked my self all the way off the mountain. Plus the winter rye will winter over under the snow, so your good for all deer season and in the spring it will give them some food till things start to get green.
  12. Getting ready to head out. I got up this morning and stepped out on the deck and it was in the 30's and wind was blowing hard. So i went back to bed. My wife just left for work and came speeding back down the drive way and said big ten had just crossed the road up into my stand area. So im out to freeze to death after him. Should be nasty
  13. sweet and in the daylight to.
  14. Sat for 6 hrs today and only had 4 doe run past my stand with a small buck on there tail at dark. To warm = sucks. Thats ok glass of wine making everything ok.
  15. Sat was awesome, started out slow, then I decided to rattle a little. a 4 point came right passed my stand grunting all the way then nothing. About 1/2 an hr later I heard a commotion behind me and there were 5 doe making there way thu the woods right at me. And all I could hear was a deep grunt behind them . Then there he was a nice 10 point in the 130's or higher. Then they all veered to the right and stopped at 40rds. My left leg started shaking uncontrollably. Then they all started moving away from my stand. I waited till they got about 70 yrds away and I grunted. He whipped his head around and looked my way and I threw a deer bleat at him and grunted again. He looked in my direction again then back at his does. I threw another doe bleat at him and he looked back at his does then turned and chased them down over the hill a way and i got to watch him run around after them for awhile the they took off down the hill farther. Hard to compete with 5 doe.
  16. Must be new to forums ;D This forum is rather tame compaired to the old one some of us use to go to. There was some less than honest fellows on there that got caught in there lies so you have to excuse some of us we are a little more skepticle than others about some peoples claims. Don't worry about the trail cam photos post you have referred to, I can't count on my hands and feet the number of NY trail cam photos I have seen on this and other NY sites with corn or other bait visable in the shot.
  17. Need pistol permit also
  18. Someone needs to explain to her that if you are taking a pic of a big buck you just shot you are suppose to be in camo. I am pretty sure this pic is against some NY game law.
  19. the bird shot at the end was pretty cool. And the bird shot hitting the bullet in flight was awesome
  20. Got in stand around 3:30pm and around 4 had 2 bears feeding on the acorns around me. They were both very small probably last yrs. They stayed there for 2 hrs feeding back and forth in front of me. I decided the deer hunting was shot so I stood up and scared the bears away then got down. I was packing all my stuff up on the ground and turned around and there were 5 doe standing there looking at me. Stupid Bears.
  21. Wish they told you what each bullet was, some of them were going through steel plates and coming out nice and expanded.
  22. My buddy came over today and brought a video of a couple of 130ish class bucks and a monstrosity of a 10 point that is going to def score over 150 that he saw Saturday, the mass is spectacular.
  23. There actually all from PA because they have AR. Or from ohio.
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